On this page
9.1 Examination timetables | 9.2 Student responsibilities | 9.3 Conduct of examinations | 9.4 Special conditions for examinations | 9.5 Rescheduled and alternative examinations | 9.6 Student misconduct during examinations
9.1 Examination timetables
9.1.1 The examination timetable provides an overview of all centrally conducted examinations. The timetable will be made available in a manner determined by the Director, Student Administration and advised to students by an appropriate means, at least five weeks before the commencement of an official examination period and continue to be available until the end of the examination period.
9.1.2 Information concerning examination timetables for centrally conducted examinations will not be provided by University staff to students. Students must access the student system account to obtain their centrally conducted examination timetable.
9.1.3 For faculty-based examinations, the faculty is required to take all reasonable steps to minimise clashes with both other faculty-based examinations and centrally conducted examinations. Where clashes occur, faculties are responsible for making reasonable alternative arrangements for students in the faculty-based examinations.
9.1.4 Any clashes in centrally conducted examinations will be handled in advance of timetable publication in a manner approved by the Director, Student Administration.
9.1.5 (1) Where a student considers that they have a serious individual scheduling difficulty with the examination timetable, the student shall advise:
(a) Student Administration for centrally conducted examinations; or
(b) the Subject Coordinator for faculty-based examinations;
immediately in the manner prescribed by the Director, Student Administration or Subject Coordinator and request that alternative arrangements be made.
(2) Acceptable grounds for serious individual scheduling difficulty requests include but are not limited to:
(a) three examinations occurring in any 24-hour period;
(b) sporting or cultural representative commitments at state, national or international level;
(c) observance of significant religious events for which the student can demonstrate ongoing personal commitment;
(d) significant personal or family events for which the student can provide documentary evidence which satisfies the Director, Student Administration or Subject Coordinator that the commitment could not be undertaken outside the examination period;
(e) significant professional or service commitments for which the student can provide documentary evidence which satisfies the Director, Student Administration or Subject Coordinator that the commitment could not be undertaken outside the examination period;
(f) UTS representative commitments as approved by the faculty and Student Administration: Examinations and Assessments.
(3) Unacceptable grounds for serious individual scheduling difficulty requests include:
(a) holiday arrangements;
(b) sport and leisure activities other than those specified in Rule 9.1.5(2)(b);
(c) travel arrangements other than for approved overseas study;
(d) the normal demands of employment.
(4) Student Administration or the Subject Coordinator must consider such requests and make alternative arrangements where this is appropriate and practicable. Student Administration or the Subject Coordinator must notify the student as soon as possible of any decision and any special arrangements made in relation to the individual scheduling difficulty.
9.2 Student responsibilities
9.2.1 Official examination periods are part of the officially designated teaching periods of the University. All students undertaking coursework subjects have a responsibility to make themselves available for assessment and examination during the official examination periods.
9.2.2 Students have responsibility for informing themselves of the examination timetable.
9.2.3 Students have responsibility for ensuring that clashes and potential clashes in their examination timetable are identified and for advising:
(1) Student Administration for centrally conducted examinations; or
(2) the Subject Coordinator for faculty-based examinations;
of serious individual scheduling difficulties arising from the examination timetable at least ten working days prior to the commencement of the examination period.
9.2.4 Students are required to be present at examinations at the correct time.
9.2.5 Not reading, misreading or misunderstanding the examination timetable will not be accepted as a valid reason for failing to attend an examination.
9.2.6 In the case of examinations held at a physical location, students are required to:
(1) be at the correct location at least 10 minutes prior to the published commencement time for each examination;
(2) produce his or her valid current Student Identity Card before being permitted to enter the examination room. Students who have lost or misplaced their Student Identity Card must obtain a replacement card prior to the examination commencement;
(3) ensure materials or equipment (including without limitation mobile phones and/or any other form of communication, digital or recording device) other than those specified in the subject information and on the examination paper are not brought into the examination room, or are not in the student’s possession at any time during the examination, in the examination room or in any other room or place visited by the student for any reason during the examination.
9.2.7 A student must not access or attempt to access during the examination any material or equipment (including without limitation mobile phones and/or any other form of communication, digital or recording device) other than that specified in the subject information and on the examination paper.
9.2.8 Material or equipment shall be deemed to not be in contravention of Rule 9.2.6(3) if, in the case of it being a mobile phone or any other form of electronic communication, digital or recording device, it is switched off, and in all cases it is left, whether in a bag or other container or otherwise, at a location specified by the examination supervisor for the duration of the examination and the student does not gain, or attempt to gain, access to it during the examination. Students are advised not to bring unauthorised or unnecessary items to examinations. The University does not accept any responsibility for student possessions left in any location during an examination.
