Requirement 1: UTS learning and teaching plan
A current and recent institutional learning and teaching plan or strategy that is publicly available on the University's website.
The learning and teaching plan or strategy that describes the University's philosophy on and commitment to learning and teaching.
- 2006-2009 Strategic Plan or download the pdf (468k)
The 2006-2009 strategic plan links the teaching and research objectives of the university under three common themes which reflect the overall philosophy and mission of the university. The move away from developing a separate key strategic plan for teaching and learning represents a conscious desire to increase the integration of practice-oriented approaches to teaching and applied and socially-oriented approaches to research, consistent with the university's mission.
The teaching and learning objectives of the plan are also available.
Requirement 2: Support for professional development in learning and teaching
Evidence of systematic support for professional development in learning and teaching for sessional and full-time academic staff.
The documentation must be publicly available on the University's website.
- Current academic staff professional development policy, identifying the areas which demonstrate that development in learning and teaching is provided to academic staff.
Other acceptable documents might be:- professional development schedule for academic staff for 2005; and/or
- learning and teaching development programmes for academic staff in 2005.
- Information on professional development opportunities in the field of learning and teaching which were provided in 2003 and/or 2004.
Evidence might include:- a report on staff development programmes offered in the field of learning and teaching in 2003 or 2004; or
- the 2003 or 2004 staff development programme which shows the number of programmes offered in the field of learning and teaching.
- Academic Staff Agreement
- Guidelines - Planning and Review for Performance and Development - Academic Staff (6.5 HR Manual)
- Guidelines - Employment of Casual Academic Staff (3.6 HR Manual)
- General information on development for academic staff
- Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning timetable (PDF 940K)
- Information on the development program for new academics
- Development Program for New Academic Staff: Guidelines for participants (PDF 524k)
- Information on development for casual (sessional) academics
- Information on development for new academic staff
i. Academic Staff Agreement includes the following clauses:
- Clause 30, Supervision and Performance and Development, in particular the arrangements set out under the heading "Planning and Review for Performance and Development"
- Clause 31, Commitment to Staff Development
- Clause 32, Staff Development for New Staff
- Clause 36, Teaching Evaluation
- Clause 40, Casual Academic Employment (in particular sub-clauses 40.10 and 40.11)
The Guidelines elaborate further on the University's arrangements for review and development of academic staff. These clauses together with the guidelines create the policy framework for academic development programs.
UTS has a formal development program for new academics appointed at levels A and B and offers a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning which is available to all academic staff with module participation available to casuals.
Further teaching and learning development activities are provided at Faculty level by negotiation between the Faculty and the Institute for Interactive Media and Learning.
An orientation session for new academic staff is run at the beginning of each semester.
Requirement 3: Probation and promotion practices which include effectiveness as a teacher
Evidence of probation and promotion practices and policies which include effectiveness as a teacher.
Academic probation and promotions policies, identifying the areas which require academic staff members to provide evidence of their effectiveness as teachers when being considered in relation to promotion and probation (e.g. student evaluations, portfolios etc).
If the university does not have such policies, other acceptable evidence might include:
- relevant clause(s) of the university's certified agreement;
- a description of the way in which promotion/probation decisions are made; or
- a description of the inputs which staff seeking probation/promotion decisions are required to make to the decision making process.
- Academic Staff Agreement
- Overview
- Guidelines - Probation - Academic Staff (6.25 HR Manual)
- Record of activities form completed by staff and supervisors (Word document 88k)
- Development program for academics new to UTS
- Academic portfolios
- Academic Promotion
In particular:
The University's Academic Staff Agreement (Clause 33) and the Guidelines (6.25 of HR Manual) set out the process and criteria for probation. The clause includes specific requirements in relation to the provision of evidence of teaching performance through student evaluation of teaching (sub-clause 33.6.4). Clause 36 of the Agreement also sets out arrangements for teaching evaluation during probation (sub-clauses 36.2 and 36.5).
The Record of Activities form is used to document activities undertaken during probation and provide evidence of achievement.
