1. Introduction
This protocol outlines the requirements for the registration of graduate research student supervisors at UTS.
Supervisory roles, composition of supervisory panels, and expectations of graduate research students and supervisors are defined in the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy.
2. Related documents
- Graduate Research and Supervision Policy
- Student and Related Rules, Section 11 — Graduate Research Study
3. Categories of registration
There are five categories of registration as graduate research supervisor:
Category 1
- Can undertake all principal or co- supervisory roles for Masters Degree (Research) or Doctoral candidates
Category 2
- Can undertake principal supervisor role for Masters Degree (Research) candidates
- Can undertake principal supervisor role for Doctoral candidates so long as a Category 1 supervisor is on the panel
- Can undertake co-supervisor roles for Masters Degree (Research) or Doctoral candidates
- If on a limited-term appointment with the University, can undertake principal supervision roles so long as the term of appointment covers the duration of an individual graduate research student's candidature
Category 3
- Can undertake assistant supervision roles
Category 4 and 5
- Can undertake external supervision roles
4. Criteria for registration
4.1 To be admitted into the Graduate Research Supervision Register, a person must satisfy all of the following criteria for the relevant category:
Category 1
- A UTS academic staff member, or holds a UTS honorary appointment or emeritus professorship with a defined responsibility for graduate research supervision
- Be able to provide sustained commitment required to support the research candidate for the length of the candidature
- Holds a doctoral qualification
- Demonstrates current and active involvement in research appropriate to their field of study as determined by their nominating faculty
- Participates in supervisor training requirements defined by the University
- Able to fulfil the roles and responsibilities in accordance with the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy
- Track record of successful research degree supervision (i.e., timely student progression and completion) or successful completion of the UTS Accelerated Supervisor Accreditation Program (yet to be implemented)
Category 2
- A UTS academic staff member, or holds a UTS honorary appointment or emeritus professorship with a defined responsibility for graduate research supervision
- Be able to provide sustained commitment required to support the research candidate for the length of the candidature
- Holds a qualification at least equivalent to the person seeking to supervise
- Demonstrates current and active involvement in research appropriate to their field of study as determined by their nominating faculty
- Participates in supervisor training requirements defined by the University
- Able to fulfil the roles and responsibilities in accordance with the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy
Category 3
- A UTS professional staff member
- Holds a doctoral qualification
- Demonstrates expertise and experience in an area related to the topic of study as determined by their nominating faculty
- Participates in supervisor training requirements defined by the University
- Able to fulfil the roles and responsibilities in accordance with the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy
Category 4
- An academic staff member of a university or research institute, not an employee of UTS
- Demonstrates current and active involvement in research appropriate to their field of study as determined by their nominating faculty
- Participates in supervisor training requirements defined by the University
- Able to fulfil the roles and responsibilities in accordance with the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy
Category 5
- An employee or representative of a private sector, public sector, non-government or community organisation
- Demonstrates expertise and experience in an area related to the topic of study as determined by their nominating faculty
- Participates in supervisor training requirements defined by the University
- Able to fulfil the roles and responsibilities in accordance with the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy
4.2. In disciplines where research degrees have not commonly been held, registration as a supervisor may be approved upon demonstration of an equivalent research record. Such equivalence should be to the satisfaction of the dean of the faculty and the Dean of the Graduate Research School.
4.3. In all instances, registration as a supervisor is at the discretion of the faculty and the Dean of the Graduate Research School.
5. Supervisor training and professional development
The University provides ongoing training and professional development activities for graduate research supervisors. These activities are organised by the Graduate Research School and by faculties.
5.1. To be admitted to the register, new and established graduate research supervisors must complete the online mandatory module “Graduate Research Supervision at UTS” within the first six months after seeking registration.
5.2. Registered supervisors are expected to continue developing their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to the satisfaction of the Responsible Academic Officer of their faculty. Failure to do so may result in removal from the register.
6. Term of Registration
Registration for Categories 1, 2, and 3 is valid for the duration of the supervisor’s employment at UTS. Registration for Category 4 and 5 will be for a period of five years and may be renewed. Initial applications must be recommended by the faculty and approved by the Dean, Graduate Research School. Requests for renewal must have the approval of the faculty.
Notwithstanding these conditions, registration may be reviewed at any time when requested by the dean of a faculty or the Dean of the Graduate Research School.
Appeals may be lodged against decisions of the Graduate Research School. The grounds for appeal are that due process has not been followed.