2017 Grants
Individuals and teams are invited to apply for amounts of between $2,000 and $10,000, which must be expended in 2017. Two types of grant that were offered in 2017 include:
Category One: Video/screencast making grants
This is a new category of grants for 2017. These grants will support the development of higher quality video, screencast and similar materials to support student learning, consistent with learning.futures and the balanced teaching periods. Grants are available for amounts of $2,000-$4,000 or equivalent professional assistance to staff who have participated in the Power of Screen Presenting workshops. Further workshops will be offered in early 2017 for interested staff.
Applications must be submitted by or before Friday 24 February 2017, 10am.
Category Two: learning.futures grants
The grants support staff to re-engineer their approaches to teaching and learning in line with the learning.futures strategy, incorporating learning.futures practices in courses and subject, the UTS Model of Learning and the Graduate Attributes Project, along with the requirements of the Academic Calendar. Grants encourage engagement with the following developments:
- ‘Flipped learning’ where students access digital resources and undertake pre-work before coming to classes where they engage in active and collaborative learning, followed by post-work that involves review and reflection on learning.
- The increasing development of open, digital libraries that enable students to engage with extensive educational resources and tutorials, and have their understandings of key ideas automatically assessed.
- Initiatives relating to innovative uses of learning spaces such as large collaborative theatres and collaborative pod classrooms.
- Collaboration technologies (including social media) to support formal and informal peer learning.
- Initiatives involving creative, transdisciplinary, project-based and inquiry-based learning.
- Authenticity in learning experiences and assessment.
- Learning analytics, specifically using data to personalise students' learning experiences or to provide feedback to students on their learning.
- Student employability and transition to the workplace, including embedding employability initiatives in the curriculum and developing internship-like experiences.
- Academic calendar 2017. Academics may apply for funding to be spent on developing resources or activities for use by students in the orientation weeks or week 1, replacement of mid-semester exams with authentic assessments or similar activities that support improvements to subjects for the balanced teaching period calendar.
Applications must be submitted by or before Friday 24 February 2017, 10am.
Guidelines and application form
Guidelines for both types of grants are here.
learning.futures grants application form is here.
Video/screencast grants application form is here.