On this page
Part A — General provisions | 16.1 Application | 16.2 Definition of misconduct | 16.3 Penalties | 16.4 Designation | 16.5 Procedural fairness | 16.6 Allegation of misconduct | 16.7 Admission of misconduct | 16.8 Annual report of matters related to student misconduct and appeals
Part B — Temporary exclusion | 16.9 Exclusion from facilities and/or participation in activities
Part C — Allegations of misconduct handled at the faculty level | 16.10 Allegations referred to the Responsible Academic Officer | 16.11 Responsible Academic Officer’s decision on misconduct involving plagiarism
Part D — Allegations of misconduct handled centrally | 16.12 Allegations referred to the Director, Governance Support Unit
Part E — Student misconduct appeals | 16.13 Basis for appeals | 16.14 Student Misconduct Appeals Committee
Part A — General provisions
16.1 Application
16.1.1 The Rules in this section apply to and in respect of all students of the University and in respect of misconduct by a person who was a student at the time of the misconduct, whether or not the person is currently enrolled (refer Rule 1.2.2).
16.1.2 Nothing in these Rules precludes the University from initiating civil or criminal proceedings against a student or former student in respect of misconduct.
16.2 Definition of misconduct
16.2.1 Student misconduct includes but is not limited to:
(1) (a) cheating or acting dishonestly in any way; or
(b) assisting any other student to cheat or act dishonestly in any way; or
(c) seeking assistance from others in order to cheat or act dishonestly; or
(d) attempting (a) or (b) or (c) in an examination, test, assignment, essay, thesis or any other assessment task that a student undertakes as part of the educational requirements of the course in which the student is enrolled.
Examples of the different types of cheating include but are not limited to:
- Copying and or reworking any parts of work produced by another student and submitting as your own work.
- Requesting or paying someone to complete your assessment or parts of your assessment.
- Accessing unauthorised material for a quiz, examination or any other form of assessment.
- Breaching an examination condition including but, not limited to interfering with the examination invigilation and not presenting identification as required.
- Recycling your own previously submitted assessment or parts of the assessment.
- Assisting any other student to cheat by sharing your assessment or parts of your assessment to another UTS student.
- Sharing your assessment or parts of your assessment on any external platforms including online.
- Providing a student or students with answers for a quiz, examination or any other form of assessment.
- Manipulate an assessment to avoid the UTS detection software.
- Use of a third-party service to bypass the UTS detection software.
- Copying or reworking any material (e.g., text, images, music, video) from generative AI tools, and claiming this work as your own without declaring use of the relevant tool.
- Using generative AI tools for assessment tasks where it has been specified that they are not to be used.
(2) accessing or using another person’s work by theft or other unauthorised means;
(3) using, or attempting to use, any material or equipment that is not specified on an examination paper for use in the examination;
(4) plagiarising, i.e. taking and using someone else’s ideas or manner of expressing them and passing them off as their own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement of the source to seek to gain an advantage by unfair means;
(5) acting in contravention of any official statement that defines acceptable academic practice as approved by Council, Academic Board or a Faculty Board from time to time;
(6) contravening any provision of the Act, the By-law, these Rules, and the codes of conduct, policies, procedures, directives, guidelines and any other form of regulation of the University;
(7) acting in contravention of any official statement that defines acceptable standards of conduct and behaviour as approved by Council, Academic Board or a Faculty Board from time to time;
(8) prejudicing the good name or academic standing of the University;
(9) prejudicing the good order and government of the University;
(10) a breach of confidentiality or privacy requirements or obligations in respect of the University or its staff, students or other relevant parties;
(11) unreasonably interfering with the freedom of other persons to pursue their studies, carry out their functions or participate in the life of the University;
(12) harassing or engaging in any other form of improper or discriminatory behaviour towards another student, an officer of the University, a visitor to the University, or any other person while that person is engaged in any activity related to their University purposes; such misconduct may relate, but is not limited, to race, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, sexual preference, disability, age, political conviction or religious belief;
(13) intimidating or assaulting another student, officer of the University, a visitor to the University or any other person on University premises or while that person is engaged in any activity related to their University purposes;
(14) failing to comply with any order or direction lawfully made or given under the Act, the By-law, these Rules, and the codes of conduct, policies, procedures, directives, guidelines and any other form of regulation of the University;
(15) refusing to identify himself or herself when asked lawfully to do so by an officer of the University;
(16) failing to comply with any conditions set by the Vice-Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee under Rules 2.1.9 or 16.3.3;
(17) breaching the terms or conditions of a penalty imposed for student misconduct;
