Nomination for National and State Awards
UTS Award winners and short-listed nominees may be considered for nomination by UTS to national awards schemes such as Awards for Australian University Teaching (AAUT). The following are the UTS AAUT recipients.
2023 National Award Winners
We had two citation awards for outstanding contributions to student learning in 2023:
Building leaders of tomorrow: inspiring clinical excellence in physiotherapy students through authentic and active learning experiences - Dr Anthony Nasser (Faculty of Health)
Future-proofing our forensic science professionals - Dr Scott Chadwick, Dr Marie Morelato, Dr Sebastian More, Professor Claude Roux, and Associate Professor Xanthe Spindler (Faculty of Science)
2022 National Award Winners
Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning - Student experience that supports diversity and inclusive practices - Dr Rosalie Goldsmith, Associate Professor Caroline Havery, Neil James, Dr Emily Edwards, Dr Deborah Nixon, Joseph Yeo (Institute for Interactive Media and Learning)
Citation for outstanding contributions to student learning - Event Creation Lab - Associate Professor Carmel Foley and Meg Hibbins (UTS Business School and Jumbunna)
Citation for outstanding contributions to student learning - Virtual Empathy Museum - Dr Jacqui Pich, Professor Tracy Levett-Jones, Ms Natalie Govind, Dr Samantha Jakimowicz, Dr Fiona Orr, Ms Sue Dean, Professor Michelle Kelly and Professor Jane Maguire (Faculty of Health)
2021 National Award Winners
Citation for outstanding contributions to student learning - Dr Susane Pratt, Dr Giedre Kligyte and Claire Marshall (TD School)
Citation for outstanding contributions to student learning - Raechel Wight (UTS Business School)
2020 National Award Winners
Award for teaching excellence - Dr Amanda White (UTS Business School)
2019 National Award Winners
Neville Bonner Award for Indigenous Education - Professor Susan Page, Professor Michelle Trudgett and Associate Professor Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews (Centre for the Advancement of Indigenous Knowledges (CAIK)