On this page
1.1 General | 1.2 Application of these Rules | 1.3 Designation
1.1 General
1.1.1 These Rules shall be known collectively as the 'Student Rules' and are made pursuant to section 29 of the University of Technology Sydney Act 1989 (NSW) and clause 44 of the University of Technology Sydney By-law 2005 (NSW).
1.1.2 Rules take effect in accordance with section 29(2)(c) of the Act and are promulgated in accordance with clause 46 of the By-law.
1.1.3 For the purposes of these Rules, unless the contrary intention is apparent, the definitions in Schedule 1 apply. Specific definitions may also be contained within a section of the Rules.
1.2 Application of these Rules
1.2.1 General
Subject to the provisions of Rules 1.2.2 and 1.2.3, these Rules apply to all students of the University who are admitted to award course(s) or non-award study including those course(s) and study conducted by, or in partnership with, another institution.
1.2.2 Conduct of students and other persons
These Rules apply to the conduct of a person that occurs while he or she is a student of the University. There are circumstances in which some of these Rules also apply to the conduct of a person who is an applicant and/or former student.
1.2.3 Course conducted in conjunction with another institution
(1) The Provost may exclude the application of some or all of these Rules in the case of students who are enrolled in a UTS course which is conducted in conjunction with another institution of an appropriate standing whether in Australia or offshore.
(2) Students must comply with all requirements including, without limitation, the rules, guidelines and code of conduct of the other institution for the duration of their studies at the other institution. Students who transfer to UTS to continue their study will then be subject to these Rules from the time of transfer.
1.3 Designation
1.3.1 The Vice-Chancellor may make a written designation that an organisational unit, position or body is equivalent to a 'faculty', 'Dean' or 'Faculty Board', respectively, for the purposes of these Rules. The designation may be for the purpose of specific Rules, groups of Rules, or these Rules generally. Any such designation will be recorded in a register maintained by the University Secretary.