Peer review of teaching can be used for a range of different purposes. The resources on this site have been designed to support different types of peer review.
- Formative peer reviews: The intention of formative or developmental peer review is to provide the reviewee with feedback on a range of aspects of their teaching or subject that can be used for reflection and improvement
- Full formative process guide (pdf 49kb)
- Short, targeted formative peer reviews: The intention of a short formative review is to provide feedback on a specific aspect of teaching or a subject, such as design and facilitation of an online learning activity or specific assessment task
- Short formative process guide (pdf 49kb)
- Summative peer reviews: The intention of summative peer review is to provide evidence about the reviewee's teaching or subject for purposes that involve judgements about teaching, including performance reviews and applications for promotion or teaching awards.
- Summative review protocol (pdf 49kb).
An effective peer review process involves several stages: preparation prior to the review, pre-review briefing, review, debriefing and reporting and post-review action. These stages can be simplified or expanded for different types of review, but are useful in all reviews
Preparation for peer review
Preparation before the review can enable the reviewee to gain more from the process. Preparation should include:
- The reviewee informing students that peer review of teaching will be taking place. It's usual to inform students if a reviewer will be observing a face-to-face class but it's also important to advise students about online reviews or reviews of materials that they may have created. This sample student information statement (doc 22kb) can be used or adapted to suit the context.
- The reviewee will benefit from firstly thinking about the main purpose of the review and which aspects of their teaching and subject that will be focused on. Completing this briefing template (pdf 78kb) OR briefing template (doc 53kb) prior to meeting with the reviewer was found to be important for a successful review by teachers doing reviews in this project.
The review
- Formative peer reviews:
- Formative review template (pdf 74kb)
- Formative review template (doc 71kb)
- Short, targeted formative peer reviews:
- Use the formative review templates as a starting point and cut out the things you do not wish to consider in a targeted review.
- Tutors
- Tutor/ Facilitator review template (pdf 61kb)
- Tutor/ Facilitator review template (doc 67kb)
- Summative peer reviews:
- Summative review template (pdf 70kb)
- Summative review template (doc 67kb)
- Peer review summary template
- Formative report summary template (pdf 57kb)
- Formative report summary template (doc 37kb)
- Peer review summary report for promotion or awards
- Summative report summary template (pdf 57kb)
- Summative report summary template (doc 38kb)