On this page
2.1 General conduct | 2.2 Identification | 2.3 Communication | 2.4 Relevant documentary evidence | 2.5 Study management
2.1 General conduct
2.1.1 Each student has individual responsibility to comply with the Act, the By-law, these Rules, and the codes of conduct, policies, procedures, directives, guidelines and any other form of regulation of the University and relevant external authorities. Each student is required to acknowledge, by means of a signed statement or electronic confirmation, his or her agreement to comply with them.
2.1.2 Each student is required to maintain a standard of conduct acceptable to the University at all times whilst on University premises or undertaking any work in relation to his or her University course, or engaged in any activity related to his or her study at or through the University, and in relation to both academic and non-academic matters.
2.1.3 For the purposes of Rule 2.1.2, a standard of conduct acceptable to the University includes, without limitation, a standard of conduct that does not prejudice the good name or academic standing of the University.
2.1.4 While on the premises of the University, or undertaking any work in relation to his or her University course, or engaged in any activity related to study at or through the University, a student shall comply with any reasonable directive from an officer of the University.
2.1.5 A student undertaking an offshore course, or participating in a period of offshore study as part of an international studies program or overseas exchange program, or participating in other offshore activities related to their studies, must comply with the conditions of participation as determined by the University and with all requirements including, without limitation, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, directives, guidelines and codes of conduct of the host institution or place of business.
2.1.6 A student participating in clinical practice, fieldwork, internships, industry or other practical experience must comply with all requirements including, without limitation, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, directives, guidelines and codes of conduct relating to such participation as determined by the University.
2.1.7 A student participating in learning experiences that are part of a course and that involve laboratories or similar University facilities or situations must comply with any code of conduct relating to such facilities or situations as determined by the University.
2.1.8 A student, potential student or person who is acting on behalf of or in relation to a student or potential student must not knowingly submit to the University a document or any item that:
(1) is falsely signed; or
(2) contains any forged signature; or
(3) contains any false, untrue or misleading statement or information.
2.1.9 If the Vice-Chancellor (or the Vice-Chancellor's nominee) considers that there is a risk that a student's conduct will:
(a) interfere with the freedom or ability of other people to:
(i) pursue their studies;
(ii) carry out their functions; or
(iii) otherwise participate in University life;
(b) threaten the safety of other student/s, staff or visitors to University campus; or
(c) otherwise negatively impact the University in a significant fashion,
then, irrespective of or in addition to any other University processes (including any misconduct proceedings), the Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor's nominee may:
(d) ban the student from:
(i) attending all or any part of University premises; and/or
(ii) participating in any or all University activities for a specific period; or
(e) impose specific conditions on the student’s participation in any or all University activities for a specific period.
The Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor's nominee must:
(f) notify the student in writing of the ban or conditions, when they start, and their duration;
(g) give the student an opportunity to respond to the specific nature of the ban or conditions within a specified timeframe, including providing any relevant information that the student would like the decision-maker to consider, or any practical considerations that the student thinks should be taken into account. The decision-maker is not required to consider any submission by the student about whether any allegations about the student's previous conduct are true, or whether their conduct or alleged conduct in fact poses the risk that the decision-maker has identified;
(h) consider any submission put by the student; and
(i) in light of that consideration, notify the student in writing whether the ban or conditions will continue to be imposed, or whether there will be any amendment to them.
The student must comply with the ban or conditions imposed by the Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor's nominee under (f) and/or (i) above.
In this clause, notwithstanding any definition elsewhere in these Rules, 'student' means a person who is enrolled in an award course or non-award study.
2.1.10 Failure to:
(1) comply with the Act, the By-law, these Rules, and the codes of conduct, policies, procedures, directives, guidelines and any other form of regulation of the University or relevant external authorities; or
(2) maintain a standard of conduct acceptable to the University; or
(3) comply with conditions set by the Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor's nominee under Rule 2.1.9; or
(4) comply with any reasonable directives from an officer of the University; or
(5) comply with any other provision of Rules 2.1.1 to 2.1.8;
may be an act of misconduct and may be dealt with under the provisions of Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
2.2 Identification
2.2.1 Student Identity Card
(1) Students shall each be issued with a Student Identity Card showing their University Student Identification Numbers and photographs.
(2) A student will retain the same UTS Student Identification Number during all periods of study at the University.
(3) Student Identity Cards remain the property of the University and are not transferable.
(4) Students are under an obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure that the Student Identity Card issued to them is held in a secure way and is not made available whether deliberately or inadvertently for any other person to use.
(5) A student who takes leave of absence, ceases to attend or withdraws from all study must return his or her Student Identity Card to the University.
(6) A student must carry his or her Student Identity Card at all times while on University premises and at such other locations as may be prescribed in the requirements of his or her course.
(7) A student must produce his or her Student Identity Card on demand of an officer of the University, including but not limited to when:
(a) gaining entry to an examination room;
(b) gaining entry to and borrowing books from the University Library;
(c) borrowing University equipment;
(d) proving his or her identity as a student of the University with current entitlement to, access to, and use of, the University's facilities, equipment and amenities.
(8) A student who has lost or otherwise misplaced his or her Student Identity Card must arrange for a replacement card at the earliest practicable opportunity. A fee will apply for replacement of a lost Student Identity Card.
(9) Misuse of a Student Identity Card may constitute misconduct under Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
2.2.2 Student access to controlled areas and facilities
(1) A student may be issued with Student Security Identification (SSI) which means a Student Personal Identification Number (PIN), password, swipe card and/or any other form of access control device. A SSI is used to control access to specific areas of the University and facilities directly related to the student's current subject enrolment.
