Changes to the Student Rules are documented in the table of changes (PDF) and published on the university’s Official Noticeboard.
Section 1 — General
1.2 Application of these Rules
1.2.2 Conduct of students and other persons
1.2.3 Course conducted in conjunction with another institution
Section 2 — Student requirements
2.2.2 Student access to controlled areas and facilities
2.2.3 Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)
2.4 Relevant documentary evidence
Section 3 — Course and subject requirements
3.1 Availability of courses and places
3.2 General course requirements
3.8 Attendance and/or participation requirements
3.9 Retention of students' work
Section 4 — Fees, charges and other financial obligations
4.5 Refund of tuition fees and charges
4.6 Refund of student contribution debt
Section 5 — Admission
5.7 Requirements for admission
5.8 Specific course requirements for admission
Section 6 — Credit and recognition of prior learning
6.2 Recognition of prior learning
6.5 Credit for internships (work experience)
Section 7 — Enrolment
7.2 Concurrent enrolment at another tertiary educational institution
7.3 Cross-institutional enrolment
7.4 Non-award subject enrolment
Section 8 — Assessment of coursework subjects
8.2 Learning and assessment arrangements
8.2.2 Students with disability or ongoing illness
8.2.3 Students with carer responsibilities
8.2.4 Students from non-English speaking backgrounds
8.3 Special consideration of disruption to assessment
8.3.1 During the teaching period
8.3.3 Absence from entire examination
8.4 Subject assessment results
8.5 Supplementary assessment in final teaching period
8.6.2 Requesting a review of a result
Section 9 — Examination of coursework subjects
9.4 Special conditions for examinations
9.5 Rescheduled and alternative examinations
9.6 Student misconduct during examinations
9.6.2 Misconduct during centrally conducted examinations
9.6.3 Misconduct during faculty-based examinations
9.6.4 Disorderly conduct during centrally conducted examinations
9.6.5 Disorderly conduct during faculty-based examinations
Section 10 — Academic progression
10.1 Application of these Rules
10.2 Assessment of rate of progress
10.3 Minimum rate of progress — undergraduate courses
10.4 Failure to maintain minimum rate of progress
10.5 Maximum time to complete course requirements
10.6 Repeated failure in a subject
Section 11 — Graduate research
11.1 Application of these Rules
11.6 Recognition of prior research
11.13 - 11.14 (Repealed)
11.15 Candidature stage assessment
11.16 Review of an unsatisfactory candidature stage assessment
11.18 Oral presentation of thesis
11.19 Submission of thesis for examination
11.23 Withdrawal or discontinuation of candidature
11.24 Appeal against discontinuation of candidature
Section 12 — Higher Doctoral degree requirements
Section 13 — Awards and graduation
13.1 Application of these Rules
13.2 Completion of requirements
13.7 Level of award — classification and grading
Section 14 — Honorary awards of the University
14.2 Determination of recipients
14.3 Rescission of honorary award
Section 15 — Equipment loans
15.2 Responsibilities of faculties and units
15.3 Responsibilities of borrowers
Section 16 — Student misconduct and appeals
Part A — General provisions
16.8 Annual report of matters related to student misconduct and appeals
Part B — Temporary exclusion
16.9 Exclusion from facilities and/or participation in activities
Part C — Allegations of misconduct handled at the faculty level
16.10 Allegations referred to the Responsible Academic Officer
16.11 Responsible Academic Officer’s decision on misconduct involving plagiarism
Part D — Allegations of misconduct handled centrally
16.12 Allegations referred to the Director, Governance Support Unit
Part E — Student misconduct appeals
16.14 Student Misconduct Appeals Committee
16.14.2 Objection to membership
16.14.3 Conduct of appeals proceedings
16.14.6 Dissolution of committee
Section 17 — Appeals Committees of Academic Board
17.2 Graduate Research Students' Appeals Committee
17.3 Internships Appeals Committee
17.4 Admissions Non-disclosure Appeals Committee
17.5 Procedures for Appeals Committees
17.6 Dissolution of an Appeals Committee
17.7 Decision of an Appeals Committee
Section 18 — Use of the University Library
18.4 Responsibilities of clients
18.6.5 Reserve and Electronic Reserve
18.7 Offences and breaches of the Rules
18.8 Penalties, fines and fees
18.9 Payment of fines, service fees and replacement fees
18.11 Waiving of penalties or fees
Schedule 1 — Definitions
Schedule 2 — Results and Grades (Repealed)
Schedule 3 — Guidelines Relating to Student Misconduct and Appeals
3. Guidelines for inquiry bodies
4. Guidelines for Student Misconduct Appeals Committees
Schedule 4 — Guidelines on Determining an Appropriate Penalty for Instances of Student Misconduct
3. Issues specific to each type of penalty
4. Differential effects of penalties
5. Admissions of wrongdoing/level of contrition of student
7. Start/end dates of penalties
8. Status of student pending appeal outcomes
10. Records of misconduct on transcripts
Schedule 5 — Guidelines for Handling Student Misconduct Involving Plagiarism
4. Notification of an allegation
5. Meeting with the student (if required)
6. Matters to be referred to the Director, Governance Support Unit