WHO Strategic Direction: Strengthening the capacity of the maternal health workforce through improved midwifery education and practice to improve maternal and child health services
Maternal and child health is a major issue in the pacific region. Papua New Guinea has the 3rd worst maternal mortality death rate in the world with 733 per 100,000 women dying during childbirth compared to 4-5 per 100,000 in Australia.
Many of these deaths are due to typically easily preventable issues such as blood loss or infection. These issues often occur due poor patient to midwife ratios, poor quality of infrastructure and facilities or unsatisfactory levels of education and training. Industry complications are compounded through challenges in regulation, lack of training and poor access to trained health workers.
We take a whole system approach to address challenges related to maternal and child health to improve care and reduce mortality rates. We work with a combination of training, policy development, regulation, education, upscaling and research which can be used to inform decisions at all levels, thus improving systems across the healthcare sector.
PNG ANGAU Memorial Hospital Redevelopment Project
WHO CC Involvement: Michele Rumsey, Professor Lin Lock, Professor Kathleen Baird, Dr Vanessa Scarf, Amanda Neill, Nathalia Rodrigues, Tasnuva Tisha.
Consultancy with UNFPA Cambodia to provide technical support
to strengthen the quality of midwifery education in Cambodia
WHO CC involvement: Amanda Neill with Faculty of Health staff members Professor Caroline Homer, Ms Rachel Smith, Dr Joanne Gray, Ms Vanessa Scarf, Dr Christine Catling and Ms Nicki Watts.