Peer review is a process of making scholarly judgements about the quality of learning and teaching, and of focusing on scholarly professional learning. Many teachers are seeking more formative feedback to improve their practices and this website has been designed to help develop peer review processes and evidence that can be used to improve teaching practice in a scholarly way.
The project
Embedding peer review of learning and teaching in e-learning and blended learning environments, Project Leader: Associate Professor Jo McKenzie, University of Technology Sydney.
This project developed peer review methods and tools for use in blended learning environments in collaboration with teams from each of the Australian Technology Network universities as part of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Peer review project (opens an external site) and develops and extends work done in other peer review projects. The project provides a framework and resources to support a scholarly review process and elicit information that helps teachers to improve teaching practice as well as to provide evidence for recognition and reward of teaching.
Final project report (pdf 1.1MB)
This website
The website and resources have been developed to support peer reviews in a wide range of contexts. It contains pages that:
- Outline the project
- Provide resources for different types of peer review
- Summarise case studies from some of the different reviews done during the project
- List the presentations and papers linked to the project
- Link to other useful peer review websites.
Please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see here about the peer review of teaching, or if you have useful resources you would like to contribute?