The following grants have been announced:
Strategic grants: Systematically strengthening the UTS model of learning
Faculty groups and course teams are invited to apply for grants of between $20,000 and $50,000 for projects aimed at systematically strengthening the UTS model of learning in the curriculum, consistent with the UTS Strategic Plan 2009-2018.
Projects in this category must address the strengthening of the UTS model across the curriculum in a whole course or significant course component such as a major, stream, the first year or all core subjects.
Grants awarded:
Theresa Anderson, Rod O'Donnell, Darrall Thompson
FASS, Business, DAB
Understanding and fostering creativity and innovation in university curricula
Tim Aubrey, Wayne Brookes
Self-accessed learning resources for the contextual development of threshold concepts in engineering and information technology
Chris Bajada
Developing and demonstrating graduate attributes in the UTS: Business learning experience through foundation and capstone knowledge
Michelle Kelly
The integration of practice-oriented, authentic scenario based and simulation learning experiences across Faculty curricula
Hadi Khabbaz, Anne Gardner
Major curriculum renewal of the civil (and associated) engineering programs
Bronwyn Olliffe
Creating a pilot interactive multimedia online graduate attributes tool to strengthen the embedding of graduate attributes into the core law curriculum
Anita Piper
Realising graduate attributes in Science curricula
Lawrence Wallen
Accreditation of Graduate Design Courses
Keith Willey
Extending SPARKPLUS to complete the learning cycle, improve learning outcomes, simplify academic use, monitor curriculum development and support integration into academic programs
Small learning and teaching improvement grants 2009
Individuals and teams are invited to apply for amounts of between $2,000 and $10,000 for projects aimed at implementing aspects of the UTS model of learning to renew student learning experiences to meet the future needs of students, improve student learning and/or improve the overall student experience of UTS. Projects in this category may focus on innovation in a single subject or service area.
Grants awarded
Paul Allatson
Developing student learning resources on local and global work placements for the new Bachelor of Global Studies
Christopher Bajada
Developing a system to engage and support student learning in the first year of university study
Longbing Cao, Richard Raban
Curriculum renewal and better support of student learning needs through pattern analysis of student's learning experiences
Mary Coupland
Improving Mathematics Study Centre support for students from the Faculty of Business
Laurel Evelyn Dyson
Student-generated podcasts and vodcasts to engage with career choices in IT
Maralyn Foureur
Development of an innovative multimedia resource of stimulus video-clips and interactive group activities to enhance learning opportunities and "work readiness" in final year midwifery students
Stephen Frawley
Enhancing "Forward Thinking, Work Ready" students through scenario based learning (SBL) and multi-modal immersive learning contexts
Janet Xin Ge
Alternative models of course delivery to maintain student satisfaction in large group masters programs
Kristoffer J Glover
Exploring and developing the use of Mathematica© in the teaching of finance and economics
Hadi Khabbaz
Using web-based models to improve students learning in geotechniques (Geo-Buddy)
Tim Langtry
Assessing and improving students' learning in computer laboratories
Bruce Moulton
Improving cross-disciplinary teaching-research linkages
Bruce Moulton
Reinvigoration of the engineering internship program
Kirsten Orr
Experiential learning through prototyping: Architectural model-making in the digital age
Yusuf Pisan
Game design for mobile phones
Sophie Riley
Equip your MP3 and equip your brain: Audio podcasts for applied company law
Peter Smith
Serious games and simulation in built environment education
Ilaria Vanni
Second Life international: Teaching international studies in a virual world
Cheryl Waters
Aligning assessment with new Bachelor of Nursing graduate abilities
Anthony Baker
Better experiences in laboratory teaching and learning in Science
Communities of Practice/Learning Communities in emerging technologies 2009
Groups of no fewer than five academic and/or support staff with a common interest in an emerging learning technology were invited to apply for $10,000 to develop a learning community. Communities will engage in a collaborative program of activities that explore the uses of a learning technology that will enhance learning and teaching and contribute to a culture of innovation, collaboration and scholarship in teaching and learning.
Grants awarded
Matthew Kearney
Mobile Learning Technologies
Members: Peter Aubusson, Lesley Ljungdahl, Katrina Schlunke, Sandy Schuck, Nicky Solomon, Kirsty Young, Anne Bartlett-Bragg, Maree Skillen
Jenna Price
Using ePortfolios in large undergraduate classes to enhance students' reflective capabilities
Members: Christine Burton, Aileen Wyllie, Cheryl Waters, Bruce Moulton, Virginia Watson, Jenny Pizzica, Simon Housego
Theresa Anderson
Podcasts, vodcasts & screencasts
Members: Jenny Pizzica, Simon Housego, Kathy Grattan, Jessie Lymn
Mary-Anne Williams
Collaborative Smart Mobile Innovation
Members: Xun Wang, Kirsty Beilharz, Sam Ferguson, Siggi Gudergan, Benjamin Johnston, Birger Johansson, Yusuf Pisan, Glenn Wightwick (IBM), Rowan Simms (Apple P/L), Stephen Atherton (Apple P/L)
Ilaria Vanni
Second Life
Members: Yusuf Pisan, Lian Loke, Viveka Weiley, Tanja Golja