The Learning2014 focus of the 2014 VC’s Learning and Teaching Grant scheme builds on the work undertaken by the 2013 grant recipients and the Learning2014 Fellows to promote innovation in learning.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Teaching, Learning and Equity) Professor Shirley Alexander announced the following successful grants for 2014:
Grant recipient |
Grant Project |
Faculty |
Anufriev, Mikhail |
Enhancing Students' engagement and facilitating their active learning in a core Economics Major subject, Economics for Business 2, by developing and introducing flipped learning tools. |
Business |
Baur, Dirk |
Flipped Classroom - the transition from a teacher-centred lecture design to a student-centred collaborative learning environment |
Business |
Bedford, David |
A flipped approach to collaborative problem-based learning in cost accounting |
Business |
Van de Venter, Gerhard, and Cotton, Deborah and Ferris, Gregory (FASS) |
Pre-requisites to efficient traditional and flipped classroom approaches to learning |
Business |
Kinniburgh, Joanne |
Building Resilience: De-Mystifying the Architecture Critique |
Browitt, Jeff |
Tutorial structure and dynamics in a flipped humanities classroom |
Jakubowicz, Andrew |
Flipped Learning in Transnational Media (TNM): integrating Captivate and Youtube to improve the quality of student learning |
Price, Jenna |
Making Reading Social |
Price, Jenna |
Speak Up |
Sheldon, Elena |
Genre and advanced-ness in language teaching at tertiary level: The Case of Spanish |
Vanni, Ilaria |
Developing collaborative practices for inquiry-based learning in the creative and cultural industries |
Watson, Virginia |
Research led teaching and flipped learning: the first year student experience in a high enrolment subject |
Jia, Wenjing, and Hendriks, Max |
Developing interactive learning materials to engage students with self-directed learning in core networking subjects |
Li, Jianchun |
Piloting Blended Learning Design utilising Flipped Learning for a large class size of Engineering subject |
Su, Stephen |
Developing Remote Modern Plant Simulators: making industrial training at university possible |
Brown, Nicola |
Development of the Bachelor of Nursing graduate attribute in communication: Using assessment to develop confidence in clinical handover and peer feedback |
Health |
Catling, Chrstine |
SIM Week: Preparing first year midwifery students for the clinical workplace |
Health |
Cummins, Allison |
One Touch Midwifery - Smart phone application |
Health |
Disler, Rebecca |
Designing strategies to improve transition and confidence in the academic and clinical settings within the UPASS environment |
Health |
Orr, Fiona |
"Making it Real": incorporating flipped learning and the active involvement of mental health consumers to enhance therapeutic communication skills for final year nursing students |
Health |
Baker, Anthony |
Open Educational Resources for Learning Chemistry Skills |
Science |
Bush, Stephen |
Making the Flip: Integrating flipped learning activities into the Mathematics curriculum |
Science |
Davila, Yvonne |
Developing academic integrity and literacy in an online world: an embedded, flipped and interactive approach to scientific writing |
Science |
Nield, Blair |
Resource development for biology key learning concepts: using flipped learning to enrich student learning and improve knowledge retention |
Science |
Schulte, Jurgen |
Large lecture rooms as collaborative learning environments using peer learning, flipped learning and collaborative technologies |
Science |