At UTS, we believe science is not just a field of study, it's a philosophy and way of viewing the world.
Scientists are critical thinkers, using evidence to explain how the universe, the world and life work. As such, our teaching practices are informed by the research being undertaken by our academics - ensuring that we are developing the next generation of critical thinkers.
UTS: Science - Research driven, student focused
At UTS, we have six research theme areas, spanning the environment, communication and intelligent systems to future services, industry and productivity. Science disciplines cut across each of these areas and we are proud of our world-leading research in climate change, environmental sustainability, medical science, forensics, nanoscale technology and many more.
Science is a process of discovery, creation, and innovation, and problem solving. To ensure our students are equipped to help solve global problems, our graduates are able to demonstrate a range of research, scientific discipline, and enterprise skills that will increase their employability and ensure the scientific skills they develop can serve across society. By focusing on research and teaching integration, we expose our students to current issues impacting Australia and beyond, instil inquisitiveness and inspire an interest in lifelong learning. Alongside this, our research engages with industry and community to deliver real impact and benefit.
Research strengths and centres
The following institutes and centres are recognised leaders in their areas. These are contemporary research priorities that impact on everyday life.
Research Strengths
- See our research strengths
Research Institutes
- Climate Change Cluster
- Australian Institute for Microbiology and Infection (AIMI) (formerly ithree institute)
Research Centres
- Centre for Forensic Science
- Centre for Clean Energy Technology
- Institute for Biomedical Materials and Devices
- The Kidman Centre UTS
- UTS Centenary Centre for Inflammation
UTS Networks
Centre for Health Technologies
World leading learning facilities, with teaching and research integration
UTS Science Students learn from research experts drawn from UTS research strengths to infuse core curricula with a research-inspired learning environment. UTS Science programs include industry co-designed and co-delivered classes, as well as assessments that are modelled on the current practices of modern workplaces and research environments.
UTS Science students have the opportunities to learning a Superlab and the HIVE Superlab. These are world leading facilities that are equipped with the latest technologies and equipment that is used in research and industry. Students collaborate and learn excellent skills and technology readiness from our research experts who teach in these facilities.