Scholarly teaching at UTS includes exploring our own learning and teaching practice, as well as the current issues and debates in the literature and within disciplines. We then build upon these discussions to enhance teaching and to contribute to improved understanding of learning and teaching.
A useful explanation of scholarship and the advancement of knowledge and its applications at UTS can be found within the Academic Portfolio scholarship section.
Useful resources
- The Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT) supported the scholarship of teaching and learning through a wide variety of initiatives, including a fellowship scheme for outstanding scholars and the Australian Awards for University Teaching which recognise scholarly teachers and their work. A database of OLT-funded projects provides an invaluable resource for scholarly teaching and learning, particularly in disciplines.
- The Higher Education Academy (HEA) in the UK has funded a large number of projects and subject centres to work with and provide support and resources for their discipline areas. Their Resources page provides links to these discipline areas and to thematic areas that reflect some current themes in higher education.
- The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSOTL) is a useful place to find resources about learning and teaching 'as serious intellectual work' and the resources page has many useful links including an online tutorial: ISSOTL Resources page.
- The Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) is our regional scholarly society for people committed to the advancement of learning and teaching. It has some very useful publications and links to International Higher Education sites.