WHOCC Involvement: Professor James Buchan, Professor Michele Rumsey
Professor James Buchan is the Adjunct Professor of the WHO CC UTS, and specialises in developing strategic intelligence and policy advice at national level and internationally on the HRH implications of health sector reorganisation and healthcare reform; performance management, labour market analysis; and skill mix/ extended roles.
Among much global human resources for health work, Professor Buchan has advised the Ministry of Health in Malaysia on the development of a HRH Masterplan for the country; contributed to a high level policy round table on the recruitment and retention of primary care workers in remote areas in China; and advised the Ministry of Health in Moldova on the development of a national HRH strategy. He was involved in the program of work on HRH for the WHO Offices for South East Asia region, and for Europe including developing a policy report on health workforce sustainability for the WHO Europe Regional Committee in Lithuania. He also undertook consultancies for World Bank in India and advised on organisation and remuneration of primary care workers in Latvia. Professor Buchan participated in the convening of a WHO Expert Advisory Group Meeting to address the relevance and effectiveness of the WHO Global Code of Practice on international recruitment of health personnel, representing the WHO CC UTS.
Expert Consultation for Human Resources for Health Framework
On the 17th and 18th of January 2023, The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) hosted an expert’s consultation for the drafting of a renewed, regionally apt human resources for health (HRH) framework.

In the Western Pacific Region, past efforts in human resources for health development have yielded positive results, including an increased number of health workers and emerging regulatory mechanisms. On the other hand, challenges ranging from ageing populations and increases in non-communicable diseases, to climate-based health emergencies and new modes and models of service delivery have stressed existing health workforce infrastructure. A revitalized framework, addressing emerging priorities through a primary care approach has been identified in the WPRO’s working commitment to providing person-centred care and achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
Prof. Michele Rumsey AM (Director, WHO CC UTS) said she was
Extremely pleased with the outcomes of the meeting, being both productive and innovative, with a first draft framework ready for dissemination to member states in April. The committee aims for final submission to WHO Headquarters in October
Therefore, the WHO Regional Office initiated the process of developing a regional framework for strengthening human resources for health. This framework offers an opportunity to move beyond numbers and reshape health workforce fit for the future of the Western Pacific Region. The meeting brought together key regional experts to review the draft framework and provide technical input. The Health Systems and Services (HPS) division of WHO WPRO hosted proceedings, facilitating a group of Regional Technical Experts. Key personnel included Lluis Vinals Torres (Coordinator, HPS WHO WPRO), Martin Taylor (Director, HPS WHO WPRO), Masahiro Zakoji (Techincal Officer, HPS WHO WPRO), and Katrina Bernardo (Administrative Associate, HPS WHO WPRO), and Samir Garg (Consultant, HPS WHO WPRO).