9.2.9 A student must not communicate or attempt to communicate in any way with any person or receive or attempt to receive any communication from any person during the examination, whether or not in the examination room or in any other room or place visited by the student for any reason during the examination other than officers of the University with responsibility for the examination or other officers as approved by the examination supervisor. Such forms of communication include but are not limited to:
(1) oral communication;
(2) written or visual communication;
(3) any form of electronic or telephonic communication.
9.2.10 A student must not send, receive or access any source of stored electronic information or attempt to send, receive or access any source of stored electronic information during the examination, in the examination room including at any place visited by the student for any reason during the examination unless specified on the examination paper and in the subject information.
9.2.11 Material or equipment that is permitted during an examination according to the subject information and/or examination paper must not be used for any purposes other than that specified in the subject information and/or examination paper.
9.2.12 Students must take notice of and comply with all directives of the examination supervisor.
9.2.13 A student must not do anything to distract or disadvantage other students during an examination.
9.2.14 A student must not do anything to disrupt an examination in any way and is required to behave in an orderly manner during an examination.
9.2.15 Students are not permitted to smoke any substance during an examination.
9.2.16 Students are not permitted to eat or drink during an examination unless permission has been given by the examination supervisor or approved for individual students as a special condition of examination in accordance with Rule 9.4.
9.2.17 If a student fails to observe any of the requirements specified in Rules 9.2 and 9.3, behaves in an unacceptable or disorderly manner, disrupts an examination or is suspected of any other misconduct, action may be taken by the University as provided for in Rule 9.6 and in Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
9.3 Conduct of examinations
9.3.1 Centrally conducted examinations are organised and conducted in accordance with Rules 9.1 to 9.6 inclusive and with policies and procedures set out in the Coursework Assessments Policy and Procedure as approved by Academic Board from time to time.
9.3.2 Unless otherwise specifically provided for in guidelines approved by the relevant Faculty Board, faculty-based examinations will be organised and conducted in accordance with Rules 9.1 to 9.6 inclusive and with policies and procedures as set out in the Coursework Assessments Policy and Procedure as approved by Academic Board from time to time.
9.3.3 Material or equipment that is permitted to be brought into an examination must be specified in the subject information and in the examination paper. Where a variation to the approved material or equipment shown in the subject information becomes necessary during the teaching period, the variation must be approved by the Subject Coordinator and notified to all students enrolled in the subject at least two weeks before the commencement of the examination period.
9.3.4 A student who is unable to produce his or her valid current Student Identity Card or otherwise verify their identity as required, shall not be admitted to an examination.
9.3.5 No student shall be admitted to an examination room after forty-five minutes from the time of commencement of the examination.
9.3.6 A student who wishes to leave and be re-admitted to an examination room shall not normally be permitted to leave the room until at least one and a half hours after the commencement of the examination. A student shall not be re-admitted to the examination room after they have left it unless during the full period of their absence they have been under the supervision of an officer of the University approved by the examination supervisor.
9.3.7 Students who wish to leave an examination room permanently before the end of the examination time shall not normally be permitted to leave until at least one hour after the commencement of the examination. Students who leave an examination room permanently before the end of the examination time and where relevant are responsible for handing in their examination scripts, booklets and any other working material to the examination supervisor before leaving the room. In exceptional circumstances, a student may be permitted to leave an examination during the first hour. In such cases the student will be required to sign an undertaking not to communicate any information about the examination paper to any other person until the period of the examination is over.
9.3.8 A student shall not normally be permitted to leave the examination room during the last 15 minutes of the examination except in exceptional circumstances approved by the examination supervisor.
9.3.9 An examination supervisor may authorise a delayed start to an examination, an examination restart or additional time for all students or for particular groups of students affected by specific circumstances.
9.3.10 A period of 10 minutes at the start of the scheduled time of paper-based in person examinations may be designated by the Subject Coordinator as reading time. Writing is not permitted during reading time.
9.3.11 At the conclusion of an examination in an examination room all students are required to remain seated until all papers have been collected and permission to leave is given by the examination supervisor.
9.3.12 Failure to comply with any of the requirements specified in Rules 9.3.1 to 9.3.11 may be considered to be an act of student misconduct and may be dealt with in accordance with Rule 9.6 and Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
9.4 Special conditions for examinations
9.4.1 A student with disabilities or accessibility requirements may be permitted to undertake particular assessment arrangements in order to ensure that the assessment is on the basis of academic merit and has parity with the assessment of other students.
9.4.2 A student may be eligible for particular examination arrangements as provided for in Rule 8.2.
9.5 Rescheduled and alternative examinations
9.5.1 In special circumstances approval may be given by:
(1) the Director, Student Administration for centrally conducted examinations; or
(2) the Subject Coordinator for faculty-based examinations;
to be held for specific students at a time other than the published time, on such conditions as the Director, Student Administration or Subject Coordinator may prescribe. Centrally conducted examinations will be held during the official examination period or as soon as possible after the official examination period at a time approved by the Director, Student Administration.
