On this page
7.1 Enrolment procedures | 7.2 Concurrent enrolment at another tertiary educational institution | 7.3 Cross-institutional enrolment | 7.4 Non-award subject enrolment | 7.5 Variation of enrolment | 7.6 Leave of absence | 7.7 Course transfer | 7.8 Withdrawal from a course
7.1 Enrolment procedures
7.1.1 The Provost (or nominee) may prescribe particular enrolment procedures and closing dates for completion of the enrolment procedures for enrolment in different courses, for different classes of students and for different teaching periods.
7.1.2 Students are required to:
(1) complete the required enrolment procedures by the closing date as notified by the Director, Student Administration;
(2) be enrolled in one or more subjects, or in time-based study, in each standard teaching period unless they have applied for and had leave of absence approved for a particular teaching period in accordance with Rule 7.6; and
(3) enrol at the start of the academic year in all subjects that they intend to study in that year. Subsequently, students may vary their enrolment in accordance with the provisions of Rule 7.5.
Students who are not enrolled in any subjects in a particular teaching period and who are not on approved leave of absence will be withdrawn from the course by Student Administration in accordance with the provisions of Rule 7.8.
7.1.3 Students who wish to complete the required enrolment procedures after the specified enrolment period will, if permitted to do so, be liable for payment of the late enrolment fee prescribed by the Provost unless:
(1) approval for late enrolment has previously been obtained from the Director, Student Administration; or
(2) they are able to show, to the satisfaction of the Director, Student Administration, that their late enrolment is caused by circumstances beyond their reasonable control.
7.1.4 The University reserves the right to change, cancel or discontinue a student's enrolment in a course, program of study or individual subjects under any relevant provision contained in these Rules.
7.2 Concurrent enrolment at another tertiary educational institution
7.2.1 A currently enrolled UTS undergraduate or graduate coursework student who wishes to enrol in subjects at another tertiary institution and have these subjects credited towards the award course at the University must complete the application processes as prescribed by the Director, Student Administration.
7.2.2 A UTS student enrolled concurrently at another tertiary institution who wishes to vary enrolment by undertaking additional or different subjects at the other tertiary institution must make application to the Responsible Academic Officer and in sufficient time to provide for consideration of the application according to the requirements of both the University and the other tertiary institution.
7.3 Cross-institutional enrolment
7.3.1 A student who is enrolled in a course leading to an award at another tertiary institution may be permitted to enrol in subjects at the University that will count towards an award at the other tertiary institution.
7.3.2 Admission and enrolment in cross-institutional study requires approval of the University and of the other tertiary institution and is subject to the availability of subjects and class places.
7.3.3 A student enrolled in cross-institutional study who wishes to vary their enrolment at the University by undertaking additional or different subjects must lodge their application with Student Administration for decision in consultation with the relevant faculty. The application, which must be made in accordance with the schedule of dates for variation of enrolment (refer Rule 7.5.2), must include evidence of formal approval to undertake the additional subjects from the student's home institution.
7.3.4 A student who is enrolled in cross-institutional study and who fails a subject at the University for a third time will not be permitted further enrolment in that subject.
7.4 Non-award subject enrolment
7.4.1 Enrolment in subjects as a non-award student is subject to the approval by the Director, Student Administration in consultation with the relevant faculty and to the availability of subjects and class places.
7.4.2 A student enrolled in subjects on a non-award basis who wishes to vary their enrolment by undertaking additional or different subjects must lodge their application with Student Administration for decision in consultation with the relevant faculty. The application must be in accordance with the schedule of dates for variation of enrolment (refer Rule 7.5.2).
7.4.3 A student who is enrolled in a subject on a non-award basis and who fails the subject at the University for a third time will not be permitted further enrolment in that subject.
7.5 Variation of enrolment
7.5.1 A student who wishes to vary enrolment in subjects in their approved program of study must complete the variation of enrolment processes as prescribed by the Director, Student Administration.
