Every year learning and teaching grants are awarded to UTS academics. These grants advance strategic priorities and support innovation and excellence across learning and teaching.
Grants now open
Postgraduate Strategic Funding Grants
These grants seek to support innovative and exciting projects that align with individual faculty strategies, as well as the broader UTS 2027 vision.
The grants offer applicants the opportunity to develop micro-credentials in the form of;
- Parts of existing subject in award courses which have been developed into a short form of learning
- Professional development, executive education or staff development courses
- Enterprise learning courses
- Academic bootcamps
- Pathway courses
Successful grant applicants/teams are eligible to receive $15,000. All projects should be completed by 6 December 2019, with funds expended by 31 December 2019.
Who can apply: All faculties and units who host UTS curriculum-based courses (i.e. courses that are approved through CAC (Courses Accreditation Committee).
Application deadline: 5 pm Monday 2 September 2019
Find out more:
- Attend an info session: Friday 23 August, 12 - 1pm. Register on Futures
- Email: Charlie Hock on charlie.hock@uts.edu.au