Our organisational structure shows how UTS works and the responsibilities of each portfolio.
University leadership
Organisational structure
View a PDF of our organisational structure (40KB)
UTS is led by the Vice-Chancellor and President. The role of the Vice-Chancellor and the University Leadership Team is to provide effective operational management of the university.
The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for the overall running of UTS, while each of the other leaders oversees the university's academic and administrative operations.
Office of the Vice-Chancellor
- University Secretary and Director, Governance Support Unit
- General Counsel and Executive Director, Risk and Compliance
- Director, Government Affairs and External Engagement
- Chief of Staff
- UTS Internal Audit
Division of the Provost and Senior Vice-President
- Faculties
- Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion
- Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research
Division of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (International)
- UTS International
- UTS IELTS Centre
- Australia–China Relations Institute
Division of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (External Engagement and Partnerships)
- Advancement and Alumni
- Enterprise Learning Unit
- Entrepreneurship
- Marketing and Communication Unit
- Operations Unit
- Business Creation, Partnerships and Major Facilities
- 2SER
Division of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)
- Research Office
- Graduate Research School
- Institute for Public Policy and Governance
- Institute for Sustainable Futures
Division of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Education and Students)
- Education
- Students
- Student Experience
- Global Digital and Education Innovation
- UTS Library
Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President
- Data Analytics and Insights Unit
- Finance Unit
- Information Technology Unit
- People Unit
- Property Unit
- University Portfolio Management Office
Faculties and schools
UTS conducts its teaching and research principally through the following faculties and schools.
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- UTS Business School
- Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
- Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
- Faculty of Health
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Science
- Graduate School of Health
- TD School
Controlled entities
- UTS College Limited
- UTS Global Pty Ltd