(18) obstructing any officer of the University in the performance of the officer’s duties including preventing or attempting to prevent an officer of the University from occupying or using their assigned work area and/or refusing to leave such an area when instructed to do so;
(19) behaving disgracefully, improperly or inappropriately:
(a) in a class, meeting or other activity in or under the control or supervision of the University; or
(b) on University premises, facilities or virtual spaces; or
(c) on any other premises, facilities or virtual spaces to which the student has access for their University purposes; or
(d) while pursuing any activity related to their University enrolment;
(20) publishing material which is abusive, offensive, vilifying, harassing, discriminatory or inappropriate about the University, another student, or an officer of the University, in any forum or media, including but not limited to print, internet, social media, email, digital or electronic communications and broadcasting forums;
(21) failing to comply with the prescribed provisions relating to the student’s internship or other placement at another institution, place of learning or place of business;
(22) acting dishonestly in relation to an application for admission to the University;
(23) knowingly making any false or misleading representation about things that concern the student as a student of the University including but not limited to a breach of Rule 2.1.8;
(24) knowingly making any false or misleading representation in relation to funding, prizes, grants and/or scholarships;
(25) fabrication, falsification or misleading representation of data or results;
(26) wilful concealment or a facilitation of research misconduct by others;
(27) altering or attempting to alter any document or record of the University, or causing or attempting to cause any unauthorised alteration of such a document or record;
(28) altering or falsifying any document that the University requires of the student (e.g. medical certificate, professional authority form or other supporting documentation);
(29) impersonating another student, or arranging for anyone to impersonate a student, in an examination, assessment task, an assessment requirement or in any other University related activity;
(30) misusing any University facility in a manner which is illegal or which is or will be detrimental to the rights or property of others;
(31) without limiting, in any way, 16.2.1(30), or the definition of ‘facility’, misusing any computing or communications equipment or capacity to which the student has access at or away from University premises for their University purposes in a manner which is illegal or which is or will be detrimental to the rights or property of others;
(32) stealing, destroying, damaging or causing loss or cost in respect of a facility or property of the University or for which the University is responsible, or any other property of any other person within the University premises;
(33) making an unauthorised disclosure of and/or misusing Student Security Identification (SSI);
16.3 Penalties
16.3.1 The penalty or penalties for student misconduct may be one or more of the following:
(1) rescission of an academic award conferred by the University where the award is as a result or partly as a result of fraud or serious misconduct committed by the student before the award was conferred;
(2) revocation of a recommendation to Academic Board that a student has satisfied the requirements for an award, effective for a period of up to 12 months;
(3) permanent exclusion from the University, in which case:
(a) the student’s enrolment will be terminated;
(b) the student will be recorded as excluded from the University;
(c) the student will not be entitled to any benefits, advantages or privileges of the University;
(d) the student will not be permitted to enrol in any course whether for award or otherwise at the University;
(e) any further applications from the student for admission to any course at the University will not be considered;
(4) exclusion from the University for a period of up to five years in which case:
(a) the student’s enrolment will be terminated;
(b) the student will be recorded as excluded from the University for the specified period of exclusion;
(c) the student will not be entitled to any benefits, advantages or privileges of the University for the specified period of exclusion;
(d) the student will not be permitted to enrol in any course at the University whether for award or otherwise during the period of any exclusion;
(e) the student may reapply for readmission to the course at the University at the end of the period of exclusion. Readmission is not automatic (refer Rule 5.9.3). If a student is readmitted, conditions relating to the student’s future conduct at the University may be set by the Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee (refer Rule 2.1.9);
(5) suspension from the University for a specified period not exceeding 12 months in which case:
(a) the student will not be entitled to any benefits, advantages or privileges of the University during the period of suspension;
(b) the student will be recorded as suspended from the University for the specified period of suspension;
(c) the student will not be permitted to enrol in any course whether for award or otherwise at the University during the period of suspension;
(d) the student will be entitled to re-enrol in the course from which the student has been suspended at the end of the period of suspension;
(6) suspension from a course of the University for a period not exceeding 12 months in which case:
(a) the student will not be entitled to any course-related benefits, advantages or privileges of the University during the period of suspension;
(b) the student will be recorded as suspended from the course for the specified period of suspension;
