On this page
10.1 Application of these Rules | 10.2 Assessment of rate of progress | 10.3 Minimum rate of progress — undergraduate courses | 10.4 Failure to maintain minimum rate of progress | 10.5 Maximum time to complete course requirements | 10.6 Repeated failure in a subject | 10.7 Academic caution | 10.8 Appeals | 10.9 Result of appeal
10.1 Application of these Rules
This section of the Rules applies to all students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate coursework award courses.
10.2 Assessment of rate of progress
10.2.1 In the assessment of a student's progress in a course, account may be taken of work completed in the laboratory and in class exercises, tests or assignments given throughout the relevant teaching periods, as well as results obtained in any examinations.
10.2.2 Assessment of rate of progress of a student enrolled in an undergraduate award course shall normally occur at the end of the calendar year and shall normally be for study undertaken in no less than a full year.
10.2.3 A Faculty Board may determine specific requirements for the timing and calculation of assessment of rate of progress for students enrolled in particular graduate coursework award courses, or vertically integrated courses. Information on these requirements will be published by the faculty in official course information and the UTS: Handbook.
10.3 Minimum rate of progress — undergraduate courses
10.3.1 In order to satisfy the required minimum rate of progress a student must gain no less than 50 per cent of the credit points for the subjects in which the student has been enrolled since the commencement of enrolment in the course.
10.3.2 Rule 10.3.1 may be waived in particular cases by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer, who must set conditions in writing for further enrolment. Non-compliance with those conditions will constitute failure to satisfy the minimum rate of progress requirements.
10.4 Failure to maintain minimum rate of progress
10.4.1 A student who fails to achieve the required minimum rate of progress in a course (unless waived in accordance with Rule 10.3.2) as specified in Rule 10.3.1 or as specified by a faculty in accordance with Rule 10.2.3 will be excluded from further study for a period of at least one academic year and may not apply for or enrol in any subjects or courses of study at the University that are conducted during the period of exclusion.
10.4.2 Written notification of any exclusion will be sent to the relevant student in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Director, Student Administration.
10.4.3 A student may appeal against exclusion from study at the University for the determined period in accordance with procedures as set out in Rule 10.8.
10.4.4 A student may apply for readmission for further study at the end of the period of exclusion and must meet requirements and comply with procedures set out in Rule 5.9. Readmission is not automatic.
10.5 Maximum time to complete course requirements
10.5.1 Students are required to complete course requirements within an approved maximum time limit from the time of first enrolment.
10.5.2 Except where otherwise provided, the maximum time to complete a course shall not be greater than 50 per cent in excess of normal completion time laid down for that course.
10.5.3 A Faculty Board may determine specific requirements for maximum time for students enrolled in particular coursework award courses consistent with Faculty Board approved time limits for credit recognition. Information on these requirements must be published by the faculty in official course information and the UTS: Handbook.
10.5.4 Periods of approved leave of absence or suspension from the course are not counted and will be in addition to the specified completion time.
10.5.5 Where credit recognition has been granted, the maximum time in which the student is required to complete the course requirements may be reduced by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer.
10.5.6 In accordance with procedures prescribed by the Director, Student Administration, Student Administration will issue notification at the end of any half year of study, if a student is approaching the maximum time to complete a course, that the student must consult with the relevant Responsible Academic Officer for approval of a study plan to enable completion of the course within an agreed specified time period.
10.5.7 Failure to meet any or all of the requirements set out in the study plan approved by the Responsible Academic Officer will be taken into account in any subsequent appeal against exclusion submitted in accordance with Rule 10.8.
10.5.8 In exceptional circumstances, the relevant Responsible Academic Officer may approve an extension of the maximum time to complete course requirements for a particular student. Before the Responsible Academic Officer grants any approval, the Responsible Academic Officer must be satisfied of the academic currency of the subjects completed by the student during the initial periods of enrolment in the course which will, if the extension is granted, be outside the normal maximum time period.
10.5.9 Where a student has failed to complete the requirements of a course within the maximum time the student will be excluded permanently from that course.
10.5.10 Written notification of any exclusion will be sent to the relevant student in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Director, Student Administration.
10.5.11 A student may appeal against permanent exclusion from the course in accordance with procedures set out in Rule 10.8.
10.6 Repeated failure in a subject
10.6.1 For the purposes of Rules 10.6.2 and 10.6.3 a Faculty Board may:
(1) deem different subjects to be the same subject if the subjects are substantially similar in content and/or learning objectives;
(2) specify individual subjects where further re-enrolment is not permitted after two failures in the subject.
10.6.2 A student who fails a subject for a second time shall be advised that:
(1) they must seek advice from an appropriate academic adviser from the relevant faculty before being permitted to enrol again in that subject; and
(2) a third failure in the same subject will require the student to seek the permission of the Responsible Academic Officer or nominee for any further enrolment in that subject; or
(3) no further enrolment in the subject will be permitted for subjects specified in Rule 10.6.1(2).
10.6.3 A student who fails a subject for a third time must receive permission from the Responsible Academic Officer or nominee for any further enrolment in that subject. If such permission is granted the student must seek continuing assistance throughout that teaching period from an appropriate academic adviser in the relevant faculty.
