On this page
15.1 Equipment availability | 15.2 Responsibilities of faculties and units | 15.3 Responsibilities of borrowers | 15.4 Non-compliance
15.1 Equipment availability
15.1.1 The University may make available University equipment for loan to a student to meet specific teaching, learning or assessment requirements as specified in subject information or course requirements provided to students, or in relation to other academic-related activities.
15.2 Responsibilities of faculties and units
15.2.1 Faculties and units are responsible for:
(1) ensuring that the conditions of equipment loans are provided to students;
(2) ensuring that borrowers present their Student Identity Card and sign a written undertaking to abide by the conditions of the equipment loan;
(3) maintaining a register of equipment loans which includes at least the following:
(a) UTS asset number;
(b) the serial number, make and model of the equipment;
(c) student number shown on the Student Identity Card;
(d) student's full name;
(e) date of loan;
(f) due date for return of equipment; and
(g) amount of any conditional deposit imposed on the particular borrower;
(4) reporting any breach of the conditions of an equipment loan to the relevant Dean (or nominee) or Director (or nominee) who shall act in accordance with Rule 15.4.
15.3 Responsibilities of borrowers
15.3.1 Equipment borrowers are responsible for:
(1) ensuring that any UTS equipment item that they remove from University premises has been officially registered for borrowing with the relevant faculty or unit in accordance with Rule 15.2; and
(2) the safekeeping and return of items borrowed by the due date and time.
15.3.2 Equipment borrowers must:
(1) not carelessly or wilfully mutilate or damage UTS equipment;
(2) take reasonable precautions to ensure the safekeeping of equipment and minimise the opportunity for theft or loss of, or damage to, the equipment;
(3) not leave or attempt to leave UTS premises:
(a) with any UTS equipment item which is not registered for loan in the borrower's name with the relevant faculty or unit;
(b) with part of any UTS equipment item which is not registered for loan in the borrower's name with the relevant faculty or unit;
(4) not use UTS equipment for any unauthorised purpose;
(5) not use UTS equipment in any way which may infringe the rights or endanger the safety of others;
(6) immediately report any malfunctions or existing damage to equipment to the relevant University officer within a faculty or unit;
(7) immediately report any theft, loss or damage of or to the equipment to the relevant University officer.
15.4 Non-compliance
15.4.1 Where a Dean (or nominee) or Director (or nominee) believes on reasonable grounds that an equipment borrower has not complied with the conditions of loan pursuant to Rule 15.2.1(1) or has not complied with the requirements of Rule 15.3, the Dean (or nominee) or Director (or nominee) may do any or all of the following:
(1) place restrictions on future use of the equipment;
(2) deny future loans to the borrower;
(3) request the Director, Student Administration not to permit the student to re-enrol or graduate, or to withhold assessment results, until the equipment is returned;
(4) require payment by the borrower of a specified amount not exceeding the amount of the value of the cost of replacement or repair of the equipment item;
(5) require the borrower to lodge a conditional deposit as part of the loan conditions of any subsequent loan(s);
(6) refer the matter to the Director, Governance Support Unit who will deal with it in accordance with Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals);
(7) lock the borrower's student system account until the equipment is returned.
15.4.2 Where the Dean (or nominee) or Director (or nominee) believes one or more of the actions in Rule 15.4.1(1) to 15.4.1(7) are appropriate, the Dean (or nominee) or Director (or nominee) will notify and give reasons to the student and the Director, Student Administration. The Dean (or nominee) or Director (or nominee) may notify any other person of the decision and reasons on a need to know basis.