On this page
8.1 Assessment requirements | 8.2 Learning and assessment arrangements | 8.3 Special consideration of disruption to assessment | 8.4 Subject assessment results | 8.5 Supplementary assessment in final teaching period | 8.6 Review of a result | 8.7 Student misconduct
8.1 Assessment requirements
8.1.1 Subject to these Rules, assessment of coursework subjects will be undertaken in accordance with policies and procedures set out in the Coursework Assessments Policy and Procedure approved by Academic Board from time to time.
8.1.2 Details of assessment requirements and the final grading scheme will be provided for each subject in the subject information as required under Rule 3.7.
8.1.3 Students have a responsibility to ensure they are fully informed of all aspects of the subject assessment requirements and of the assessment processes.
8.2 Learning and assessment arrangements
8.2.1 General
(1) A student with a disability or accessibility requirements including ongoing medical or mental health conditions may be permitted to undertake particular learning and assessment arrangements as specified in Rules 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 in order to ensure that the assessment is accessible while still maintaining academics standards and integrity.
(2) Adjustments may be set to enable access for students to demonstrate their achievement of relevant learning outcomes while also meeting the inherent requirements. Any such conditions must be strictly observed by the student and all other relevant parties.
8.2.2 Students with disability or ongoing illness
(1) A student with a temporary or permanent disability who has access requirements (as outlined in Rule 8.2.1) for participation in learning activities and assessment tasks including written examinations, may lodge with the Accessibility Consultant (in Accessibility Services):
(a) a request for adjustment to participation and assessment tasks; and/or
(b) an application for learning and assessment arrangements in examinations.
(2) All applications must include supporting documentation from a relevant registered health professional.
(3) Application due dates for learning and assessment arrangements in examinations for centrally conducted examinations are published for each teaching session by the Student Administration Unit. Requests for all other assessments and faculty-based exams should be made as soon as possible and prior to the due date for the assessment. Exceptional circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
(4) Variations to assessment arrangements are determined by the relevant Academic Liaison Officer, following review of the recommendation by the Accessibility Consultant. Academic Liaison Officers may consult with the Subject Coordinator and Responsible Academic Officer and/or, for particular cross-disciplinary courses or subjects, with Academic Liaison Officers in other faculties.
8.2.3 Students with carer responsibilities
(1) A student whose responsibilities as a primary carer impact upon their ability to undertake assessment tasks including written examinations may lodge an application for adjustment to the learning and assessment arrangements with the Academic Liaison Officer of the relevant faculty. The relevant Academic Liaison Officer is determined by the student's course.
(2) Applications must include supporting documentation from a relevant registered health professional. Application due dates for learning and assessment arrangements in examinations for centrally conducted examinations are published for each teaching session by the Student Administration Unit.
(3) Variations to assessment arrangements are determined by the Academic Liaison Officer who may consult with the relevant Subject Coordinator and Responsible Academic Officer and/or, for particular cross-disciplinary courses or subjects, with Academic Liaison Officers in other faculties.
8.2.4 Students from non-English speaking backgrounds
(1) A student from a non-English speaking background who is in their first year of study at UTS, who has been studying in English for a limited time and who believes that this disadvantages their ability to undertake written examinations may lodge an application for special exam conditions with HELPS.
(2) Applications should be lodged before the census date.
8.3 Special consideration of disruption to assessment
8.3.1 During the teaching period
(1) Students may experience a disruption to their assessment in a subject as a result of circumstances beyond their control, including but not limited to serious illness, psychological conditions, significant loss, bereavement, hardship or trauma.
(2) Students who consider that their work during a teaching period or likely performance in an assessment task, which may include a written examination, has been affected as per Rule 8.3.1(1) may request that these circumstances be given special consideration.
(3) Requests for special consideration must include relevant documentary evidence from an appropriate professional authority (refer Rule 2.4).
(4) Requests for special consideration must be lodged with Student Administration:
(a) in the case of a written examination no later than two working days after the examination; or
(b) in the case of an assessment task other than a written examination prior to the due date.
