The legal requirements for health and safety management come from the health and safety legislation.
As the result of reviews of the failures of previous legislation; current legislation moves:
- away from a prescriptive approach - telling employers / employees what they must do,
- towards performance or outcome-based law - employers managing risks, in consultation with staff.
UTS health, safety and wellbeing management system
Everyone at UTS need to understand their health and safety responsibilities resulting from health and safety legislation.
The UTS health and safety policies reflects the UTS commitment to:
The role of the UTS Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisory Committee is to ensure a coordinated, strategic and consultative approach to health, safety and wellbeing management at UTS.
The UTS health, safety and wellbeing management system has been developed to meet the key requirements of the two Australian/New Zealand Standards:
- ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use, and
- AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 : Risk management - Guidelines
It addresses imperatives on two levels:
- strategic - UTS-wide, and
- operational - for faculties, units and workgroups.
A diagram of the UTS Health and Safety Management System Framework (PDF, 203 Kb) is available.
Strategic management
The UTS Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy focuses on the issues and risks concerning the UTS community and aims to address any deficiencies in the UTS health and safety management system itself.
UTS-wide health and safety audits, external audits of the UTS health and safety management system are conducted every five years.
Operational management
At the operational level, UTS has established a flexible approach the health and safety management, allowing faculties, units and workgroups to determine the procedures that best suit their circumstances in close consultation with staff members.
UTS staff should refer to the Management Committment and Leadership page on Sharepoint (internal) for details of these systems.