(2) Each SSI is for the personal use of that student only and is not transferable.
(3) Each student is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his or her own SSI, and must take reasonable steps to ensure that it is not made known to any other person whether deliberately or inadvertently.
(4) If a student becomes aware that his or her SSI has been compromised he or she must take steps immediately to have the compromised SSI deactivated and a replacement issued.
(5) The SSI is to be used in accordance with its current terms and conditions.
(6) Misuse of a SSI or the University access control system may constitute misconduct under Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
2.2.3 Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)
(1) Under the provisions of relevant legislation, specified students will be allocated a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) (or such other equivalent number of identifier allocated by the Commonwealth from time to time).
(2) This CHESSN will:
(a) only be activated if the student accesses Commonwealth higher education assistance;
(b) be limited in its use to uses provided for in the relevant legislation;
(c) have its use protected under the relevant legislation.
(3) A student who is required to provide a CHESSN and fails to do so, or who provides a number that is invalid or false, may have his or her admission to or enrolment in the course cancelled or changed to another status.
2.2.4 Tax File Number (TFN)
(1) Under the provisions of relevant legislation, students who are eligible to make payments for fees, loans or other contributions through the Australian taxation system, may be required to provide the University with a Tax File Number (TFN).
(2) This TFN will:
(a) be limited in its use to the reporting of financial liability to the relevant Commonwealth offices;
(b) have its use protected under the relevant legislation.
(3) A student who is required to provide a valid TFN and fails to do so, or who provides a number that is invalid or false, may have his or her admission to or enrolment in the course cancelled or changed to another status.
2.2.5 Unique Student Identifier (USI)
(1) Under the provisions of relevant legislation, students who are eligible for a commonwealth supported place and commonwealth financial assistance (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP) are required to provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) on their electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF). All remaining students, including graduate research students, are required to provide a USI prior to their final session.
(2) This USI will:
(a) be limited in its use to the reporting to the relevant Commonwealth offices;
(b) have its use protected under the relevant legislation.
(3) A student who is required to provide a valid USI and fails to do so, or who provides a number that is invalid or false, may have their admission to or enrolment in the course cancelled or changed or degree conferral and award held.
2.3 Communication
2.3.1 Official University notices shall be displayed at the direction of the University Secretary on the official noticeboard on the UTS website.
2.3.2 The University will make a student system account including a UTS email address available to each student. Email from the University to a student will be sent to the student's UTS email address. Email sent from a student to the University must be sent from the student's UTS email address.
2.3.3 The University may in its absolute discretion communicate with students using any of the following:
(1) the UTS email address;
(2) Short Message Service (SMS) by voice or text to a telephone number provided by a student; and/or
(3) mail.
2.3.4 Notices sent by mail to the mail address provided by a student, whether standard or registered mail, by email to a student's UTS email address or by SMS will be deemed to have been received by the student as follows:
(1) by mail, two working days after posting for domestic mail and 10 working days after posting for international mail;
(2) by email or SMS, at the time sent by the University.
2.3.5 Students have a responsibility to access University notices and correspondence communicated via the official noticeboard, the UTS email address, the student system account, SMS and/or mail. Failing to read notices or correspondence, or misreading or misunderstanding notices or correspondence will not be accepted as a reason for students being unaware of material contained in them.
2.3.6 Students have a responsibility to respond to communication from the University in a timely manner.
2.3.7 Students should quote their Student Identification Number in all communications.
2.3.8 Students have a responsibility to make and retain a copy of all documents, forms and correspondence lodged with the University, including copies of electronic transactions.
2.3.9 Students must notify Student Administration of any change in their contact details as soon as possible, by online access to MyStudentAdmin on the student system account and/or by other designated mode of written or electronic notification to student administrative services or support as prescribed by the Director, Student Administration from time to time. The University will not accept responsibility if communications fail to reach a student who has not so notified Student Administration of a change of contact details.
2.4 Relevant documentary evidence
2.4.1 In particular circumstances students are required to provide relevant documentary evidence in support of requests, including but not limited to requests for special consideration.
2.4.2 Medical or other professional certificates alone do not constitute adequate supporting evidence for such requests. Medical or other professional evidence must be provided by the relevant authority on the professional authority form (or other form) as prescribed by the Director, Student Administration from time to time.
2.4.3 The submission of falsified medical or other certificates or of false statements on relevant official University request forms will be treated as a matter of student misconduct and handled in accordance with Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
2.5 Study management
2.5.1 Each student has responsibility for completion of all requirements associated with admission, enrolment, assessment and academic progression in compliance with the relevant specific Rules, including, but not limited to:
(1) provision of all relevant personal information to the University or its agents, including statistical information, contact information and a current mailing address;
(2) disclosure of all previous academic information;
(3) payment of fees and charges by the due date;
(4) re-enrolment at the University each year or at other times as required; and
(5) submission of an appropriate enrolment program and rectification of any known discrepancies with the enrolment program in the required timeframes.
2.5.2 All students must comply with any requirements for enrolment or study at the University including but not limited to obligations and/or restrictions that may apply under relevant legislation. International students must also comply with legislative requirements relating but not limited to:
(1) any requirements relating to attendance or study mode;
(2) any conditions for enrolment and progress through an award course;
(3) any conditions relating to student load; and
(4) any conditions relating to leave of absence.