On this page
Division 1 — Election of Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor | 1. Call for nominations | 2. Schedule of dates for elections for Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor | 3. Making of nominations | 4. Dealing with nominations | 5. Conduct of the ballot | 6. Election in anticipation of resignation
Division 1 — Election of Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor
1. The following Rules apply in accordance with sections 10 and 11 of the Act and clause 4 of the By-law.
1. Call for nominations
(1) (a) If an election for a Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor is necessary, the Returning Officer must send or deliver a copy of the notice to each member of Council.
(b) The notice referred to in this rule must:
(i) state that an election is necessary;
(ii) invite nominations for persons for election;
(iii) specify the form in which nominations must be made;
(iv) specify the date and time by which nomination papers must reach the Returning Officer;
(v) specify how ballot papers will be distributed;
(vi) specify the date and time by which ballot papers must reach the Returning Officer; and
(vii) contain such other information relating to the election as the Returning Officer thinks fit.
(c) Unless Council determines otherwise, the notice referred to in this rule must be sent or delivered whenever a vacancy in the office of Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor occurs or, if a vacancy is expected to occur, no earlier than six months and no later than one month before the date of the expected vacancy, noting the requirements of the election in anticipation of resignation specified in Rule G2.
2. Schedule of dates for elections for Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor
(1) In the conduct of an election for Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor the Returning Officer must allow:
(a) between the notification to Council members, under Rule G2-1(a), that an election is necessary and the date and time specified for receipt of nominations — not less than 10 days and not more than 14 days;
(b) between the date and time specified for the receipt of nominations and the issue of ballot papers — not more than seven days; and
(c) between the issue of ballot papers and the date and time by which ballot papers must reach the Returning Officer — not less than 10 days and not more than 14 days.
3. Making of nominations
(1) (a) Nomination of candidates must be made by sending or delivering nomination papers to the Returning Officer.
(b) A nomination paper must be signed by two members of Council, other than the person nominated, and must be endorsed with or accompanied by the written consent of the person nominated.
(c) There must be a separate nomination paper for each candidate.
(d) A candidate may provide with the nomination paper a statement of not more than one page containing information relating to the candidate that he or she wishes to supply. The statements provided by the candidates are to be distributed with the ballot papers.
4. Dealing with nominations
(1) (a) The Returning Officer must, within four days after receipt of a nomination paper, send or deliver a notice to each person who has signed or endorsed the nomination paper, notifying the person of the acceptance or rejection of the nomination.
(b) If, at the close of nominations, only one valid nomination for a position is duly made and delivered, the Returning Officer must declare the candidate so nominated to be elected.
(c) If more than one valid nomination for a position is duly made and delivered, the Returning Officer must conduct a ballot.
5. Conduct of the ballot
(1) (a) The ballot must be a secret ballot.
(b) The Returning Officer must send or deliver a ballot paper to each member of Council.
(c) Following receipt of a written application, the Returning Officer may, on being satisfied that a ballot paper has been lost or destroyed, supply a duplicate ballot paper to the person to whom the lost or destroyed ballot paper was issued.
(d) All envelopes received by the Returning Officer must remain unopened until the close of ballot.
(e) The procedure to be followed at the close of ballot must be conducted in accordance with the UTS General Rules G3 - 34 to 37.
6. Election in anticipation of resignation
(1) (a) If the Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor intends to resign from office he or she is under a duty to notify the Returning Officer as soon as practicable of:
(i) his or her intention to resign from office; and
(ii) the date from which the resignation is intended to take effect.
(b) After such a notification has been received the Returning Officer may proceed to conduct an election.
(c) The result of the election does not take effect until after the incumbent’s resignation takes effect.
Division 2
1. Pro-Chancellors’ appointment and role
(1) Pro-Chancellors will be elected by Council by means of a secret ballot conducted by the University Secretary in accordance with the rules on the election of the Chancellor (Rule G2).
(2) All members of Council are eligible to make nominations and to vote, but only members of Council who are not a staff member or a student can stand for election for the position of Pro-Chancellor.
(3) A Pro-Chancellor shall have authority to act for the Chancellor in the context of the University’s graduation ceremonies, or, when specifically requested by the Chancellor, to assist with ceremonial or courtesy function in the University.
(4) The appointment shall be for a period of two years, renewable.
(5) When presiding at official functions where robes are appropriately worn, a Pro-Chancellor shall wear a robe which is specially designed for the role of Pro-Chancellor in accordance with the instructions of the Chancellor.