(c) the student will not be permitted to enrol in the course from which the student has been suspended during the period of suspension;
(d) the student will be entitled to re-enrol in the course from which the student has been suspended at the end of the period of suspension;
(7) withholding of academic results for the relevant teaching period, and/or of official academic records, including deferral or withdrawal of permission to graduate;
(8) imposing conditions on enrolment and participation in specified subjects for a specified period not exceeding 12 months, in which case if there is a breach of the imposed conditions during the specified period the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee or Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals (SMA) may impose a more severe penalty;
(9) if the misconduct relates to a subject in which the student is enrolled:
(a) a reduction in marks for any part or parts of an assessment; or
(b) a zero mark and ‘Fail’ result for any part or parts of an assessment; or
(c) a requirement that the student re-do and submit a specific assessment task, with a reduction in marks to no more than a specified percentage, normally 50 per cent, of the maximum possible mark in the assessment task; or
(d) a requirement that the student must undertake another alternative assessment task, for which the maximum possible mark can be no greater than a specified percentage, normally 50 per cent, of the maximum possible mark in the assessment task; or
(e) a zero mark and ‘Fail’ result for the subject, in which case the zero mark and ‘Fail’ result will be denoted on the official record of the student in the same way as a ‘Fail’ result awarded in the usual way;
(10) exclusion from attendance at specified classes or subjects for a specified period not exceeding 12 months, provided that these do not include the entirety of classes or subjects for which the student is enrolled or is eligible to be enrolled;
(11) exclusion from and prohibition from use of specified facilities of the University for a specified period not exceeding 12 months;
(12) payment to the University or a third party by a specified date of a specified amount not exceeding the amount of any loss or damage where an act of misconduct involves loss of or damage to property or facilities of the University or a third party, in which case failure to pay the specified amount to the University by the specified date will be treated as a debt to the University and incur any or all such sanctions for non-payment of charges as are provided for in Section 4 (Fees, charges and other financial obligations);
(13) payment to the University by a specified date of a specified amount for its costs, not exceeding the amount of any costs incurred where an act of misconduct involves lengthy inquiries and proceedings, in which case failure to pay the specified amount to the University by the specified date will be treated as a debt to the University and incur any or all such sanctions for non payment of charges as are provided for in Section 4 (Fees, charges and other financial obligations);
(14) payment to the University by a specified date of a fine up to $5000, with maximum fines for particular types of offences determined in accordance with the Guidelines on Determining an Appropriate Penalty for Instances of Student Misconduct (refer Schedule 4), in which case failure to pay the specified amount to the University by the specified date will be treated as a debt to the University and incur any or all such sanctions for non-payment of charges as are provided for in Section 4 (Fees, charges and other financial obligations);
(15) imposition of specified conditions on attendance at specified classes or use of specified facilities or services of the University;
(16) a reprimand.
16.3.2 Matters which may be taken into account in recommending or imposing a penalty in respect of instances of misconduct under these Rules include but are not limited to:
(1) the nature and seriousness of the misconduct;
(2) a student’s previous record of misconduct;
(3) previous penalties imposed for student misconduct including any penalty deferred or suspended in accordance with Rule 16.3.3;
(4) the fact that a student has admitted an alleged act of misconduct;
(5) the fact that a student came forward on the student’s own initiative and admitted an act of misconduct.
Regard should also be had to the Guidelines on Determining an Appropriate Penalty for Instances of Student Misconduct (refer Schedule 4) which can be amended by the Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee from time to time, subject to notification of any change to Academic Board and Council.
16.3.3 The operation of a penalty may be:
(1) deferred by the person imposing the penalty for a period that will not normally exceed two years, but may in appropriate cases continue for the duration of a student’s enrolment. During the period in which a penalty is deferred, as a condition of continued enrolment, the student must comply with any conditions prescribed by the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee, the Director, Governance Support Unit or the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals.
(2) suspended by the person imposing the penalty for a period that will not normally exceed two years, but may in appropriate cases continue for the duration of a student’s enrolment. If there is a further act of misconduct during the specified period, the penalty will be imposed immediately.
16.4 Designation
16.4.1 The Vice-Chancellor may at any time designate a nominee including the Provost or a Deputy Vice-Chancellor with appropriate portfolio responsibilities, to exercise all or part of the Vice-Chancellor’s powers, duties and responsibilities under this section of the Rules.
