A wide range of scholarly teaching and learning projects have been initiated and developed by IML that support strategic goals for teaching and learning at UTS. Many of these projects have also developed valuable teaching and learning resources.
Current Projects
Some of the projects IML staff are currently involved in include:
The UTS ePortfolio Project
This Project has explored how ePortfolios could be used across the university and has trialled several ePortfolio environments in subjects and in courses. The current focus is on working with program teams to embed program level ePortfolios in courses and supporting individual academics interested in utilising ePortfolios for student learning and assessment (see UTS Teaching & Learning Forum 2011 presentation).
First Year Experience Project
As part of the university's Widening Participation initiatives and under the theme of retention and success The First Year Experience Program. This project commenced in July 2011 and has quickly developed a strong network of colleagues working to enhance the experiences of first year students across UTS. For more information about this program please contact the Program Coordinator Kathy Egea: Kathryn.Egea@uts.edu.au or phone 9514 1720.
First Year Experience Grants for 2013:
- Guidelines - 2013
- Application form - 2013
- Due date: Friday 7th December, 2012, 10am.
Information session on applying for these grants will be held on Thursday 15th November at 12.30-1.30 in CB01.27.15. RSVP for catering purposes - Kathryn.Egea@uts.edu.au
To see the activities involved in the current FYE projects, click on the links below:
2012 FYE projects
Exemplars from 2012 submissions:
- Sarah Attfield: First in Family Facebook Group
- Bee Bee Chua and Julie Hartigan: A mechanism for building a collaborative team culture: CTFS
- Sam Ferguson: Managing oneself through the transition to university
(Permission has been obtained from the grant holders)
Other projects:
o A threshold concepts focus to curriculum design: supporting student learning through application of variation theory (ALTC project)
o Coordinators Leading Advancement of Sessional Staff (CLASS - ALTC project)
o Embedding and sustaining leadership development for course coordinators through tailored support during curriculum review (ALTC project)
Completed Projects
A selection of the scholarly teaching and learning projects which IML staff have participated in includes:
o An Evaluation of Information Technology Projects for university learning (UTSD) 1998. (available at City Campus library)
o Australian Scholarship in Teaching (CUTSD) 2000. This joint project involved four universities and was coordinated by RMIT University, with La Trobe University, Griffith University and University of Technology Sydney. The project developed a model to support university teachers in their scholarly practice and to communicate the scholarship of teaching widely throughout the Australian higher education community.
o Dissemination, Adoption and Adaptation of Project Innovations in Higher Education (AUTC) 2005. Jo McKenzie, Shirley Alexander, Carly Harper, Susan Anderson, Lead Institution: University of Technology Sydney. Bound copies of this useful report are available from IML - Please contact Enza Mirabella. A related paper by Jo McKenzie Jo and Shirley Alexander from the HERDSA Conference 2006 can be found here: Variation in ways of experiencing dissemination: Implications for the adoption and adaption of teaching and learning innovation projects.
o Embedding peer review of learning and teaching in e-learning and blended learning environments (ALTC) 2010. A project led by Jo McKenzie which included project members from each of the ATN universities. Ongoing work has continued with peer review at UTS and other ATN universities since project completion.
Research Degree Projects
IML staff supervise scholarly learning and teaching projects being undertaken by staff completing the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. IML staff also supervise higher degree research students and welcome enquiries about their areas of interest which can be found on the IML staff pages. Some of the research degree projects supervised by IML staff are listed below.
Completed Research Projects
Conceptions of teaching and learning instrumental and vocal music: a study of the ways musicians and their students experience the phenomenon of teaching and learning music at a tertiary level: Anna Reid 1999 (available at City Campus library)
Informal practices: a self-study of professional development for information and communication technologies: 2002 Simon Housego (available at City Campus library)
Variation and change in university teachers' ways of experiencing teaching: 2003 Jo McKenzie
Assignments, information and learning: the postgraduate student experience: 2006 Nicola Parker
Current Research Projects
Further details about research degree projects can also be found on the relevant Faculty pages:
The Variation in Analyst/Designers Conceptions of and Approaches to Business Information System Analysis/Design: Ilona Box (FEIT)
Lecturers’ experiences of computers in everyday academic practice: Anne-Mare Dreyer (FASS)
How students learn journalism through reflection and social media: Jenna Price (FASS)