Current collaborators
Under the leadership of the Facility Director, Professor Philip Doble the Elemental Bio-Imaging Facility (EBiF) has achieved an outstanding national and international profile in a very short time.
Nationally, we have established strong, long-term productive collaborations and research synergies with major Australian universities and affiliated institutes including the University of Sydney, the University of Adelaide, Melbourne University and the Florey Institute.
Internationally, the Facility's reputation continues to grow, with senior staff providing expert consultancy and participating in collaborative projects with universities in the Asia Pacific Region, the United States and Europe including National University of Singapore, University of Sao Paulo, Harvard School of Public Health, UC Berkley, Mt Sinai School of Medicine New York and Munster University. Such a collaborative environment is of great importance in assisting the DECRA candidate in further establishing his international research profile.
Current partners
We also work closely with major industry partners Agilent Technologies to assist them with providing products that will define the future of elemental analysis and its application to the life sciences, pharmacological breakthroughs and understanding disease processes.
Become a partner
We welcome new collaborations and partnerships. We are committed to applying our world-class facilities and expertise to bio-imaging solutions for solving complex analytical and biological research questions. Please contact us if you would like to become a partner.
Phone: +61 2 9514 1792