10.6.4 Where a student is unable to complete a course as a result of being refused permission to enrol in a subject under Rules 10.6.2 or 10.6.3, the student will be excluded from further study for a period of at least one academic year and may not apply for or enrol in any subjects or courses of study at the University that are conducted during the period of exclusion.
10.6.5 Written notification of any exclusion will be sent to the student in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Director, Student Administration.
10.6.6 Where a student has been excluded under Rule 10.6.4, the student may appeal against the exclusion in accordance with procedures as set out in Rule 10.8.
10.7 Academic caution
10.7.1 A student will be placed on academic caution if:
(1) at the end of any half year of study in any year of the student's enrolment in a course, the student gains less than 50 per cent of the credit points for which he or she was enrolled in that half year; and/or
(2) the student has been excluded for failure to meet the minimum rate of progress as set out in Rule 10.4.1 and he or she has appealed against the exclusion and that appeal has been upheld, unless the appeal was upheld on the basis that the original decision to exclude was invalid as a result of factual errors, pursuant to Rule 10.8.4(3).
10.7.2 The period of academic caution will normally have a duration of one half year and shall occur in the next half year of study following the decision to place the student on academic caution.
10.7.3. A student who is placed on academic caution will be advised in writing of the arrangements and requirements for academic caution.
10.7.4 During a first period of academic caution the student must:
(1) consult with the designated academic course advisers from the relevant faculty for advice on the student's study plan;
(2) attend a study skills workshop program organised by the Student Services Unit;
(3) enrol in no more than 24 credit points for the half year of study to which the period of academic caution applies, and/or no more than six credit points for the immediately following summer or July teaching period. The maximum number of credit points in which a student may enrol may be reduced to 18 credit points by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer. Students attempting to enrol in credit points above the permitted maximum may be withdrawn from the subject(s) in accordance with Rule 7.5.6;
(4) attend a HELPS English language workshop if directed to do so by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer.
10.7.5 During any further period of academic caution the student must consult with the designated academic course advisers from the relevant faculty to determine a plan for study success.
10.7.6 The extent to which a student has met the requirements set out in Rules 10.7.4 and 10.7.5 will be taken into account in any subsequent appeal against exclusion submitted in accordance with Rule 10.8.
10.7.7 The provisions of Rule 10.7.1 may be waived by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer in particular cases.
10.8 Appeals
10.8.1 A student may lodge an appeal with the Director, Student Administration as set out in Rules 10.4.3, 10.5.11 and 10.6.6.
10.8.2 An appeal must be in writing, must specify and substantiate the grounds of the appeal and be lodged with the Director, Student Administration within 20 working days of the date of notification of the decision.
10.8.3 Late appeals which are submitted after the date provided in Rule 10.8.2 will not be accepted unless the student is able to provide satisfactory documentary evidence of circumstances of a personal or medical nature that were beyond the student's control and that significantly affected the student's ability to submit an appeal by the due date.
10.8.4 The grounds on which a student may appeal against exclusion are:
(1) procedural irregularities in the decision-making process of a type and to an extent that are likely to have significant negative impact on the decision;
(2) mitigating circumstances, supported by documentary evidence, which directly and significantly affected the student's performance; or
(3) the decision was based on factual errors of such magnitude as to invalidate the decision.
10.8.5 The Director, Student Administration shall refer the appeal to the relevant Responsible Academic Officer.
10.8.6 The appeal shall be considered by the appropriate Course Director (or equivalent) in the first instance, who shall seek the advice of other relevant members of staff as appropriate.
10.8.7 The Course Director (or equivalent) shall submit a report to the Responsible Academic Officer with a recommendation as to whether to uphold or dismiss the appeal.
10.8.8 The Responsible Academic Officer will consider the report from the Course Director (or equivalent) and will make a final determination. If required, the Responsible Academic Officer may request further information from the student (in writing and/or in person as appropriate) to facilitate their decision-making process.
10.8.9 In the event that the Responsible Academic Officer believes that his or her involvement in the appeal would lead to a conflict of interest, he or she will be required to consult with the Dean (or nominee) who will make the decision on the appeal.
10.8.10 The final decision will be conveyed to the student by the Director, Student Administration.
10.9 Result of appeal
10.9.1 Where an appeal under Rule 10.8 is successful the student:
(1) shall have his or her enrolment in the course reinstated;
(2) shall be placed on academic caution in the next half year of study following the successful appeal, where the exclusion resulted from failure to maintain minimum rate of progress. A student must meet the requirements for academic caution in accordance with Rule 10.7.4.
(3) shall be notified by the Responsible Academic Officer of the period of time allowed for completion of the course where the exclusion has resulted from failure to complete within the approved maximum period.
10.9.2 Where an appeal under Rule 10.8 is unsuccessful, the student:
(1) shall have his or her exclusion from the course confirmed;
(2) may seek guidance from the Responsible Academic Officer on those things that the student may wish to undertake in order to enhance opportunities for readmission after the period of exclusion has elapsed.