The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Teaching, Learning and Equity) Professor Shirley Alexander announces the following successful Vice-Chancellor's Learning and Teaching Small Grants for 2013:
Flipped Learning approaches
Tracey Booth, Faculty of Law
Embedding Legal Skills: Using on-line learning to prepare for face-to-face interaction in a core first year subject.
Development of podcasts, identification of online resources, design of complementary interactive f2f activities
Keywords: Flipped, podcasts, Law
Jeff Browitt, Paul Allatson, FASS
Testing the flipped learning model in a BA International Studies core subject - Contemporary Latin(o) Americas.
Recording of 7 lectures and editing into mini-lectures. Identification/ development of additional study materials
Keywords: Flipped, lectures, OER, International Studies
Simon Darcy, Business
Integrative Engagement and the Venue Business: wicked problems, industry based technology and redesigning the curriculum for the new learning environments
Redesign subject to highlight its trans-disciplinary nature, embed design thinking, and include flipped approaches to learning.
Keywords: Flipped, design thinking, transdisciplinary, Business
Sue Dean, Health
Talk to Them - A Pilot Audio Visual Online Resource to Develop Students' Therapeutic Interviewing Skills
Development of online resources for out-of-class use in transdisciplinary learning.
Keywords: Flipped, video, transdisciplinary, communication, Health
Tony George, Science
Assessment Tracking of MCQ Real Time Interactive Learning
Development of MCQs for online Peer-to-peer resolution prior to class where they will be solved and explained.
Keywords: Flipped, MCQ, Science
Catherine Gorrie, Science
Virtual Microscopy for Teaching Histology and Biomedical Sciences
Development of the virtual microscope will allow students to review processes and techniques prior to the face-to-face class
Keywords: Flipped, laboratory, Science
Bronwyn Holland, FEIT
Creating a Blended Learning Environment for 48210 Interrogating Technology: Sustainability, Environment and Social Change, including use of new interactive technologies and UTS collaborative Learning Environments
Compilation of interactive resources to be used as online preparation for intensive block-mode courses
Keywords: Flipped, block mode, Engineering
Tamara Power, Health
Flipped onto their Feet: Online audio-visual resources to facilitate student engagement with simulation and optimise the time they spend in the new Faculty of Health laboratory learning spaces
Development of online patient vignettes to more effectively prepare students for laboratory sessions and promote student learning.
Keywords: Flipped, simulation, laboratory, Science
Anne Prescott, FASS
New Approaches to Developing and Applying Content Knowledge in mathematics and science teacher education
Identification of Open education Resources (OERs) and design of complementary collaborative face-to-face activities
Keywords: Flipped, OER, Education
Sophie Riley, Law
Teaching Beyond the Comfort Zone: Flipped Lessons, Blended Learning and Student Led Scholarship
Support for student-developed online learning materials
Keywords: Flipped, student-developed cases, Law
Shankar Sankaran, DAB
Developing Technology Assisted Multidisciplinary (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) learning strategies for 2014
Support for the creation of multi-disciplinary learning materials for use in transdisciplinary classes
Keywords: Flipped, multi-disciplinary collaboration and strategies
Keiko Yasukawa, FASS
Pilot Cross Platform Application for Maths for Numeracy Teachers
Development of a range of resources for use on mobile devices.
Keywords: Flipped, mobile learning resources, Maths Education
Inquiry-based learning approaches
Hui Chen, Science
The use of simulation as a novel experiential learning module in science education
Development of simulation scenarios for use in 1st year Anatomy & Physiology
Keywords: Inquiry, simulations, Science
Peter Meier, Alison Beavis, Andrea Leigh and Les Kirkup, Science
Collaborative Learning in a Super Lab
Development of strategies for learning and teaching in collaborative laboratories equipped with advanced audio-visual technologies
Keywords: Inquiry, collaborative laboratories, Science
Graduate attributes
Rebecca Disler, Health
Modelling Clinical Behaviour: Developing student nurses' ability to understand and provide clinical handover using multimedia teaching platforms.
Development of multimedia resources to facilitate development of communication skills.
Keywords: Graduate attributes, communication skills, Health
Student experience
Joanne Kinniburgh, DAB and Georgina Barratt-See, Student Services Unit
Peer Tutoring in Architecture: A Sustainable Model for Creative Disciplines
Expand and formalise peer learning opportunities
Keywords: Peer learning, Architecture
Stephen Woodcock, Science
Slipping Between the Cracks? Maximising the Effectiveness of Prerequisite Paths
Development of an early-warning system to identify students at risk of failing in subjects that are pre-requisites, and recommending online support materials.
Keywords: Feedback, online resources, Science
Staff development
Julia Prior, FEIT
Educating academics for the collaborative teaching and learning environment
Development of staff capacity to work in a Learning2014 environment including accessing OER and using technology effectively
Keywords: Flipped, OER, Engineering
Joanne Jakovich, DAB
UTS ICQL: Positioning UTS as an Innovator in Collaborative and Creative Intelligence in Learning
Development of cases of collaborative and creative learning as Internet and social media resources for staff
Keywords: Innovative teaching methods, social media and Internet resources