On this page
4.1 Liability for payment | 4.2 Payment due date | 4.3 Allocation of payment | 4.4 Failure to pay | 4.5 Refund of tuition fees and charges | 4.6 Refund of student contribution debt
4.1 Liability for payment
4.1.1 A student is liable for and required to pay all due fees, charges, debts and any other specified amounts properly incurred, including but not limited to:
(1) for Commonwealth supported students and within the provisions of relevant legislation, any part of the student contribution amount that the student has elected to pay directly to the University;
(2) course tuition fees;
(3) non-award study single subject tuition fees;
(4) student service fees and charges, including any components for membership of student organisations;
(5) any charge for administrative services;
(6) any loan made by the University;
(7) any amounts payable under Section 18 (Use of the University Library);
(8) any amounts payable under Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals);
(9) any amounts payable under Section 15 (Equipment loans);
(10) penalty or other fines under Rule 4.4.1;
(11) University Housing or other accommodation fees and charges.
Under section 30 of the Act, these amounts are debts due to the University and may be recovered by legal process.
4.1.2 An applicant for admission, user of the Library, former student or other person is liable for and required to pay all due fees, charges, debts and any other specified amounts properly incurred, including but not limited to:
(1) any charge for administrative services;
(2) any specified amount determined under Section 18 (Use of the University Library);
(3) any specified amount determined under Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals).
Under section 30 of the Act, these amounts are debts due to the University and may be recovered by legal process.
4.1.3 In exceptional circumstances and subject to regulatory requirements the Director, Student Administration may waive liability for payment of a particular fee or charge.
4.1.4 Course tuition fees are published on the Fees and payment section of the University's website (the primary and authoritative source of official tuition fee information) for the current (calendar) year (in line with the provisions of the Course Approval Policy) and are revised annually. Fees published for future year(s) are estimates only and the University reserves the right to vary fees for future year(s) at any time.
4.2 Payment due date
4.2.1 A Commonwealth supported student is required to discharge his or her responsibility for payment of the student contribution amount in accordance with relevant legislation.
4.2.2 All other fees, charges, debts and any other specified amounts must be paid on or before the due date specified by the University.
4.2.3 Delay in notification or payment to the student of any scholarship or other form of financial support does not alter the student's responsibility for payment of all due fees, charges, debts and any other specified amount by the due date.
4.2.4 In exceptional circumstances and subject to legislative requirements the Director, Student Administration may grant an extension of the payment due date. Applications for such an extension must be directed to Student Administration and must be received prior to the payment due date, state the reasons why payment cannot be made by the due date and be accompanied by such relevant documentary evidence of the exceptional circumstances as is required by the Director, Student Administration. Only in exceptional circumstances will the Director, Student Administration accept such an application after the payment date.
4.3 Allocation of payment
4.3.1 The University will allocate payments received in accordance with the payment allocation schedule determined by the Provost. The payment allocation schedule will be published in the appropriate official publications of the University.
4.4 Failure to pay
4.4.1 If a student (and for purposes of this Rule, a student may include an applicant for admission, former student or user of the UTS Library as defined in Rule 18.2 or other UTS facilities) has not paid all due fees, charges, debts and any other specified amount by the due date for payment or has not been granted an extension of time to pay in accordance with Rule 4.2.4, the Provost (or nominee) may, or when required by legislative requirements must:
(1) require the student to pay a fine for late payment as determined by the Provost (or nominee) from time to time; or
(2) take steps to initiate debt recovery action; or
(3) exclude the student from any examination; or
(4) exclude the student from any class; or
(5) exclude the student from the University Library or any other facility of the University; or
(6) withhold from the student the results of any examination or other assessment; or
(7) withhold from the student the student's official academic records; or
(8) withhold eligibility for the conferral of an academic award including deferral or withdrawal of permission to attend a graduation ceremony; or
(9) cancel the student's enrolment in a course; or
(10) refuse to admit an applicant to any course; or
(11) refuse access to any UTS facility; or
(12) do any combination of those things until the debt has been discharged or the repayments or payments made or alternative arrangements have been made to the satisfaction of the Provost (or nominee).
4.4.2 A student may request reconsideration of a decision taken pursuant to Rule 4.4.1. Such requests must be in writing, state the grounds for the request and be lodged with the Provost (or nominee). The Provost (or nominee) may take such action as he or she thinks fit.
4.4.3 Where an administrative charge is payable for a service requested and the person requesting the service fails to make payment by the due date, officers of the University are under no obligation to provide the requested service.
4.5 Refund of tuition fees and charges
4.5.1 Where a student withdraws from enrolment in a course or part of a course the University may retain all or a proportion of fees paid by the student as a charge for cancellation of enrolment, and may impose different cancellation charges for different categories of students.
4.5.2 The Director, Student Administration has authority to approve a refund of fees and charges.
4.5.3 A student who wishes to request a refund of fees must apply in writing by the date specified by the Director, Student Administration.
4.5.4 Decisions relating to eligibility for a refund, the amount of any refund and other related matters will be made in accordance with relevant legislation and regulations and with the University's Statement of Protocol on Refund of Fees for international students and the procedures outlined on the Refunds and Remissions webpage as approved from time to time.
4.6 Refund of student contribution debt
4.6.1 In circumstances prescribed by law, a Commonwealth supported student may apply for a refund of a student contribution amount paid to the University or for remission of a debt to the Commonwealth Government. An application must be made following the instructions outlined on the Refunds and Remissions webpage within the required timeframes. A decision will be made in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation. The Director, Student Administration or nominee has authority to approve a refund or remission of a student contribution debt in accordance with the relevant legislation.
4.6.2 A student may apply for a review of the decision made under Rule 4.6.1. An application for review must be submitted in accordance with the instructions outlined in the Reviews section of the Refunds and Remissions webpage.