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What is a Research Masters?

A Research Masters – also known as Masters by Research – is a research degree where you undertake research with support of your supervisors.

As a Research Masters student, you’ll produce an original piece of research and develop a wealth of skills relevant to both industry and academic career paths.

Three undergraduate female students talk on tables near Alumni Green, smiling and casual

The research you conduct will be closely supervised and might even be part of a bigger project led by your supervisor. 

It is shorter than a PhD and focuses on deepening your existing expertise and interests in a specific discipline area. It might even answer one specific question you’ve had but can’t find the answer to.

When Matthew Bolton couldn’t find the answers he was seeking, he worked them out himself during his Research Masters degree. Read his story

Degree structure

Standard duration: 2 years (full-time) or 4 years (part-time)

After graduation: You’ll hold a master’s degree and have the option to further specialise with a PhD.

Outputs: Your project deliverables will be agreed with your supervisors and faculties. It doesn’t need to be a thesis, it could include a variety of tangible deliverables like a patent, algorithm, policy proposal or enterprise.

Open to: Domestic and international students who meet eligibility requirements

You may be able to transfer into a PhD during your Research Masters program. Talk to the Graduate Research School for more information.

About you

You may be interested in a Research Masters if you are looking to:

  • specialise further in your existing field
  • learn high-level research skills with close supervision, or
  • take the first step towards an academic career.

Browse by course area

Depending on your research interests, you'll have a home course area, but you'll also have access to subjects, experts and facilities from across UTS to support your research topic.

Other research degrees

f you’re looking for a deeper research experience, consider undertaking a PhD.