The UTS assessment principles stress that good assessment promotes learning and is authentic, criteria-referenced, fair and provides frequent formative feedback.
Simply by changing the assessment of your subject you can affect the way students engage with the subject content. A review of the literature shows that finding the right balance of meaningfulness, authenticity, appropriate student workload, goal alignment and formative feedback is likely to have the greatest impact on improving student learning. These pages provide more information and case studies on:
- Authentic assessment
- Developing explicit outcomes and criteria
- Writing formative feedback
- Involving students in assessment
- Streamlining marking
Related UTS assessment policies and procedures:
- UTS Policy for Assessment of Coursework Subjects
- Procedures for Assessment of Coursework Subjects
- Coursework Assessment checklist for subjects (new for 2018) [pdf]
- Special consideration of disruption to assessment
- Special consideration for other circumstances