The WHO CC UTS is working with the Vanuatu College of Nursing Education (VCNE) and the Vanuatu Ministry of Health (Mott) to provide support to develop and implement a Bachelor of Nursing (Conversion) and Bachelor of Nursing curriculum framework. This work incorporates capacity building activities for VCNE staff and relevant stakeholders on curriculum development and where possible, the provision of assistance to VCNE staff for completion of course accreditation documentation and relevant regulation processes.
This curriculum and accreditation work for the Bachelor of Nursing (Conversion) bridging program will enable current diploma-qualified Vanuatu nurses to gain the Bachelor of Nursing qualification, while recognizing their prior learning. The team from UTS are also working with the national VCNE tutors and other relevant stakeholders to implement a Bachelor of Nursing program and ensure the VCNE will have the plans, capacity and resources in place to deliver the Bachelor of Nursing in the future.

Colleagues from the VCNE and Steering Committee members, with Prof Lin Lock, Dr Di Brown and Ms Lisa Townsend from WHO CC UTS
Key stakeholders have been consulted and involved with planning and development throughout the project, including personnel from the Vanuatu Ministry of Health (MOH), VCNE, WHO Country Office, Vila Central Hospital, Vanuatu Qualifications Authority, and the Australian government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), with the Vanuatu Principal Nursing Officer (PNO) and Principal Nursing Officer from VCNE leading the project in their country.
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