9.5.2 Special circumstances include but are not limited to:
(1) an unavoidable clash in the examination timetable;
(2) an individual scheduling difficulty with the final examination timetable (refer Rule 9.1.5);
(3) where special consideration has been approved for unavoidable absence from an entire centrally conducted examination or faculty-based examination (refer Rule 8.3.3).
9.5.3 Rescheduled and alternative examinations will be arranged by the Student Administration Unit in consultation with the Subject Coordinator for centrally conducted examinations.
9.5.4 Students for whom rescheduled and alternative examinations are being conducted will be advised of the arrangements as soon as possible, must make themselves available at the designated time and must observe the conditions prescribed for them by:
(1) the Director, Student Administration for centrally conducted examinations; or
(2) the Subject Coordinator for faculty-based examinations;
in addition to the Rules and requirements for examinations generally.
9.6 Student misconduct during examinations
9.6.1 General
(1) Student misconduct is dealt with in Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
9.6.2 Misconduct during centrally conducted examinations
(1) If an examination supervisor suspects a student of misconduct involving cheating during an examination, the examination supervisor shall take prompt action to prevent the continuance of the suspected misconduct. The student shall be allowed to complete the examination.
In online invigilated examinations, students will receive a warning for behaviour suspected of being misconduct. Where the behaviour continues, the examination may be terminated.
(2) All action taken by the examination supervisor will be in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness outlined in Schedule 3 (Guidelines Relating to Student Misconduct and Appeals).
(3) The examination supervisor shall inform the student at the conclusion of the examination or as soon as possible thereafter if an allegation of misconduct has been made, and shall then note on the subject listing sheet that the student’s examination paper has been sent to the Director, Student Administration (or nominee) because of alleged misconduct.
(4) The examination supervisor shall, as soon as possible, provide a written report to the Director, Student Administration (or nominee). The Director, Student Administration (or nominee) shall consult with others and, make a decision concerning any further action to be taken.
(5) The written report of the examination supervisor on the alleged academic misconduct shall be submitted without delay to the Director, Governance Support Unit (or nominee), together with the student’s examination paper or assessment task in question.
(6) The Director, Governance Support Unit shall deal with the allegation in accordance with Rule 16.12.
9.6.3 Misconduct during faculty-based examinations
(1) The person responsible for supervising a faculty-based examination shall be referred to as the monitoring staff member.
(2) If the monitoring staff member suspects a student of misconduct involving cheating during an examination, the monitoring staff member shall take prompt action to prevent the continuance of the suspected misconduct.
(3) The student shall be allowed to complete the examination.
(4) All action taken by the monitoring staff member will be in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness outlined in the Guidelines Relating to Student Misconduct and Appeals (refer Schedule 3).
(5) The monitoring staff member shall, as soon as possible, provide a written report to the Responsible Academic Officer.
(6) The Responsible Academic Officer shall refer the matter to the Director, Governance Support Unit who shall deal with any allegation of misconduct in accordance with Rule 16.12.
9.6.4 Disorderly conduct during centrally conducted examinations
(1) Any student who behaves in an unacceptable or disorderly manner or otherwise disrupts an examination:
(a) is liable for immediate expulsion from the examination for the remainder of the examination;
(b) must leave the examination immediately if directed to do so (refer Rule 16.9);
(c) is subject to such other actions and penalties as provided for in Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
In online invigilated examinations, students will receive a warning for behaviour suspected of being misconduct. Where the behaviour continues, the examination may be terminated.
(2) The examination supervisor shall, as soon as possible, provide a written report on the alleged misconduct to the Director, Student Administration. The Director, Student Administration shall in consultation with others make a decision concerning any further action to be taken.
(3) The written report on the alleged misconduct shall be submitted without delay to the Director, Governance Support Unit (or nominee).
(4) The Director, Governance Support Unit shall deal with the allegation in accordance with Rule 16.12.
9.6.5 Disorderly conduct during faculty-based examinations
(1) Any student who behaves in an unacceptable or disorderly manner or otherwise disrupts an examination:
(a) is liable for immediate expulsion from the examination for the remainder of the examination;
(b) must leave the examination immediately if directed to do so (refer Rule 16.9);
(c) is subject to such other actions and penalties as provided for in Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
(2) The monitoring staff member shall, as soon as possible, provide a written report on the alleged misconduct to the Subject Coordinator. The Subject Coordinator shall, in consultation with the monitoring staff member and the Responsible Academic Officer, make a decision concerning any further action to be taken.
(3) The written report on the alleged misconduct shall be submitted without delay to the Director, Governance Support Unit (or nominee).
(4) The Director, Governance Support Unit shall deal with the allegation in accordance with Rule 16.12.