UTS Council is the university's governing body.
Council's powers and functions include the control and management of UTS's activities and concerns. Its membership comprises official, appointed and elected members. Council may act in all matters in a manner that best promotes UTS objectives and interests.
Deborah Crook
Executive Officer to the UTS Council
telephone 02 9514 1240
email Deborah.Crook@uts.edu.au or Council@uts.edu.au
Council details
Council’s powers and functions derive from the University of Technology Sydney Act 1989 (NSW) and include the control and management of the university’s activities and concerns. Council may act in all matters in a manner that will best promote UTS objectives and interests.
The Vice-Chancellor (the university's chief executive officer) is accountable to Council for all of the university’s academic and administrative objectives, including leadership, internal and external relations, strategic planning, management review and audit, entrepreneurial development and giving policy advice to Council.
Council adheres to the UTS Act and By-law as well as the university’s General Rules, standing orders and the governance principles and arrangements outlined in the Governance Overview Handbook (PDF) (SharePoint).
Council roles
Council is chaired by the UTS Chancellor, who is elected by the Council. The role of the Chancellor is described in the Chancellor of UTS: Role Statement and Qualities and Skills Statement (outlined in the Governance Overview Handbook (PDF) (SharePoint)).
The University Secretary is responsible for facilitating the Council’s governance processes and providing guidance to the Chancellor and Council members on their responsibilities under the UTS Act, UTS By-law and the UTS Rules.
The Governance Support Unit (GSU) works with the University Secretary in facilitating the activities of Council and its committees. The Executive Officer to Council is a member of the corporate governance team in GSU.
UTS Council meets at least six times a year.
2025 meeting dates
Wednesday 19 February
Wednesday 16 April
Wednesday 18 June
Wednesday 13 August
Wednesday 15 October
Wednesday 26 November
Wednesday 10 December (reserve)
Time: meetings commence at 9am.
Council’s annual retreat is on Friday 14 March.
The Council dinner will be held on Wednesday 26 November.
2025 submission dates for reports to Council
Contact the Executive Officer for submission details.
The quorum at any meeting of Council shall consist of a majority of the total number of members for the time being of Council. Further requirements are contained within the Standing Orders for UTS Council.
Composition and membership
Council has three official members, 12 appointed members and five elected members.
Official members are the UTS Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Chair of Academic Board.
Appointed members are external appointments made by the Minister (two members) and by Council (10 members).
As far as practicable, appointed members are representative of people with senior experience in the fields of education, technology, research or innovation, business or industry who are likely to contribute to the university’s cultural diversity, and have other qualifications and experience as Council thinks appropriate.
At least one appointed external member must be a UTS graduate.
Elected members comprise two academic staff members, one professional staff member, one postgraduate student and one undergraduate student.
The UTS Chancellor, who is elected by the Council, is Council’s chair. The Deputy Chancellor is elected by and from Council members.
Council elections are conducted in line with the UTS Act, By-law and General Rules.
Current membership is available at Council members.
Standing orders
Meeting reports
UTS Council meeting reports containing non-confidential matters are available here. For further information about matters contained in these reports, contact the Executive Officer.
UTS Council meeting report 24/6 (PDF) 27 November 2024
UTS Council meeting report 24/5 (PDF) 16 October 2024
UTS Council meeting report 24/4 (PDF) 14 August 2024
UTS Council meeting report 24/3 (PDF) 19 June 2024
UTS Council meeting report 24/2 (PDF) 17 April 2024
UTS Council meeting report 24/1 (PDF) 14 February 2024
UTS Council meeting report 23/6 (PDF) 29 November 2023
UTS Council meeting report 23/5 (PDF) 11 October 2023
UTS Council meeting report 23/4 (PDF) 16 August 2023
UTS Council meeting report 23/3 (PDF) 21 June 2023
UTS Council meeting report 23/2 (PDF) 19 April 2023
UTS Council meeting report 23/1 (PDF) 15 February 2023
UTS Council meeting report 22/6 (PDF) 30 November 2022
UTS Council meeting report 22/5 (PDF) 19 October 2022
UTS Council meeting report 22/4 (PDF) 17 August 2022
UTS Council meeting report 22/3 (PDF) 15 June 2022
UTS Council meeting report 22/2 (PDF) 13 April 2022
UTS Council meeting report 22/1 (PDF) 16 February 2022
UTS Council meeting report 21/6 (PDF) 24 November 2021
UTS Council meeting report 21/5 (PDF) 20 October 2021
UTS Council meeting report 21/4 (PDF) 18 August 2021
UTS Council meeting report 21/3 (PDF) 16 June 2021
UTS Council meeting report 21/2 (PDF) 14 April 2021
UTS Council meeting report 21/1 (PDF) 17 February 2021
UTS Council meeting report 20/6 (PDF) 25 November 2020
UTS Council meeting report 20/5 (PDF) 21 October 2020
UTS Council meeting report 20/4 (PDF) 19 August 2020
UTS Council meeting report 20/3 (PDF) 17 June 2020
UTS Council meeting report 20/2 (PDF) 15 April 2020
UTS Council meeting report 20/1 (PDF) 18 February 2020
The UTS Council Charter (PDF) provides a summary of the functions outlined in Part 4 of the UTS Act.
Within its prescribed functions, Council is responsible for the oversight of all university risks including strategic risks identified in the UTS Council Committees Risk Oversight Responsibilities Framework.
Section 17 of the UTS Act provides that Council may, by resolution, delegate all or any of its functions (except the power of delegation).
Without limiting the effect of the functions outlined in Part 4 of the UTS Act, Council is to:
- monitor the performance of the Vice-Chancellor
- oversee the university's performance
- oversee the academic activities of the university
- approve the university's mission, strategic direction, annual budget and business plan
- oversee risk management and risk assessment across the university (including, if necessary, taking reasonable steps to obtain independent audit reports of entities in which the university has an interest but which it does not control or with which it has entered into a joint venture)
- without limiting paragraph e), to enter into or participate in arrangements or transactions, or combinations of arrangements or transactions, to effect financial adjustments for the management of financial risks
- approve and monitor systems of control and accountability for the university (including in relation to controlled entities within the meaning of section 16A)
- approve significant university commercial activities (within the meaning of section 21A)
- establish policies and procedural principles for the university consistent with legal requirements and community expectations
- ensure that the university's grievance procedures, and information concerning any rights of appeal or review conferred by or under any Act, are published in a form that is readily accessible to the public
- regularly review its own performance (in light of its functions and obligations imposed by or under this or any other Act), and
- adopt a statement of its primary responsibilities
- make available for members of the Council a program of induction and of development relevant to their role as such a member.
Council will review its performance annually against the charter.