WHO Strategic Direction Service Delivery: Midwives and nurses work to the full extent of their (regulation,) education and training in safe and supportive service delivery environments.
Our centre is a global leader in the WHO systematic review for regulation. We work closely with government to evaluate, develop and strengthen regional regulatory and accreditation systems to ensure they reflect the unique needs of individual country settings.
Having strong partnerships with local governments is deeply engrained in this work-area, as we believe that strong governance equals a strong workforce. Having robust, practical, locally relevant policy will enable governments to easily regulate the sector, providing a higher quality, consistent model of care for the population. Particularly, the policy priorities are to:
- Review and strengthen professional regulatory systems and support capacity building of regulators, where needed.
- Adapt workplaces to enable midwives and nurses to maximally contribute to service delivery in interdisciplinary health care teams.
The WHO CC UTS acknowledges use of key language from the WHO's Strategic Directions for Nurses and Midwives 2021- 2025 Document.
Regional Quality Improvement Program
Date: June, 2023
Pacific Head of Nursing and Midwifery Meeting 2021
Date: 25th November, 2021
Scoping study: Improving the quality of nursing and midwifery education and regulation in Pacific Island countries and areas
Date: August, 2020 - December, 2020
WHO CC Involvement: Professor Di Brown, Michele Rumsey, Tasnuva Tisha
Date: 2011 - ongoing
Date: 2020
Date: Ongoing
WHO CC involvement: Michele Rumsey, Professor John Daly, Jodi Thiessen
WHO CC involvement: Michele Rumsey, Jodi Thiessen