The following is a current list of the various presentations and activities that were part of this project, including workshops and conference presentations and publications project. Workshops are ongoing and further publications are in preparation:
Anderson, T.K., Parker, N.J. & McKenzie, J. (2009). Assessing Online Collaboratories: A Peer Review of Teaching and Learning. In: Assessment in Different Dimensions: A conference on teaching and learning in tertiary education (ATN Assessment Conference, RMIT University), ed Milton,J., Hall, C., Lang, J., Allan, G. and Nomikoudis, M., Learning & Teaching Unit, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 7-16. Retrieved 1 June 2010.
Online source (PDF 4.26MB)
Chester, A., Kienhuis, M., Reece, J., Standfield, R., and Yap, K. (2010). Peer review of teaching: A five-stage model for building communities of reflective teaching practice. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
McKenzie, J. (2008) Engaging with frameworks for peer review in ‘blended’ learning environments. Presentation to Engaging Communities, 31st HERDSA Annual Conference, 1-4 July 2008, Rotorua, New Zealand.
McKenzie, J., Docherty, P., Menzies, G., Tse, H., Wyllie, A., Carey, M., Haines, J., Anderson, T. & Parker, N. (2008). Piloting Scholarly Peer Review of Teaching and Learning in Blended Learning Environments at UTS. Paper presented to the UTS Teaching and Learning Forum, University of Technology Sydney. Retrieved June 24, 2009
Online source
McKenzie, J., Pelliccione, L. & Parker, N. (2008). Developing peer review of teaching in blended learning environments: Frameworks and challenges. In: Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology?, Proceedings ascilite Melbourne, 2008. Retrieved June 24, 2009
Online source (PDF 152.59KB)
McKenzie, J., Pelliccione, L. & Parker, N. (2009) What makes blended learning effective? An interactive session of peer review, Same places, different spaces, Proceedings ascilite Auckland 2009, Auckland, NZ. Retrieved January 24, 2010
Parker, N. & McKenzie, J. (2010) Reshaping academic practice with our peers: Experiences of peer review in blended learning environments. Paper presented to the HERDSA 2010 International Conference, Reshaping Higher Education, Hilton on the Park Melbourne, Australia, 6-9 July. Retrieved June 24, 2010
Online source
Parker, N., McKenzie, J. & Anderson, T. (2009) Assessing Online Learning: A Peer Review of Teaching & Learning. Paper presented to the 2009 UTS Teaching and Learning Forum, University of Technology Sydney. Retrieved June 24, 2009
Online source
Pelliccione, L., Dixon, K., Siragusa, L., Howitt, C., Atweh, B., Dender, A., Swaine, J. & McKenzie, J. (2009) Academic peer review: Enhancing learning environments for global graduates. In Teaching and learning for global graduates. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Teaching and Learning Forum, 29-30 January 2009. Perth: Curtin University of Technology. Retrieved June 24, 2009
Online source
Rowntree, P. & Starkey, D. (2009). Communication and Collaboration: Peer partnerships in Action. Paper presented to the Association of Medical Radiation Technology, QUT.
Wyllie, A. (2010). Eager 'weavers': designing assessment for an online environment. Paper presented at Third International Nurse Education Conference, Hilton Hotel, Sydney, Australia, 11-14 April 2010.