On this page
5.1 General | 5.2 Application for admission | 5.3 Offer of admission | 5.4 Acceptance of offer | 5.5 Deferral of commencement | 5.6 Refusal of application, withdrawal of offer of admission and cancellation of admission or enrolment | 5.7 Requirements for admission | 5.8 Specific course requirements for admission | 5.9 Readmission
5.1 General
5.1.1 Subject to these Rules, admission to courses will be made in accordance with:
- Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy;
- Admissions Procedure;
- Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure;
- English Language Policy; and
- Register of Admissions Standards (approved by Academic Board from time to time).
5.1.2 UTS outlines its general admission and readmission requirements in the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and the Admissions Procedure.
5.2 Application for admission
5.2.1 An application for admission to a course shall be made on the prescribed application form and shall be lodged in accordance with directions on that form by the specified closing date, as published by the University from time to time.
5.2.2 Applicants for admission to a course are required to provide true, accurate and complete information, including without limitation disclosure of personal information and all their previous academic information and study as required on the application form. Applicants who fail to do so may have their application refused, the offer withdrawn or their admission and enrolment cancelled (refer Rule 5.6).
5.2.3 An applicant to an undergraduate course, who has a record of exclusion on academic grounds at this University (refer Rule 10.4.1) or at another tertiary institution, is encouraged to provide a statement and supporting documentation to demonstrate why he or she should be considered for admission to a course at the University and, in particular, provide documentation that is relevant to the assessment of the applicant’s chances of successfully completing the course (refer Rules 5.7 and 5.9).
5.2.4 An applicant who has been previously excluded for misconduct (or other non-academic grounds) at this University (refer Rule 16.3.1(4)), or at another tertiary institution, must provide adequate details of the reason for exclusion and a statement and supporting documentation to demonstrate why they should be considered for admission to a course at the University (refer Rules 5.7 and 5.9).
5.2.5 Acceptance by the University, or its agents, of an application for admission to a course, is not to be taken as an offer of admission or an undertaking of availability of that course in any particular year.
5.3 Offer of admission
5.3.1 A valid offer of admission to a course can only be made in writing by the University’s authorised delegates.
5.3.2 The University may make an offer of admission to an applicant for a course that is different from the course for which the application was made.
5.3.3 Unless stated otherwise in the offer document, an offer of admission to a course will lapse on the date the Provost specifies for the teaching period for which the offer was made unless the University is notified in the prescribed way that the offer has been accepted (refer Rule 5.4).
5.3.4 Any offer of admission to or enrolment in a course that is made conditional upon the provision of relevant academic or personal information (including information relating to a student’s status as a Genuine Temporary Entrant and Genuine Student as required by the Department of Home Affairs) may be withdrawn in accordance with Rule 5.6 if the required information is not provided to the University within the time specified by the University.
5.4 Acceptance of offer
5.4.1 Applicants who wish to accept an offer of admission to a course must do so in the way prescribed in the offer document. For domestic students, when that acceptance is received by the University, the student will be deemed to have been admitted to the course and will be provided with information on enrolment procedures. For international students, when the acceptance is confirmed by the University, the student will be deemed to have been admitted to the course and will be provided with information on enrolment procedures.
5.4.2 If an applicant who has accepted an offer of admission does not enrol in the specified enrolment period, he or she will be deemed to have forfeited the place in the course for which the offer has been made, unless he or she has applied for and been granted an extension of the time to enrol or a deferral of commencement (refer Rule 5.5).
5.5 Deferral of commencement
5.5.1 Unless Academic Board has resolved otherwise in respect of a particular course, an applicant who has been offered a place in an undergraduate or graduate coursework course will be eligible to apply for deferral of commencement of studies for a period no greater than 12 months.
5.5.2 Unless Academic Board has resolved otherwise in respect of a particular course, deferral of commencement of study is not available for Bachelor Honours degrees or non-award study.
5.5.3 An application for a deferral for eligible courses must be made via the process approved by the Director, Student Administration by the specified closing date.
5.5.4 An applicant who has had a deferral of commencement approved will automatically be made a new offer of admission at the end of the deferral period. Offers are normally made to the same course from which the student has deferred, or to a similar course where the original offering is no longer available.
