All graduate research supervisors must be admitted to the Graduate Research School supervisor register before they start supervising research candidates.
A research supervisor has expertise in their chosen field and can mentor and support graduate researchers. We accept registrations from UTS and external supervisors from academic and non-academic backgrounds.

There’s a range of supervisor categories based on your expertise and education. Check your eligibility to supervise.
How to register
If this is your first application to be a research supervisor at UTS, your application will be recommended by the faculty and approved by the Dean, Graduate Research School.
To register, send the following documents to your faculty research office contact. A completed application form:
- for UTS staff and honorary appointments (PDF, 204KB)
- for external supervisors (PDF, 204KB)
- your current CV
After you are registered, you must complete the online module Graduate Research Supervision at UTS (login required), within the first six months.
A module for external supervisors is coming soon.

After you’re registered
If you’re a UTS staff member, once you have been formally registered as a supervisor, your UTS profile page will indicate that you can supervise research students. This will inform potential students in your research area that you are qualified to supervise.
Students may be able to find you through the UTS ‘Find a Supervisor search tool’. However, you are encouraged to also actively recruit qualified students through your networks.
Expectations & responsibilities
You’re expected to continue developing your knowledge, skills and capabilities to the satisfaction of the Responsible Academic Officer (RAO) of your faculty. Failure to do so may result in removal from the register.
GRS offers a number of workshops to strengthen your knowledge, skills, and tools in best supervisory practices. Your faculty will also offer others.
If you agree to supervise a student, you’ll form a supervisory panel in accordance with appropriate levels of expertise by category.
For information on the expectations and responsibilities for managing research as part of a graduate research program, view the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy.
If you’re a UTS staff member or hold an honorary position, your registration is valid for the duration of your employment at UTS.
If you’re external to UTS, you’ll be registered for five years. However, your registration can be renewed. The Graduate Research School is responsible for the renewal of expiring supervision registrations in consultation with your faculty.