16.4.2 If the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee is not available or declares a conflict of interest, then the provisions for Senior Executive alternates in the Delegations (Schedule G2) apply.
16.5 Procedural fairness
16.5.1 A student is entitled to procedural fairness in the handling of an allegation of student misconduct including any appeal.
16.5.2 Guidelines Relating to Student Misconduct and Appeals (refer Schedule 3) provide general guidance on procedural fairness and will be followed unless the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee, Responsible Academic Officer, the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee, the Director, Governance Support Unit or Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals determines that there are sufficiently compelling circumstances to require different procedures in particular proceedings in order to ensure procedural fairness.
16.5.3 A student or an officer of the University including the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee, the Director, Governance Support Unit, Responsible Academic Officer, Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals or member of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee must not hear or determine an allegation of student misconduct if they are personally involved in any aspect of the allegation.
16.5.4 For the purposes of Rule 16.5.3, a student or an officer of the University is not considered personally involved in any aspect of an allegation by reason only of the fact that they hear or deal with the allegation under these Rules.
16.5.5 In the event that the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee, the Director, Governance Support Unit, a Responsible Academic Officer, the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals or a member of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee believes that their involvement in a matter would lead to a conflict of interest, they must consult with the Director, Governance Support Unit. The Director, Governance Support Unit will determine an appropriate person to deal with the matter. In the event that the Director, Governance Support Unit believes that their involvement in determining a matter (under Rule 16.12.6A) would lead to a conflict of interest, the matter will be dealt with by the Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee.
16.6 Allegation of misconduct
16.6.1 An allegation of student misconduct must specify each individual act of alleged misconduct.
16.6.2 An allegation of student misconduct occurring within a faculty in relation to the teaching and conduct of courses and subjects within that faculty must be referred to the Responsible Academic Officer of the relevant faculty:
(1) If the student misconduct involves plagiarism the Responsible Academic Officer will deal with the matter in accordance with Rule 16.10 and in accordance with the Guidelines for Handling Student Misconduct Involving Plagiarism (refer Schedule 5).
(2) If the student misconduct involves misconduct other than plagiarism, the Responsible Academic Officer must refer the matter to the Director, Governance Support Unit to be handled in accordance with Rule 16.12.
(3) Allegations involving both plagiarism and other misconduct must be referred to the Director, Governance Support Unit to be handled in accordance with Rule 16.12.
16.6.3 All other allegations of student misconduct must be referred to the Director, Governance Support Unit and handled in accordance with Rule 16.12.
16.7 Admission of misconduct
16.7.1 A student may admit an act of misconduct at any time.
16.7.2 When a student admits both the occurrence and the substance of an act of misconduct:
(1) any inquiry being undertaken by a relevant officer of the University in relation to that act of misconduct may cease;
(2) the relevant officer of the University will make recommendations only as to the penalty or penalties in accordance with the Guidelines on Determining an Appropriate Penalty for Instances of Student Misconduct (refer Schedule 4).
16.8 Annual report of matters related to student misconduct and appeals
16.8.1 Each year the Director, Governance Support Unit will provide the Vice-Chancellor, for the information of Academic Board and Council, with a report on all student misconduct and appeal matters, including decisions made in relation to the recommendations of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee.
16.8.2 The Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee will take whatever action they consider necessary to ensure reasonable consistency in respect of the handling of student misconduct matters between the faculties and in respect of the penalties imposed.
Part B — Temporary exclusion
16.9 Exclusion from facilities and/or participation in activities
16.9.1 An officer of the University may temporarily exclude a student from facilities and/or participation in activities under this Rule in circumstances that include, but are not limited to, where the officer reasonably believes:
(1) the student has committed an act of misconduct in relation to the use of facilities and/or participation in an activity; or
(2) the student’s behaviour is disrupting, likely to disrupt, or encouraging others to disrupt the use of the facilities or participation in activities by others; or
(3) there is or may be a threat to the safety of persons or property.
16.9.2 For the purpose of Rule 16.9, facilities and participation in activities includes but is not limited to classes, laboratories, computer laboratories, University Library, practicums, clinical practice or fieldwork excursions, practical experience or internship placements.
16.9.3 An exclusion under Rule 16.9 will have a duration of 14 days or greater, subject to circumstances. This is in addition to the provision outlined in Rule 2.1.9.
