On Friday 13th April, 2007 Professor Ross Milbourne announced the allocation of $3.5 million from the 2007 Learning and Teaching Performance Fund for the following projects. This site will continue to be updated as further details of individual projects are confirmed.
Major course redesign - Faculty grants scheme
($1 million)
Project leader: DVC (TLE)
This project seeks to enhance students experience of courses through a process of course renewal with a particular focus on strategic objectives (such as practice-oriented learning), enhancing areas of known weakness (eg assessment), and future directions.
Faculties were invited to submit proposals for curriculum renewal grants ranging from $20,000-$50,000 with up to $100,000 available for cross-Faculty initiatives supported by all participating Faculties.
See: Grants funded under this initiative (pdf - 32kb).
Note that a separate project on Supporting Curriculum Renewal being conducted by the Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) will complement this initiative and faculties have nominated staff to join that group.
Infrastructure support for major course redesign project
Project leader: DVC (TLE) in collaboration with Teaching and Learning Committee
The aim of this project is to determine new directions for using new and existing technologies such as podcasting to enhance the student experience of learning.
See: Terms of Reference and composition of Working Group (pdf - 92kb).
Teaching/ learning spaces improvement
Project leader: DVC (TLE) in collaboration with Teaching and Learning Committee, Deans and ADeans T&L
This project aims to enhance the quality of teaching and learning spaces and ultimately inform ongoing campus development. A number of pilot projects will be undertaken to design learning spaces which reflect changes in learning activities such as groupwork, and developments in technologies such as increased use of students' wireless laptops.
See: Terms of Reference and composition of Working Group (pdf - 96kb).
Improve CEQ scores in areas of weakness
Project leader: DVC (TLE) in collaboration with Deans
This project will focus on improving CEQ scores.
Support for Teaching and Learning
Project leader: DVC (TLE)
This project aims to increase the level of teaching and learning support available to academics. A further paper will be presented on the details.
Small grants for improving teaching and learning
Project leader: DVC (TLE)
Individuals and teams are invited to apply for amounts of between $2,000 and $10,000 for projects aimed at implementing aspects of the UTS model of learning to renew student learning experiences to meet the future needs of students, improve student learning and/or improve the overall student experience of UTS. Projects in this category may focus on innovation in a single subject or service area.
The following projects have been funded (PDF - 72kb) from the Small grants for improving teaching and learning fund.
Development of online SFS (Student Feedback Survey) System
Project leader: Martin Hanlon
This project is in response to requests from faculties to reduce the resource intensity of the current hardcopy SFS system. It is expected that other outcomes of the project will include provision of more accurate information, and capture of qualitative comments for further analysis.
Integrated Student Engagement Website
Project leader: Chris Hepperlin
The aim of this project is to address feedback received from this year's student orientation for improved processes and systems to facilitate students' orientation experience.
Peer Assisted Learning and Support (PALS/PASS)
Project leader: Chris Hepperlin
This funding will be used to provide support for faculties in setting up and running Peer Assisted Learning Schemes in subjects with traditionally high failure rates.
Support for University and Faculty teaching forums
Project leaders: Deans and Chair, TLC
This funding will be allocated to each faculty to support their annual teaching and learning forum and to support the UTS forum.
Support for 4 New Options Working Parties
Project leaders: DVC (TLE)
4 @ $30K to each of the following Working Groups:
- Global Studies
- City Studies
- Digital Industries
- Environmental Studies