The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) regulates publishing on the UTS website through its Publishing on the UTS Website Policy. The conditions that must be observed, relating to currency and accuracy of information and relevant legal requirements, are defined by the policy.
Subject to compliance with the policy, UTS also permits staff, students and associated entities and organisations to publish information on the UTS website. This service is only provided as a support to the UTS community and, as such, UTS is not responsible for the views or the accuracy of the information expressed on these sites.
The UTS website may occasionally include links to reference information published on external sites. These links are provided for convenience, and should not be taken as an indication that UTS endorses or is responsible for the information or views published on these sites.
To the maximum extent permitted by law UTS excludes all liability for any loss or injury arising out of, or related to, the use, inability to use, authorised use, performance, or non-performance of sites on the UTS website however caused, including by negligence.
Persons intending to act on information published on the UTS website should be aware that information on our website is subject to change without notice. Where the information sought relates to courses or subjects and their availability, or to fees or policy, users should confirm that the information is current by contacting the area within the university that has published the information.