16.9.4 The Temporary Exclusion Policy consistent with this Rule must be approved by Academic Board for the purpose of providing guidance to students and officers of the University on the application of Rule 16.9.
Part C — Allegations of misconduct handled at the faculty level
16.10 Allegations referred to the Responsible Academic Officer
16.10.1 Where the Responsible Academic Officer believes an alleged act of student misconduct within the faculty involves any form of misconduct other than plagiarism, the Responsible Academic Officer shall refer the allegation to the Director, Governance Support Unit to be handled in accordance with Rule 16.12. Before doing so, in cases where the allegation is made by an officer of the University, the Responsible Academic Officer shall consult with that officer.
16.10.2 Where the Responsible Academic Officer receives an allegation of misconduct involving plagiarism, the Responsible Academic Officer may, in accordance with the Guidelines for Handling Student Misconduct Involving Plagiarism (refer Schedule 5), obtain further details of the allegation of misconduct and make such other enquiries as they believe necessary.
16.10.3 If, after considering all the information, the Responsible Academic Officer is of the view that the allegation of plagiarism:
(1) is without foundation, or that there is insufficient information to support the allegation or to warrant further investigation, the Responsible Academic Officer may determine not to take further action in relation to the allegation in which case the Responsible Academic Officer will retain records in support of the decision on a confidential file;
(2) may be substantiated as plagiarism, the Responsible Academic Officer must, in writing and as soon as possible:
(a) notify the student of the allegation;
(b) provide the student with a copy of, or an electronic link to, the relevant Rules and Guidelines;
(c) give the student a reasonable period, being a period of not less than five working days’ notice to respond in writing and, if the Responsible Academic Officer considers it necessary, attend a meeting.
16.10.4 Following consideration of the student’s response, if any, the Responsible Academic Officer must:
(1) deal with the matter in accordance with the Rules, and the Guidelines for Handling Student Misconduct Involving Plagiarism (refer Schedule 5), and as follows:
(a) impose no penalty because the Responsible Academic Officer believes no penalty is warranted; or
(b) issue a formal warning; or
(c) impose one or more of the penalties set out in Rule 16.3.1(9), in accordance with the Guidelines on Determining an Appropriate Penalty for Instances of Student Misconduct (refer Schedule 4); or
(d) where the Responsible Academic Officer believes the misconduct warrants any other penalty, refer a recommendation to the Director, Governance Support Unit to be handled in accordance with Rule 16.12;
(2) advise the student in writing of the Responsible Academic Officer’s decision and the student’s right of appeal in cases where the Responsible Academic Officer has imposed a penalty.
16.11 Responsible Academic Officer’s decision on misconduct involving plagiarism
16.11.1 In coming to a decision on misconduct involving plagiarism the Responsible Academic Officer must consider:
(1) the student’s written representations and/or representations at a meeting (if any); and
(2) any other previous case of student misconduct which the Responsible Academic Officer believes is similar to the case they are considering, to assist with consistency in decision-making.
16.11.2 Where the Responsible Academic Officer believes one or more of the penalties specified in Rule 16.3.1(9) is appropriate, the Responsible Academic Officer:
(1) must make the decision as to the penalty;
(2) must in writing and as soon as possible notify the student of the decision and give reasons for the decision;
(3) must provide the Director, Governance Support Unit with a report and a copy of the notification to the student;
(4) may notify any other person of the decision and reasons in accordance with the Guidelines Relating to Student Misconduct and Appeals (refer Schedule 3).
16.11.3 Where the Responsible Academic Officer believes one or more of the penalties specified in Rule 16.3, other than Rule 16.3.1(9), is appropriate, the Responsible Academic Officer must:
(1) refer the matter to the Director, Governance Support Unit to be handled in accordance with Rule 16.12;
(2) provide the Director, Governance Support Unit with a written report, which includes the Responsible Academic Officer’s recommendations;
(3) provide a copy of their report to the student at the same time.
16.11.4 Where the matter has been referred to the Director, Governance Support Unit in accordance with Rule 16.11.3, the student may, within five days of receiving the Responsible Academic Officer’s report, make written representations to the Director, Governance Support Unit about the recommendations of the Responsible Academic Officer.
Part D — Allegations of misconduct handled centrally
16.12 Allegations referred to the Director, Governance Support Unit
16.12.1 Where a matter has been referred from a Responsible Academic Officer under Rule 16.11.3, the Director, Governance Support Unit must refer the matter to the Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee for decision under Rule 16.12.6B.
