UTS is home to close to 4,000 staff and 45,000 students. This means in joining UTS, you’re bound to come across a host of systems and resources across the university. To help, we've summarised just some of the systems and resources that will help you in your day-to-day.
UTS Staff have access to a SharePoint portal that provides extensive information about getting started at UTS. This includes information about getting set up, information about your pay, key UTS systems and health and wellbeing. It also links you to a number of key sites that will help you do your work.
Educational and technological
- LX (Learner Experience) at UTS: the online space for the UTS learning and teaching community. It includes LX Resources, the LX blog and learning and teaching events. You can also drop in at the LX.lab for face-to-face support with your teaching - Building 6, Level 4 - just over the pedestrian bridge from Building 1.
- UTS Library: The UTS Library offers a range of research and in-class tools and support, as well as free access to online tutorials in LinkedIn Learning
- Connected Intelligence Centre: CIC is a strategic innovation centre working in close partnership with faculties and business units, providing UTS with research-based data science tools and expertise. CIC expertise, coupled with our strategic internal and external relationships, build the capacity of UTS to uncover new insights through data science techniques and analytics tools.
- Audio-visual and IT Support Centre: Having tech issues in the classroom? Log a request at serviceconnect.uts.edu.au. If it’s urgent call 9514 2222 (9am-5pm).
- Room bookings: Need to book a room? Log-in with your staff number and password to book a space or explore availability.
- Room maintenance and cleaning: If you notice a maintenance or cleaning issue that needs attention in one of your classrooms, please contact Building Maintenance (9514 7477) or Cleaning (9514 1013)
- Audiovisual and IT Support Centre: Having tech issues in the classroom? Log a request at serviceconnect.uts.edu.au. If it’s urgent call 9514 2222 (9am-5pm).
- Security, first aid and incident reporting: When things go wrong, we're here to help. For Security dial 6 from any internal phone, or 1800 249 559 from mobile phones.
Student support
- Student support services: We offer a range of support - academic, health and wellbeing, financial - for your students. Please familiarise yourself with what's on offer and who you can go to for help.
- HELPS English Language support: Higher Education Language and Presentation Support (HELPS) provides free non-credited English language and academic literacy support to UTS undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students. HELPS offer a broad range of online and in-person support. The UTS LIbrary also offer resources for academic English Language help.
- U:PASS: A free student learning program designed to assist students who are studying subjects that are perceived as difficult or that historically have a high failure rate. Students are tutored by past students who have performed well academically in these difficult subjects.