Offer acceptance and enrolment processes are different for domestic and international students.
Before you enrol
You’ll need to activate your UTS email account. Start by setting up multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Domestic students
As a domestic student, you can acceptance your offer and then complete your enrolment on MyStudentAdmin which is an online UTS student system.
Please note: Before you enrol, you’ll need to activate your UTS email account, set up your multi-factor authentication (MFA), and accept your offer.
Which subjects should I enrol in?
Refer to your offer for your study plan which indicates the course information including subjects you will need to enrol. Discuss with your supervisor to agree on your candidature start date. To complete the enrolment process, you will need to enrol in your thesis subject. If your degree includes compulsory coursework subjects (as outlined in your Letter of Offer), you can also enrol in these at the same time.
If you have trouble enrolling in your coursework subjects, contact us so we can complete this process for you.
How to enrol
Log in to MyStudentAdmin and click on ‘Subjects’ on the top of the page. Complete steps 1-5. In Step 5: ‘Enrol in Subjects’:
- Click on ‘Enrol in Subjects’ at the bottom of the screen.
- Read and acknowledge the Student Declaration. Click ‘Submit’.
- Review your degree title (Master of Research or Doctor of Philosophy), thesis subject, and a list of coursework subjects (if any). Click the ‘Enrol’ box in the top right-hand corner of your thesis subject, and any available coursework subjects.
- Choose the current session as shown on your Letter of Offer in which you will commence your studies.
- Click ‘Confirm Enrolment’.
Information on start dates
Your course start date is the day your UTS research candidature begins. If you complete your acceptance and enrolment processes prior to the first day of the session in which you will commence your studies, the system will automatically show your start date as being:
- 1 January of your commencement year if you’re beginning in Research session 1;
- 1 July of your commencement year if you’re beginning in Research session 2.
After the first day of the session, you can complete the offer acceptance and enrolment process online on the actual start date you agreed with your supervisor. The system will record that day as your course start date for when your candidature begins.
*If you have coursework subjects in your study plan, you may need to commence before the coursework Census date for Main Calendar for that session.
International students
If you are a commencing international graduate research student, you must meet the following conditions:
- Hold an appropriate student visa allowing for study for the full duration of your course; AND
- Be on campus.
Definitions and interpretation
Start date
Your course start date is the day your UTS research candidature begins. If you complete your acceptance and enrolment processes prior to the first day of the session in which you will commence your studies, the system will automatically show your start date as being:
- 1 January of your commencement year if you’re beginning in Research session 1
- 1 July of your commencement year if you’re beginning in Research session 2
After the first day of the session, you can complete the offer acceptance and enrolment process online on the actual start date you agreed with your supervisor. The system will record that day as your course start date for when your candidature begins.
*If you have coursework subjects in your study plan, you may need to commence before the coursework Census date for Main Calendar for that session.
Research session | start | end* |
Research Session 1 (RS1) | 1 January | Enrolment is up to 31 May if you only have a thesis subject in your study plan. *If you have coursework subjects in your study plan, you may need to commence before the coursework Census date for Main Calendar for that session. |
Research Session 2 (RS2) | 1 July | Enrolment is up to 30 November if you only have a thesis subject in your study plan. *If you have coursework subjects in your study plan, you may need to commence before the coursework Census date for Main Calendar for that session. |
Census date
The census date is the final date you can withdraw from a subject or course without financial and academic penalty. It applies to both thesis and coursework subjects, but on different dates. Please refer to the UTS Census Date web page for further information.
Expected Work Submission (EWS) Date
The EWS date is the final date students must submit their thesis for examination. For more information please refer to the Graduate Research Candidature Management, Thesis Preparation and Submission Procedures.
If you have received a scholarship offer from UTS, please refer to your Scholarship Offer on how to accept your scholarships. Once you accept your scholarship offer, your scholarship status will change from “Offered” to “Pending Bestowal”. We will activate your scholarship once we confirm:
- You are onshore in Australia.
- Have entered your active Australian Bank Account Details in your name under the “Scholarships” tab in MyStudentAdmin.
You will receive a confirmation email with important details of your scholarship(s) to your UTS student email once this happens. Please note that scholarships are paid fortnightly on Thursdays. If you miss the cut off for the nearest payment date, your scholarship will be paid in the next available pay cycle and on a fortnightly basis.
get started
- Read through the HDR Induction Checklist
- Set up an initial meeting with your supervisor
- Contact your faculty research office to secure access to study spaces, labs, etc, and for the calendar of scholarly activities
- Register for GRS’s HDR Induction or watch the replay
- Explore the variety of events, programs, and opportunities available to you to support your journey as a researcher