Within the first week of enrolling at UTS, you should organise to meet with your supervisor. The first meeting is an important process in establishing the supervisor-student relationship and talking through your respective expectations, roles and responsibilities as they relate to your research candidature.
Some things to discuss in the first meeting include:
- how often you and your supervisor will meet and how the meetings will be conducted (e.g. in-person/telephone/Skype/Zoom)
- whether you will meet with all your supervisors together, or with each supervisor separately
- who will initiate the contact (and meeting requests)
- who will keep notes of the meetings
- time frames for receiving feedback
Develop a Graduate Research Study Plan
You will also need to develop a Graduate Research Study Plan (GRSP) within these first two weeks. A GRSP is a structured agreement between you and your supervisor that articulates the resources, knowledge and skills development you need to produce your research output, as well as the capabilities you'll use to develop your career.
An initial GRSP conversation should begin with an assessment of the skills that you possess and the skills you need to progress your research and career, using the HDR Capability Framework as a guideline. (Here are some suggestions on engaging with the GRSP and examples of appropriate goals and development activities.)
You’ll revisit the GRSP at each stage of your candidature to ensure that it remains an accurate reflection of your research aspirations. For additional information, please visit the Graduate research journey.