Date: 2012 - 2013
WHO CC involvement: Michele Rumsey, Stephanie Fletcher, Jodi Thiessen
WHO CC UTS and Institute of Sustainable Futures, UTS, funded by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, partnered to inform policy makers about how climate change is likely to impact on Australia’s capacity to respond to disasters in the Pacific, and how the emergency and humanitarian responses of Pacific Island Countries (PICs) will also be affected by a changing climate.
A regional reference group including representatives from Humanitarian Partnership Agreement (Caritas, Oxfam, CARE, PLAN International, Save the Children, and World Vision), APEDNN, WHO WPRO, and CSIRO was formed.
More than 90 interviews were conducted with representatives from organisations who respond to disasters in Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa, and Vanuatu. Interviews were analysed and major determinants for adaptive capacity following a disaster were isolated and discussed. A final report including individual country reports for participating countries was submitted. Journal articles have been submitted for publication.
A deeper understanding of the future implications of climate change to the Pacific and what impact this has on Australia will be gained. Different aspects of the work will be developed into articles for publishing.
Policy Briefs and Country Reports
Final Report: Disaster Response and Climate Change in the Pacific
Policy Brief for Australian Disaster Response Organisations
Policy Brief for Pacific Islands' National Disaster Response Organisations
Policy Brief for Pacific Regional Disaster Response Organisations
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