IKA Bomb Calorimeter (C1 Static jacket - oxygen)
Used to determine the calorific values of substances.
Thermo Scientific Gallery Discrete Analyser
This automated photometric analyser covers a range of application areas including food, beverage, water, soil and bioprocess testing, and quality control. Pre-purchased reagents allows the instrument to be easily used. The Gallery currently has methods set up for analysis of nitrate/TON, nitrite, ammonia, orthophosphate, silica, and total nitrogen and phosphorous.
Lachat Quikchem Flow Injection Analyser - QC8500 Series 2
The Lachat Flow Injection Analyser is used for nutrient analysis of saline, estuarine, and freshwater samples. Our system can analyse ammonia, orthophosphate, NOx, nitrite, silica, and total nitrogen and phosphorous, and is able to run up to four analysis channels simultaneously.
Shimatzu TOC-L Analyser
The Shimatzu TOC-L analyser is capable of measuring TC, TIC, TOC, and POC (volatile organic carbon) in aqueous samples by means of 680 °C combustion catalytic oxidation – non-dispersive infrared detection (NDIR). The system allows for automatic sample acidification and sparging. An automated dilution function enables in-line dilution of saline or estuarine samples as well as measurements of up to 30,000 mg/L. The ASI-L Autosampler unit has two carousel fittings, for 9 mL or 40ml vials.
TriCarb 2810 TR (Perkin Elmer) Scintillation Counter
This benchtop, computer controlled, liquid scintillation analyser is suitable for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity.
Leco Total Carbon and Nitrogen Analyser
The Total Carbon and Nitrogen Analyser can determine total elemental carbon and nitrogen in solid samples. This instrument detects carbon by non-dispersive infra-red absorption (NDIR) and nitrogen by thermal conductivity cell.
Malvern 2000 Particle Size Analyser
The Particle Size Analyser is capable of measuring particles from 0.02 to 2000 µm, depending on material properties. It is also accessorised with the Hydro 2000µP which is capable of using very small volumes of dispersant and sample.
Agilent Microwave Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer (MP-AES) 4210
An optical emission spectrometer that is an alternative to the traditional flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) technique. Analyte dependent, detection limits can go down to ppb levels. This instrument is suitable for a wide range of typical multi-element analyses in simple matrices.
Agilent Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (UPLC) 1290
The UPLC supports standard and semi-preparative applications and allows for the quantitative separation of mixtures. Current applications include chlorophyll pigment and toxin analysis.
Microscopy and imaging equipment
A range of compound and stereo microscopes are available for identifying, measuring, counting and imaging environmental organisms.
The Fluid Imaging FlowCAM® is capable of rapidly analyzing particles in a fluid. It can count, image, and analyse the paricles or cells in a sample or continuous flow.
Nikon Ti-E inverted fluorescence microscope
A motorised Nikon Ti-E inverted fluorescence microscope for analysis of environmental samples. The Focus System (PFS) and high-speed motorization gives imporved long- term, live cell imaging for biological, medical and pharmaceutical science research.
Aquatic and Terrestrial Field Meters and equipment
A range of field meters to measure parameters such as light, DO, pH, conductivity and turbidity are available for researchers during field based research.
A variety of 4WDs, 2WDs and trailers is available for researchers to access field sites.
Sample preparation equipment
Various standard laboratory equipment is available for the preparation of environmental samples such as soil, water and plants. These include digestion blocks, microwave digesters, drying ovens, muffle furnaces and ball mill grinders
Contact us
Contact the Technical Services Manager (Rsch) for more information on the environmental equipment.