WHO CC involvement: Michele Rumsey, Professor James Buchan, Jodi Thiessen
The Mobility of Health Professionals (MoHProf) was a research project funded by the European Commission and led by the German Academy of Medical Science. The objective was to apply new research methods to generate a scientific evidence base for informed policy decisions on the mobility of health professionals. The Asian Research Team included India, Philippines and Australia, with staff at the WHO CC leading the Australian research. In 2015, a paper from this research was authored by Michele Rumsey, Jodi Thiessen, James Buchan, and John Daly and published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies, titled The Consequences of English Language Testing for International Health Professionals and Students: an Australian Case Study. The published article on English Language testing can be found at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26129763
A summary report of Mobility of Health Professionals can be found at http://www.springer.com/medicine/book/978-3-642-34052-9.