16.12.2 In all other cases where the Director, Governance Support Unit receives an allegation of misconduct, the Director, Governance Support Unit may obtain further details of the allegation of misconduct and make such other enquiries as they believe necessary.
16.12.3 If after considering all the information, the Director, Governance Support Unit is of the view that the allegation is without foundation, or that there is insufficient information to support the allegation or to warrant further investigation, the Director, Governance Support Unit may determine not to take further action in relation to the allegation in which case the Director, Governance Support Unit will retain sufficient information on the allegation on a confidential file.
16.12.4 Where the alleged misconduct involves misconduct during a centrally conducted examination, the Director, Governance Support Unit will:
(1) inquire into the alleged misconduct;
(2) in consultation with the Subject Coordinator, consider the evidence including the student’s response, if any;
(3) decide on the appropriate course of action, as follows:
(a) dismiss the allegation of misconduct; or
(b) issue a formal warning; or
(c) issue a formal notice of an allegation of misconduct.
(4) If 16.12.4(3)(c) applies:
(a) notify the student of the allegation in writing;
(b) provide the student with a copy of, or an electronic link to, the relevant Rules and Guidelines;
(c) draw the attention of the student to the student’s right to admit the alleged misconduct;
(d) give the student a reasonable period, being a period of not less than five working days, to seek advice about available options; and
(e) ask whether the student admits or denies any or all of the allegations.
(5) If 16.12.4(3)(c) applies and:
(a) the matter is classified as an approved precedent penalty (refer Schedule 4 (section 2A)) and the student admits, then Rule 16.12.6A applies; or
(b) the matter is not classified as an approved precedent penalty (refer Schedule 4 (section 2A)) and the student admits, then the Director, Governance Support Unit will refer the matter to the Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee for consideration as specified in Rule 16.12.6B; or
(c) the allegation is denied, then the Director, Governance Support Unit will refer the allegation to the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals for consideration as specified in Rule 16.12.6C; or
(d) the matter is classified as an approved precedent penalty (refer Schedule 4 (section 2A)) and the student neither admits or denies the allegation within the specified time period, the approved precedent penalty will be imposed; or
(e) the matter is not classified as an approved precedent penalty (refer Schedule 4 (section 2A)) and the student neither admits or denies the allegation within the specified time period, the Director, Governance Support Unit will refer the allegation to the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals for consideration as specified in Rule 16.12.6C.
(6) advise the student in writing of the decision under Rule 16.12.4(3)(a–b) or 16.12.5(5).
16.12.5 Where the alleged misconduct involves misconduct not covered by Rule 16.12.4, the Director, Governance Support Unit will:
(1) inquire into the alleged misconduct;
(2) consider the evidence;
(3) decide on the appropriate course of action, as follows:
(a) dismiss the allegation of misconduct; or
(b) issue a formal warning; or
(c) issue a formal notice of an allegation of misconduct.
(4) If 16.12.5(3)(c) applies:
(a) notify the student of the allegation in writing;
(b) provide the student with a copy of, or an electronic link to, the relevant Rules and guidelines;
(c) draw the attention of the student to the student’s right to admit the alleged misconduct;
(d) give the student a reasonable period, being a period of not less than five working days, to seek advice about available options; and
(e) ask whether the student admits or denies any or all of the allegations.
(5) If 16.12.5(3)(c) applies and:
(a) the matter is classified as an approved precedent penalty, (refer Schedule 4 (section 2A)) and the student admits, Rule 16.12.6A applies; or
(b) the matter is not classified as an approved precedent penalty (refer Schedule 4 (section 2A)) and the student admits, then the matter will be referred to the Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee for consideration as specified in Rule 16.12.6B; or
(c) the allegation is denied, then the Director, Governance Support Unit will refer the allegation to the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals for consideration as specified in Rule 16.12.6C; or
(d) the matter is classified as an approved precedent penalty (refer Schedule 4 (section 2A)) and the student neither admits or denies the allegation within the specified time period, the approved precedent penalty will be imposed; or
(e) the matter is not classified as an approved precedent penalty (refer Schedule 4 (section 2A)) and the student neither admits or denies the allegation, the Director, Governance Support Unit will refer the allegation to the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals for consideration as specified in Rule 16.12.6C.
(6) advise the student in writing of the decision under 16.12.5(3)(a–b) or 16.12.5(5).
