Midwife and nurse graduates match or surpass health system demand and have the requisite knowledge, competencies and attitudes to meet national health priorities including regulation, quality standards and alignment with population health needs.
WHO Strategic Direction Education
An imperative element of education is building the capacity of educators and the facilities they use, allowing them to carry out nursing and midwifery education with sustainable and ongoing program delivery.
The Centre collaborates with in-country organisations to assess emerging skill needs and gaps that must be addressed within healthcare workers. These assessments ensure that the development of baseline training and education courses are in line with the country’s needs, enabling practitioners to offer the highest possible level of care.
Our work aligns with the current policy priorities, which are to:
- Align the levels of nursing and midwifery education with optimised roles within the health and academic systems.
- Optimise the domestic production of midwives and nurses to meet or surpass health system demand.
- Design education programmes to be competency-based, apply effective learning design, meet quality standards, and align with population health needs.
- Ensure the faculty are properly trained in the best pedagogical methods and technologies, with demonstrated clinical expertise in content areas.
The WHO CC UTS acknowledges use of key language from the WHO's Strategic Directions for Nurses and Midwives 2021–2025 Document.
Strengthening Health Workforce in the Pacific (Nursing and Midwifery)(SHWP) Program
Date: 2034–2024
Strengthening Health Workforce Education in PNG
Date: 4 August 2021– 2024
WHO CC Involvement: Michele Rumsey, Di Brown, Ali Moloney, Amanda Neill, Tasnuva Tisha, Kerri Gianesi, Tasmin Goldsmith
Pacific Head of Nursing and Midwifery Meetings
Date: 25 November 2021
Scoping study: Improving the quality of nursing and midwifery education and regulation in Pacific Island countries and areas
Date: August, 2020 – December, 2020
WHO CC Involvement: Professor Di Brown, Michele Rumsey, Tasnuva Tisha
Date: 2011 – ongoing
Date: 2020
Date: Ongoing
WHO CC involvement: Michele Rumsey, Professor John Daly, Jodi Thiessen
WHO CC involvement: Michele Rumsey, Jodi Thiessen