7.5.2 The Provost will prescribe and publish the standard schedule of dates for variation of enrolment for all teaching sessions, including the last day for addition of a subject and the last day of withdrawal of a subject.
7.5.3 Subject to Rule 7.5.6, withdrawal from a subject after the census date for the semester will be recorded as a result of 'Withdrawn Fail'.
7.5.4 Any variation to the standard schedule of dates for variation of enrolment processes for particular courses, particular subjects or particular groups of students will be notified to students by the relevant faculty and in accordance with Rule 3.7.
7.5.5 Enrolment in a subject after the last date for addition of a subject will be permitted only in exceptional circumstances and only with permission of the relevant Responsible Academic Officer.
7.5.6 Where a student wishes to withdraw from a subject in the current teaching period after the census date or other prescribed date for that teaching period as a result of illness or other circumstances beyond their reasonable control, the student may lodge with the Director, Student Administration a written report of the circumstances, supported by a medical certificate or other relevant evidence. The Director, Student Administration shall determine in consultation with the relevant faculty whether the withdrawal will be permitted without academic penalty ('Withdrawn') or with academic penalty ('Withdrawn Fail').
7.5.7 If an application for withdrawal from a subject is refused by the Director, Student Administration, the student is expected to complete the assessment requirements for that subject.
7.5.8 A student who has been placed on academic caution in accordance with Rule 10.7 and who has enrolled in more than their credit point limit (refer Rule 10.7.4(3)) may be withdrawn from one or more subjects by the Director, Student Administration on the recommendation of the relevant Responsible Academic Officer.
7.5.9 Applications to withdraw after the current teaching period may be referred to the Director, Student Administration for consideration under the criteria for special circumstances, as defined in legislation (where relevant).
7.6 Leave of absence
7.6.1 Leave of absence requirements for graduate research students are set out in Section 11 (Graduate research).
7.6.2 An undergraduate or graduate coursework student who has been continuously enrolled for at least one teaching period who wishes to withdraw temporarily from a course must lodge an application for leave of absence on the appropriate form and in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Director, Student Administration.
7.6.3 Applications for leave of absence are normally made prior to the start of the first teaching period for which leave is being sought and must be received no later than the census date for that teaching period (refer Rule 7.5.2).
7.6.4 Leave of absence will not normally be granted unless the student has enrolled and completed satisfactorily the requirements of at least one subject of the course. This includes students admitted to a course through a course transfer or with credit recognition.
7.6.5 In exceptional circumstances, on the basis of documentary evidence provided by a student, the relevant Responsible Academic Officer may approve leave of absence for a student who is enrolled in their first teaching period in a course. In all other cases, students in their first teaching period of enrolment in a course must either continue their enrolment or withdraw from the course and reapply for admission. Readmission is not automatic and the student must apply for admission in accordance with standard admission procedures.
7.6.6 Leave of absence from enrolment in a specific course will not be granted, except in exceptional circumstances, for a period not exceeding two years.
7.6.7 A student resuming a course after a period of approved leave of absence will be subject to the course requirements in operation at the time of resumption of study and will be required to re-enrol in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Director, Student Administration.
7.7 Course transfer
7.7.1 Course transfer requirements for graduate research students are set out in Section 11 (Graduate research).
7.7.2 Course transfer requirements for undergraduate or graduate coursework students are set out in the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy approved by Academic Board from time to time.
7.8 Withdrawal from a course
7.8.1 The requirements for withdrawal from a course for graduate research students are set out in Section 11 (Graduate research).
7.8.2 A student who wishes to withdraw permanently from a course must lodge an application for withdrawal in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Director, Student Administration.
7.8.3 An application for withdrawal from a course will be treated as an application for withdrawal from all subjects in accordance with Rules 7.5.2 to 7.5.5.
7.8.4 An undergraduate or graduate coursework student who has not enrolled in any subjects and who has not applied for and had a period of leave of absence approved in accordance with Rule 7.6 or who has not re-enrolled as required after a period of approved leave of absence is considered to have abandoned their study in the course and will be withdrawn from the course in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Director, Student Administration.