16.12.6A Where the student admits the allegation, the Director, Governance Support Unit will impose one or more penalties in accordance with the Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee approved precedent penalties (refer Schedule 4 (section 2A)).
16.12.6B If no Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee approved precedent penalty exists or the matter has been referred from a Responsible Academic Officer under Rule 16.11.3, the Director, Governance Support Unit must refer the matter to the Vice-Chancellor, or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee who must:
(1) impose one or more of the penalties set out in Rules 16.3.1(1) to 16.3.1(16), in accordance with the Guidelines on Determining an Appropriate Penalty for Instances of Student Misconduct (refer Schedule 4); or
(2) impose no penalty because the Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee believes no penalty is warranted
(3) advise the student in writing of the decision.
16.12.6C Where a matter is referred to the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals they must:
(1) impose one or more of the penalties set out in Rules 16.3.1(1) to 16.3.1(16), in accordance with the Guidelines on Determining an Appropriate Penalty for Instances of Student Misconduct (refer Schedule 4); or
(2) impose no penalty because they believe no penalty is warranted; and
(3) advise the student in writing of the decision.
16.12.7 The Director, Governance Support Unit may, on behalf of the University, withdraw an allegation of misconduct at any stage.
Part E — Student misconduct appeals
16.13 Basis for appeals
16.13.1 A student has a right of appeal to a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee in respect of a decision of the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee, the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals or the Director, Governance Support Unit under Rules 16.12.6B(2) or of the Responsible Academic Officer under Rule 16.11.2.
16.13.2 An appeal must be in writing, must specify and substantiate the grounds of the appeal and be lodged with the Director, Governance Support Unit within 20 working days after notice of the decision is provided to the student.
16.13.3 The grounds on which a student may appeal against a decision of the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee, the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals, the Director, Governance Support Unit or a Responsible Academic Officer, in response to the findings or to the penalty or penalties imposed, are:
(1) that the decision was based on a material misunderstanding of these Rules;
(2) that the decision was based on a material mistake as to the facts;
(3) that a failure of procedural fairness occurred including failure to follow specified procedural requirements which would be likely to have had an impact on the decisions or outcomes of the proceedings;
(4) that fresh relevant evidence has become available to the student, being evidence that was not available or known to the student at the time of the decision and which would be likely to have affected the outcome of the proceedings;
(5) that the penalty or penalties imposed on the student were manifestly excessive or inappropriate.
16.13.4 The Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee may, on the application of the student concerned or otherwise, direct that any action to be taken as a consequence of a decision to impose any penalty be stayed:
(1) until the time for making an appeal against a decision has expired; or
(2) if an appeal against a decision is made within that time, until the appeal has been finally determined.
16.14 Student Misconduct Appeals Committee
16.14.1 Composition
(1) A Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will consist of:
(a) a person with legal qualifications as the Chair of the committee;
(b) a person with expertise in academic matters and knowledge of the University or universities; and
(c) a student of the University who has attended the University for at least two years and who is not a full-time (continuing or fixed-term) member of the University staff.
(2) Council will from time to time approve panels of persons in each of the above categories who can be appointed to a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee. Persons are nominated by the Director, Governance Support Unit following consultation with the Provost, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Deans and Directors.
(3) No person may serve on a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee considering a case in which the person was a member of the original inquiry body (a Responsible Academic Officer or the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals).
(4) When an appeal is lodged, the Director, Governance Support Unit will nominate three persons from the approved panels to constitute the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee.
(5) The Director, Governance Support Unit will notify the student of the three persons who have been nominated.
(6) Within five days of the date of notification, the student may in accordance with Rule 16.14.2 notify the Director, Governance Support Unit in writing that they object to the inclusion of any of these persons.
(7) If the student does object and if the Director, Governance Support Unit in their absolute discretion is satisfied that cause exists (refer Rule 16.14.2), the Director, Governance Support Unit will nominate another person or persons. Should the approved panel for a category be exhausted, the Director, Governance Support Unit may nominate a person in the category who is not on the approved panel. This process will continue until a committee can be convened.
16.14.2 Objection to membership
(1) A student has a right to object to the inclusion of a person on a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee with cause, where ‘cause’ is defined as:
(a) not having the requisite qualifications; or
(b) being incapable of discharging their duty; or
(c) not being impartial; or
(d) reasonably perceived as not being impartial.