(5) In special circumstances the relevant Subject Coordinator may extend the due date for submission of requests within guidelines determined by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer.
(6) Requests are considered and determined by the relevant faculty Responsible Academic Officer or the Subject Coordinator.
8.3.2 During an examination
(1) Students who have commenced an examination and who consider that their performance in the examination has been significantly disrupted by illness or other circumstances beyond their control that occurred during the examination or on the day of the examination:
(a) may request that these circumstances be taken into account; and if so
(b) must consult with a doctor or student counsellor at the University immediately after leaving the examination; or
(c) may consult their own doctor or counsellor if the examination is at a time when doctors or student counsellors are not available at the University.
(2) Requests must include relevant documentary evidence from an appropriate professional authority (refer Rule 2.4).
(3) Requests must be lodged with the Director, Student Administration no later than two working days after the examination for consideration by the relevant faculty Responsible Academic Officer or the Subject Coordinator.
(4) In exceptional circumstances the Director, Student Administration may extend the due date for submission of requests.
(5) The faculty will notify the student of the outcome and of any special arrangements that are to be made to provide for further examination or assessment.
8.3.3 Absence from entire examination
(1) Students who, through illness or other circumstances beyond their control on the day of the examination, are absent from an entire examination, may request that these circumstances be taken into account.
(2) Failure by a student to inform him or herself of the time or place of an examination is not an acceptable ground for special consideration.
(3) Requests must include relevant documentary evidence from an appropriate professional authority (refer Rule 2.4).
(4) In relation to a centrally conducted examination:
(a) requests must be lodged with Student Administration by no later than two working days after the scheduled examination date;
(b) in exceptional circumstances the Director, Student Administration may extend the due date for submission of requests;
(c) the Director, Student Administration will consider the request and notify the student of the outcome and of any special arrangements to provide for further examination.
(5) In relation to a faculty-based examination:
(a) requests are to be lodged with the relevant faculty by no later than two working days after the scheduled examination date;
(b) in exceptional circumstances the Subject Coordinator may extend the due date for submission of requests in accordance with guidelines determined by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer;
(c) the relevant faculty Responsible Academic Officer or the Subject Coordinator will consider the request and notify the student of the outcome and of any special arrangements to be made to provide for further examination.
8.4 Subject assessment results
8.4.1 Faculties are required to keep appropriate records in relation to all assessment tasks for an appropriate period of time in accordance with University policy and relevant legislation.
8.4.2 Final subject assessment results will be provided to students in the form specified in the subject information and in accordance with the table of results and grades (refer Coursework Assessments Policy).
8.4.3 Final subject assessment results must not be released to students prior to the official release of results.
8.4.4 Final subject assessment results will be released officially in a manner prescribed by the Provost following ratification.
8.5 Supplementary assessment in final teaching period
8.5.1 Where a student enrolled in an award course is awarded a final assessment result of ‘Fail’ in one subject only in their final teaching period of the course, and where that ‘Fail’ is within the borderline result range, the relevant faculty must make provision for the student to undertake a supplementary assessment task within a specified time period as outlined in the Coursework Assessment Procedures.
8.5.2 If the student does not complete the supplementary assessment task in the specified time period and to the appropriate standard, the original ‘Fail’ result is final.
8.6 Review of a result
8.6.1 Grounds for review
A student may request a review of a result by the relevant Subject Coordinator. The grounds on which a student may request a review are outlined on the current students website.
8.6.2 Requesting a review of a result
(1) A request to review a result must be in writing and specify and substantiate the grounds for a review. The request must be lodged with the Subject Coordinator by the deadline published on the current students website.
(2) Where a student is dissatisfied with the determination of the Subject Coordinator, they may appeal the decision to the Responsible Academic Officer within the timeframe and in accordance with the process stated on the current students website.
8.7 Student misconduct
8.7.1 Student misconduct is set out in Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
8.7.2 Student misconduct that occurs in relation to assessment of a student’s performance in a coursework subject will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).