We’ve invested heavily in our campus to create an interconnected, technology-driven campus of the future. The result? Award-winning facilities that support the latest innovations in teaching and learning.

FASS facilities and equipment
Our world-class Communication facilities
When you study a Communication degree in Animation Production, Music and Sound Design, Media Arts and Production and/or Journalism at UTS, we make cutting-edge equipment and facilities available to you as a student.
Video: UTS Communication Facilities Tour

UTS Communication Facilities Tour
I'm currently at the mezzanine lab where communication students have daily access to the full Adobe Creative Cloud suite as well as other industry standard software for film audio and animation. And because of that, it gives students the freedom to work on their projects when it best suits them. This lab is also a great collaborative space for students to work together on their projects and pitch ideas with their peers, creating invaluable teamwork experience. If you're looking for a practical approach to hands-on learning then you'll find it here at UTS.
This is the Bon Marche studio where media arts and production students in their final year have access to a huge green-screen for their major projects, a lighting and sound desk and an HD projector for their film screenings. This theater also comes with a state-of-the-art surround sound system allowing students to showcase their work in a cinema standard venue. Our music and sound design and media arts and production students have access to current technologies combining both digital and analog equipment, preparing them for a wide range of creative industry practices. All control rooms are connected to the studio spaces that can accommodate ensembles of up to 40 performers.
The studio also allows for ADR and Foley recording. Each control room is resourced with an SSL matrix console and top and generic loudspeakers for monitoring. This is the equipment store which provides students with access to over 1,500 pieces of equipment giving them the opportunity to customize their practice for their future. The equipment ranges from microphones, recorders, lighting, high quality DSLRs as well as industry standard cinema cameras such as the Blackmagic Ursa Pro.
At the Journalism lab, journalism students can gain hands-on experience in a dynamic digital newsroom, working on a new custom designed website, centralnews.com.au. The aim is to give students the competence and skills to be job ready, as well as to create great stories to add to their portfolios. Our final stop in the communication facilities is here in the animation suites where final year communication students can exercise their interest in digital media. Find out more at fasslane.uts.edu.au
Animation Computing Lab and Animation Hub
The Animation Computing Lab features high-end Macs, running industry-standard applications for 3D and 2D Animation, DVD and video production, web and multimedia design and more. It is connected to a world-class renderfarm of several hundred CPUs for 3D rendering and compositing, all running on a high-speed network. Software as standard includes: Maya, Harmony, Aftereffects, Nuke and Final Cut Pro.
The Animation Hub provides all the facilities necessary for postgraduate and undergraduate animation. The Faculty's Motion Capture studio is an industry standard facility, allowing students to use the same world-class system as leading animation production companies.
The Animation Computing Lab and Animation Hub are shared with the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building.
Our custom-built Education facilities
If you are thinking of studying an Education degree, check out our custom-built facilities and classrooms which are designed to assist you to make use of the latest technology to teach your future students.
Video: UTS Education Facilities Tour

UTS Education Facilities Tour
You can choose to study primary or secondary education at UTS. Our custom-built facilities are designed to help you learn how to best teach these students using the latest technology. You'll be assigned to one of over 400 schools in your first semester and complete at least 88 days of practice throughout your course. Our experimental learning studio is a flexible teaching space that allows students to learn and teach in an unconventional classroom. This equips students to teach in different and modern environments when they step out into the workforce.
We are now in our science lab which simulates a range of equipment and materials that are used in high schools. In this lab you'll get to not only learn and practice the principles of teaching science to high school students but you'll also get to do some really cool experiments.
If art is what you're into then you'll be using this studio a lot. This space facilitates for creative learning in different forms of visual arts so that you can take those skills to the classroom. In here students get to create paintings, ceramics, drawings and digital art in this fully equipped art studio. We're now in our music and performance studio where students studying a music or dance subject learn how to teach primary students. They also get to use the wide range of musical instruments seen here to extend their musical knowledge. Find out more at fasslane.uts.edu.au