Strategic Communication is a field and a study area
an area of professional practice that primarily deals with professional communicators
to produce compelling, purposeful, high-impact messaging.
We have been teaching Strategic Communication for a long time,
and the teaching team is almost exclusively made up of researchers and academics who
are either still active in industry or have to develop
extremely strong connections and networks with industry persons.
We embed a lot of professional practice and skills development,
teaching our students to apply their skills
across a range of media for a diversity of stakeholders.
I think the course content is really practical.
You can try to create some strategies for the brands you like, and for most of the course content,
it's most likely related to the current issues that are worldwide or
in Australian society.
So Strategic Communication deals primarily with two really broad areas - Advertising and Public Relations.
So those two professional areas, if you like, are close friends, but they are quite different.
But what we do is immerse our students in the skills development and the knowledge required
of practitioners in advertising and in PR,
and all those in-between areas - marketing media, events management and planning
So really it's got to do with skills
that will allow you to produce effective high-impact messages.
I think the course in UTS, they are actually trying to gear you up
and give you the image or the knowledge about what public relations is.
And from there, they will deliver the message to you like
what kind of the job content and the job tasks
public relations specialists would need to handle.
UTS will build up your skills of how to write better and will train your presentation skills like
how you should present yourself or your own brand with confidence.
We develop those skills
for our students to be able to work with clients,
work in a collaborative setting.
Throughout their degree or their time with us,
they gradually build up that that skills base.