In New South Wales, the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (the GIPA Act) replaced the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (NSW) on 1 July 2010.
The GIPA Act:
- requires UTS to release specific types of information online
- encourages proactive release of other information held by UTS
- can provide an enforceable right for you to access information, except where there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.
Access to information is managed in accordance with the GIPA Act.
- Publicly available UTS information documents and provides access to public UTS information, including the UTS agency information guide, disclosure log and register of contracts
- Applying for access to information describes how to apply for access to information and explains how access applications are handled at UTS
- Applying for a review of a decision explains which access application decisions are 'reviewable decisions' under the GIPA Act, how decisions can be appealed and how reviews are handled
- Contacts provides contact details for the UTS Right to Information Contact Officer and other relevant UTS and non-UTS contacts.
For staff, further guidance on recordkeeping and GIPA is available at Records and archives hub (SharePoint).