Academic staff at levels A and B are required to undertake a development program (Clause 32) which includes evaluating their teaching and developing an academic portfolio containing evidence of their performance and reflection on the evidence.
Promotion to levels C, D and E require academics to address criteria on teaching and educational development as one of the three categories under Performance and Standing. Promotion to level B (has been replaced by a Progression process) required the addressing of criteria on teaching.
Refer to:
- "HR Policy 5.11 - Annual Academic Promotion" - sets out the criteria and process for promotion
- "HR Guidelines 5.12 - Annual Academic Promotion" - builds on the information provided in the policy in relation to the criteria and process for promotion. It includes the advice that staff should provide the Promotions Committee with a summary of teaching evaluations over the last two years from a cross section of the applicant's full teaching portfolio.
The Academic Staff Agreement and Progression Guidelines and Procedures set out the processes and criteria for progression for level A to B. As part of their case to progress to level B staff will demonstrate skill in, and commitment to, teaching. The Guidelines state that applications for progression must include teaching evaluations over the last two years across the full portfolio of the applicant's subjects and list examples of other forms of evidence of effectiveness as a teacher.
Requirement 4: Student evaluation of teaching and subjects that informs probation and promotion decisions
Evidence of systematic student evaluation of teaching and subjects that informs probation and promotion decisions for academic positions.
The documentation must be publicly available on the University's website.
Policies on academic probation and promotion, identifying areas which specify that probation and promotion decisions are informed by student evaluation of teaching and subjects.
Teaching Evaluation
- Refer to Clause 36, Academic Staff Agreement
- Guidelines - Annual Academic Promotion (5.11 HR Manual)
- The Student Feedback Survey (SFS) was developed in 2005 and is supported by the Student Feedback Survey Vice Chancellor's Operational Directive (PDF 92k)
Student evaluation of Teaching by the instrument SFS
Teaching Evaluation
Sub-clause 36.2 states that teaching evaluations are a source of evidence of teaching performance that inform decisions on probation and performance.
Sub-clause 36.5 identifies requirements in relation to participation in teaching evaluation, including specific provisions for staff on probation.
The University's Academic Staff Agreement (Clause 33) and the Guidelines (6.25 of HR Manual) set out the process and criteria for probation. The clause includes specific requirements in relation to the provision of evidence of teaching performance through student evaluation of teaching (sub-clause 33.6.4). The Guidelines reinforce the statements in the Clause about teaching evaluation.
Guidelines include the advice that staff should provide the Promotions Committee with a summary of teaching evaluations over the last two years from a cross section of the applicant's full teaching portfolio.
The Academic Staff Agreement and Progression Guidelines and Procedures set out the processes and criteria for progression for level A to B. The Guidelines state that applications for progression must include teaching evaluations over the last two years across the full portfolio of the applicant's subjects.
Student evaluation of Teaching by the instrument SFS
The Student Feedback Survey (SFS) includes both items on subject and teaching quality and are used to evaluate teaching by students.
Requirement 5: Student evaluations of subjects publicly available
Evidence that student evaluations of subjects are publicly available on the University's website. The most recent results of student evaluations of subjects.
These data should be aggregated. A suggested level of aggregation is the DEST field of education (4 digit level). However, if universities have data that is aggregated at a level such as School or Faculty, this will be acceptable.
- Student feedback survey questions
- Trend data by Faculty this page has links to separate pdf files for UTS Overall and each individual Faculty.
UTS data are aggregated at Faculty level to facilitate review and improvement actions in Faculties.
The subject and teaching feedback surveys have now combined into the Student Feedback Survey (SFS). The SFS is implemented under the guidance of the Student Feedback Survey Vice Chancellor's Operational Directive, Academic Staff Agreement and Faculty policies.
Consultations are currently in progress with Faculties and the Student Feedback Survey Vice Chancellor's Operational Directive is also being revised to reflect the changes in the new Academic Staff Agreement. A revised directive is expected to be finalised by end September 2006.
Contact Officer
Professor Shirley Alexander
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching, Learning and Equity)
p: +61 2 9514 1465