5.5.5 In exceptional circumstances, an application for extension of the deferral period may be approved by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer. Approval of extension to the period of deferral is not automatic.
5.6 Refusal of application, withdrawal of offer of admission and cancellation of admission or enrolment
5.6.1 The University reserves the right to refuse an application for admission, withdraw an offer of admission or cancel the application or student’s admission or enrolment in cases where:
(1) an applicant does not provide information required by the University within the time specified by the University; or
(2) an applicant has not provided true, accurate and complete information, including but not limited to:
(a) full details of all previous academic information and study and personal information as required on the application form; or
(b) full details of proof of identity and citizenship status as required on the application form; or
(c) full disclosure of prior misconduct proceedings or findings at any tertiary institution or police convictions; or
(3) an applicant, who has been admitted via a special offer with conditions, and does not meet those conditions by the advised deadline; or
(4) an applicant, who has been granted a deferral of commencement in a course, enrols in any other undergraduate or graduate courses (including diplomas, advanced diplomas and associate degrees at post-secondary level) at any tertiary institution during the period of approved deferral; or
(5) a student, who has been readmitted to a course with conditions relating to his or her future conduct at the University set by the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee), fails to satisfy those conditions; or
(6) an applicant or student seeks admission to (or is found to be enrolled in) more than one award course at this University or any tertiary institution without the approval of the relevant faculty, faculties and/or where necessary, in consultation with the Director, Student Administration; or
(7) an applicant or student seeks admission to (or is found to be enrolled in) an award course for which they have already received an award of the same or higher AQF level, in the same cognate discipline, at this University or any other tertiary institution without the approval of the relevant faculty or faculties; or
(8) the University is not satisfied that an applicant or student intending to apply for a student visa meets the Genuine Temporary Entrant and/or Genuine Student requirements set by the Department of Home Affairs; or
(9) the University considers in its absolute discretion that an applicant’s or student’s admission or a student’s continued enrolment in a subject or course would be in breach of, or would risk being in breach of, any legislation.
5.6.2 Written notification of any such refusal, withdrawal or cancellation will be sent to relevant applicants or students by the Director, Student Administration.
5.6.3 An applicant or student whose application was refused, whose offer was withdrawn (except in the cases of 5.6.1(3) or 5.6.1(8)), or whose admission or enrolment was cancelled under Rule 5.6.1 will be excluded from applying for admission to the University for a period of no less than one academic year and may not apply for or enrol in any subjects or courses at the University during the period of exclusion.
5.6.4 An applicant or student may reapply for further study at the end of the period of exclusion in accordance with Rule 5.9.
5.6.5 Appeal
(1) An appeal may be lodged by an applicant for admission against decisions made under Rule 5.6.1(2) in relation to withdrawal of an offer of admission and cancellation of admission and/or enrolment.
(2) An appeal must be in writing, specify and substantiate the grounds of the appeal and be lodged with the Director, Student Administration within 20 working days of the date of notification.
(3) A student may request the Director, Student Administration to consider an extension of time to submit an appeal against decisions made under Rule 5.6.1(2). Except in exceptional circumstances, any such request must be received within 15 working days of the date of official notification.
(4) The grounds for appeal are:
(a) procedural irregularities of a type and to an extent that are likely to have had a significant negative impact on the decision; and/or
(b) mitigating circumstances, supported by documentary evidence, which directly and significantly affected the applicant’s ability to provide complete and true information.
(5) The Director, Student Administration shall refer the appeal to the Responsible Academic Officer. The Responsible Academic Officer may seek advice from relevant members of staff. The Responsible Academic Officer shall then forward their recommendation, and the advice received, to the Director, Student Administration.
(6) If the recommendation of the Responsible Academic Officer is that the appeal be upheld, the refused offer of admission and/or cancelled admission and/or enrolment will be reinstated and the applicant will be advised of this by the Director, Student Administration. If the recommendation is to dismiss the appeal, the Director, Student Administration shall refer the appeal to an Admissions Non-disclosure Appeals Committee, constituted under Rule 17.4, for consideration and decision.
