On this page
1. Financial | 1.1 Budgets | 1.2 General expenditure
2. Human resources and miscellaneous | 2.1 Human resources | 2.2 Approved Senior Executive alternates | 2.3 Approved Council alternates
1. Financial
Note: At its 18/4 meeting Council approved (COU/18-4/78), in accordance with s17(2.) of the UTS Act, a delegation to the Vice-Chancellor to approve amendments to staff positions (additions, deletions or amendments) with financial delegations being:
(a) Delegation 1.2, within bands 2–4 for general expenditure; or
(b) Delegation 1.3, any position with a delegation under capital expenditure; or
(c) Delegation 1.5, any position with a delegation under facilities management.
1.1 Budgets
Council has reserved to itself the authority to approve the annual UTS budget. Authority to allocate additional unbudgeted revenue, and/or approve unbudgeted expenditure items involving a change to the budgeted surplus/deficit, are delegated within the following limits.
Delegate | Limit of change to budgeted surplus/deficit |
Finance Committee of Council | ± 20% |
Vice-Chancellor | ± 10% |
Members of the Senior Executive (as defined in section 2.2 of this schedule), deans and directors have the authority to approve the reclassification of items of expenditure in approved budgets within their areas of responsibility.
1.2 General expenditure
Council has approved the following general expenditure delegations. All expenditure is to be within approved budget, within area of responsibility and aligned to the delivery of the UTS Strategic Objectives.
Band | Delegate by position | Limit |
Band 1 | Vice-Chancellor | $10,000,000 |
Band 2 | Provost Deputy Vice-Chancellors Chief Operating Officer | $2,000,000 |
Band 3 | Pro Vice-Chancellor Assistant Deputy Vice-Chancellor Chief Data Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Information Officer Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Deans Director, Australia-China Relations Institute Director, Institute for Public Policy and Governance Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures Director, Property Director, Research Office Executive Director, People and Culture General Counsel and Executive Director, Risk and Compliance University Librarian University Secretary and Director, Governance Support Unit | $750,000 |
Band 4 | Professional unit directors (not identified above) (*Reporting to Senior Executives and manages a minimum of 12 staff) Director, Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation Director, Entrepreneurship Director, Jumbunna Research Director, Future Learners Director, Policy and Governance (HTl) Director, Strategy and Operations (HTI) Director, Student Administration Director, Technology (HTI) Internal Audit Director Chief Information Security Officer Chief of Staff, Vice-Chancellor's Office Associate deans Deputy deans Faculty managers (or equivalent position) Deputy Directors or Head of Department (International) Deputy University Secretary and Deputy Director, Governance Support Unit Distinguished Professor (Director, Global Big Data Technologies Centre (GBDT) and the Technical Director, Connectivity Innovation Network (CIN)) Head of Cloud and Infrastructure Head of Enterprise Platforms Head of Operations Technology Head of Research Technology Head of Teaching and Learning Technology Head of Technology Transformation and Management Heads of school or equivalent (as titled for each faculty, school, or centre) Faculty Technical Resources Manager General Manager (Technical Services) (Faculty of Science) Senior Platform Manager (Audio Visual) | $250,000 |
Band 5 | To ensure administrative efficiency of UTS operations: A delegate in bands 1 to 4, under Delegation 1.2, may authorise any employee under that delegate’s supervision to expend funds for and on behalf of, and in the name of, that delegate, which do not exceed these thresholds. Any authorisation may only be granted and exercised in accordance with guidelines (PDF, SharePoint) issued from time to time by the Chief Financial Officer, who must also maintain a register of authorisations. The Delegations Principles (refer Schedule G1) applying to the exercise of Council delegations apply equally to holders of authorisations to expend funds under bands 5 to 8. | $50,000 |
Band 6 | $20,000 | |
Band 7 | $10,000 | |
Band 8 | $5000 |
2. Human resources and miscellaneous
2.1 Human resources
(1) The exercise of human resource related delegations must be within the following parameters. Recruitment, appointment, remuneration and leave are subject to the relevant UTS enterprise agreement and human resources instruments. Approvals must be within budget and aligned to staff profiles in the agreed budgets.
(2) The following interpretations apply to human resource related delegations:
(a) Recruitment action is also known in the recruitment system as filling a vacancy.
(b) Appointment following recruitment is also known in the recruitment system as extending a contract offer.
(c) Setting remuneration is also known in the recruitment system as approving the salary package.
(d) Appointment by nomination/invitation is also known in the recruitment system as appointment without a competitive recruitment and selection process.
2.2 Approved Senior Executive alternates
Members of the UTS Senior Executive act for other members in their absence on urgent matters, as indicated below.
Executive member | Delegations (Refer to Delegations Schedule on SHAREPOINT or Public website) | First alternate | Second alternate |
Vice-Chancellor | 3.1.1 (Council’s powers in urgent and unforeseen circumstances) | Provost | Not applicable |
Provost | 1.2, 1.7 (expenditure and revenue) 2.1, 2.5 (staff recruitment and appointment and relieving appointments) 1.1, 2.6 (travel and leave) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) |
Chief Operating Officer | 1.2, 1.7 (expenditure and revenue) 1.3 (capital works) 2.1, 2.5 (staff recruitment and appointment and relieving appointments) 1.1, 2.6 (travel and leave) | Provost | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) | 1.2, 1.7 (expenditure and revenue) 2.1, 2.5 (staff recruitment and appointment and relieving appointments) 1.1, 2.6 (travel and leave) 4.12 (student misconduct) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) | 1.2, 1.7 (expenditure and revenue) 2.1, 2.5 (staff recruitment and appointment and relieving appointments) 1.1, 2.6 (travel and leave) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) | 1.2, 1.7 (expenditure and revenue) 2.1, 2.5 (staff recruitment and appointment and relieving appointments) 1.1, 2.6 (travel and leave) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Provost |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | 1.2, 1.7 (expenditure and revenue) 2.1, 2.5 (staff recruitment and appointment and relieving appointments) 1.1, 2.6 (travel and leave) 5.1, 5.2 (research grants) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) |
2.3 Approved Council alternates
The following procedures apply in the absence of the Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor.
(1) The Chancellor will be deemed absent or unable to act in either of the following circumstances:
(a) when the Chancellor has so notified the Vice-Chancellor or University Secretary
(b) when the Vice-Chancellor so determines following reasonable inquiries.
(2) The Deputy Chancellor will be deemed absent or unable to act in either of the following circumstances:
(a) when the Deputy Chancellor has so notified the Vice-Chancellor or University Secretary
(b) when the Vice-Chancellor so determines following reasonable inquiries.
(3) In the deemed absence of both the Chancellor and the Deputy Chancellor the Chancellor's authority with respect to affixing the seal, taking executive action or approving any matter that Council has delegated to the Chancellor shall be exercised by a member of Council, not being a member of UTS staff, in the following order subject to their availability:
Chair, Finance Committee
Chair, Audit and Risk Committee
Chair, Infrastructure Committee
Chair, Student/Council Liaison Group