16.14.3 Conduct of appeals proceedings
(1) All members of a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee must be present at all its meetings.
(2) The Chair must determine any question relating to the admissibility of evidence and any other matter relating to procedural fairness or questions of law.
(3) Subject to 16.14.3(2), a decision of a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee requires a simple majority.
(4) If a member of a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee ceases to be a member at a point when the remaining members have reached a decision, and that decision is unanimous, the decision of the remaining members will be the decision of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee.
16.14.4 Role
(1) In normal circumstances a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will limit the inquiry to:
(a) the grounds of appeal specified in the notice of appeal submitted by the student, consistent with Rule 16.13.3; and
(b) ensuring, as far as reasonably possible, that the penalty or penalties imposed for the student misconduct are consistent with case precedents and comparable to penalties imposed across the University for similar acts of misconduct.
(2) In exceptional circumstances where there are substantial grounds to believe that it is necessary in the interests of justice and procedural fairness, the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will consider the matter afresh according to the merits of the case.
(3) The Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will make a determination in each individual case as to whether to consider the matter in accordance with 16.14.4(1) or 16.14.4(2).
16.14.5 Procedures
(1) A Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will determine its own procedures consistent with these Rules, including Rules 16.5 and 16.14.3. This includes whether or not to hear all or any part of a matter afresh.
(2) Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will not consider any material that has not first been considered by the Responsible Academic Officer, the Director, Governance Support Unit, the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee and the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals.
(3) If new evidence is presented to a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee, being evidence that was not initially considered by the Responsible Academic Officer, the Director, Governance Support Unit, the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor’s nominee or the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals, the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will refer the matter back for reconsideration in light of the new evidence.
(4) A Student Misconduct Appeals Committee is not bound by the rules of evidence and may inform itself on any matter it thinks fit consistent with Rule 16.5.
(5) A Student Misconduct Appeals Committee will normally conclude its inquiry and prepare its report within six weeks of the conclusion of the committee’s first meeting.
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 16.14.5(5), and subject to the approval of the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Director, Governance Support Unit, in an individual case the time within which the report of a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee must be made may be extended to not more than six months from the conclusion of the committee’s first meeting or such other period as may be warranted in exceptional circumstances.
16.14.6 Dissolution of Committee
(1) Where, in the opinion of the Director, Governance Support Unit, a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee is not progressing an appeal expeditiously, the Director, Governance Support Unit may, after consultation with the Chair of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee, by notice in writing served on the members of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee and the student, dissolve that committee.
(2) Where the Director, Governance Support Unit dissolves a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee under Rule 16.14.6(1), another committee will be constituted in accordance with Rule 16.14.1 to inquire into the appeal, provided that no person who was a member of the dissolved Student Misconduct Appeals Committee may be a member of the newly constituted Student Misconduct Appeals Committee unless the Director, Governance Support Unit so determines.
16.14.7 Decision
(1) A Student Misconduct Appeals Committee may:
(a) for any reason, refer a matter back to the Vice-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor’s nominee, the Director, Governance Support Unit, Responsible Academic Officer or the Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals as appropriate for further consideration and recommendations;
(b) uphold or dismiss an appeal against a finding that the student has committed an act of misconduct or against the penalty or penalties imposed;
(c) affirm, vary or nullify a penalty in accordance with the decision reached under Rule 16.14.7(1)(b).
(2) A decision of a Student Misconduct Appeals Committee is final, except where further misconduct has occurred as part of the appeals process including, but not limited to, submission of fraudulent documentation or misleading conduct. In such cases a matter may be reopened.
16.14.8 Report
(1) A Student Misconduct Appeals Committee must prepare a written report containing its factual findings (where applicable), reasons and decision and provide its report to the Director, Governance Support Unit within six weeks from the conclusion of the committee’s first meeting or such other time as has been approved in accordance with Rule 16.14.5(6).
(2) The Director, Governance Support Unit will notify the student of the committee’s decision and provide the student with a copy of the Student Misconduct Appeals Committee’s report.
(3) The Student Misconduct Appeals Committee may request the Director, Governance Support Unit to notify any other person of the decision and reasons in accordance with the Guidelines Relating to Student Misconduct and Appeals (refer Schedule 3).
(4) The Director, Governance Support Unit will provide the Vice-Chancellor for the information of Academic Board and Council with an annual report on all student misconduct and appeal matters.