5.7 Requirements for admission
5.7.1 To be eligible for admission to a UTS course, an applicant for admission:
(1) must satisfy the general requirements for admission to that course as prescribed in the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy;
(2) must satisfy the language requirements if applicable for that course as prescribed in the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy;
(3) must satisfy the University that he or she meets the Genuine Temporary Entrant and/or Genuine Student requirements set by the relevant Commonwealth Government department if they wish to apply for a student visa; and
(4) must comply with all legislative requirements;
(5) may also be required to satisfy other specific requirements for the particular course (refer Rule 5.8);
(6) must not have any debts owed to the University;
(7) must satisfy the readmission requirements of Rule 5.9 where the student or applicant is a former student of the University; and
(8) must, where applicable, satisfy any reasonable concerns that the University may have in relation to any previous exclusion from the University or other tertiary institution (refer Rules 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.6.1 and 5.9.3).
5.7.2 Applications for admission may be refused where the University is not satisfied that the requirements for admission in this Rule 5.7 have been met.
5.7.3 Academic Board may approve, in exceptional circumstances, admission for any applicant who, in the opinion of the Board, has reached an acceptable standard but does not satisfy the requirements of Rules 5.7.1(1), 5.7.1(2), 5.7.1(5), 5.7.1(7), 5.7.1(8) and 5.8. Justification must be provided for consideration by the Board.
5.7.4 Academic Board may not approve an applicant for admission who fails to satisfy the requirements of Rules 5.7.1(3), 5.7.1(4) or 5.7.1(6).
5.8 Specific course requirements for admission
5.8.1 Applicants who satisfy both the general requirements for admission and language requirements for admission may also have their application assessed in accordance with specific course requirements as recommended by the relevant Faculty Board or Graduate Research School Board and approved by Academic Board.
5.8.2 Academic Board, on the advice of the relevant Faculty Board or Graduate Research School Board, may require the applicants for admission to a particular course to submit a personal statement or other document, undertake an examination or interview, or submit portfolios or other additional information. This material may be taken into account by the staff of the relevant faculty or Graduate Research School according to criteria approved by the relevant Faculty Board or Graduate Research School Board for the purposes of determining whether or not to make an offer of admission.
5.8.3 Applications may be refused after the assessment under Rules 5.8.1 or 5.8.2.
5.9 Readmission
5.9.1 A former student who has:
(1) withdrawn from or discontinued enrolment in a course; or
(2) had enrolment in a course cancelled, withdrawn or discontinued; or
(3) been excluded from a course for a set period;
and who wishes subsequently to undertake further study at the University, whether in the same course or a different course, must meet the general requirements for admission as specified in Rule 5.7.1, and apply for admission in accordance with standard admissions procedures.
5.9.2 Readmission to a course, whether the same or a different course, is not automatic.
5.9.3 A former student who has been excluded from further study at the University for a set period and who subsequently wishes to undertake further study at the University whether in the same or a different course:
(1) must show cause by providing a statement and supporting documentation to demonstrate why he or she should be considered for readmission to the University; and
(2) may have conditions relating to his or her future conduct at the University set by the Vice-Chancellor and will be required to satisfy those conditions once readmitted to the University.
5.9.4 Where a former student is readmitted to a course in which he or she has been enrolled previously the Responsible Academic Officer shall determine the maximum period of time for completion of the course by the student.
5.9.5 In cases where an application for readmission to the University, whether in the same course or a different course, has been declined, the former student may request review of that decision by the Provost. The decision of the Provost is final and there is no appeal.
5.9.6 In cases where a decision has been made to decline an application for readmission to a course in which he or she had been enrolled previously and (where relevant) that decision has been upheld by the Provost, the former student is then excluded from reapplying for admission to the same course for a period of one academic year and only then with provision of new information in a statement and supporting documentation to demonstrate why he or she should be considered for admission to that course.
5.9.7 In cases where a decision has been made to decline an application for readmission to the University and (where relevant) that decision has been upheld by the Provost, the former student is then excluded from reapplying for admission to any course for a period of one academic year and only then with provision of new information in a statement and supporting documentation to demonstrate why he or she should be considered for admission to that course.